
Glowing UFO Caught During Sunset In Houston, Texas On Aug 18, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 18, 2014
Location of sighting: Houston, Texas, USA

Email Report states:
I was scrolling through my instagram feed and noticed someone was just posting a picture of a sunset, but I noticed a UFO on the right side of the picture not being able to keep its cloak due to the sunset. I might be wrong but check it out. The date of the sighting as far as I know is 8/18/2014 in Houston, Texas

Glowing UFO caught during sunset in Cottonwood, CA On aug 10, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 10, 2014
Location of  sighting: Cottonwood, California, USA
This came in the email today and if you have seen this UFO in Cottonwood, CA, please let us know about it in comments below. At first I believed this to be a reflection, but the beam of light coming from the UFO says its not. This looks very similar to the UFO seen over China that closed an airport. SCW

Eyewitness email report states:
My Mom and I were headed home from Red Bluff Ca headed north on I-5. We were almost to the Bowman road exit at the time the photo was taken. My Mom asked me to take a picture of the sunset. It was Aug 10, 2014 around 8:30 p.m. After turning on to Bowman Rd. heading west, I saw a bright light in the sky, but quickly lost track of it. I noticed the dates said Aug 11 on the pictures that i took on the way home. The rest of the photos that I took earlier that day were dated Aug 10. I notice it while tranfering pics from phone to pc. I checked the phone and the pc, they both had the right date and time on them.

Glowing UFO At Space Station On Aug 21, 2014 , UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 21, 2014
Location of sighting: International Space Station

This UFO was seen yesterday and recorded by Streetcap1 of Youtube. The object is incredibly bright and easy to see. This object is seen using the live NASA public cam that NASA tried unsuccessfully to shut down two months ago. They don't want the public to have access so lately for every hour of video we see on the cam, there is one hour of blue screen. I guess this is how NASA tries to slowly shut the cam down again...bit by bit make more and more blue screen time till there is no cam anymore. As of now...blue screen takes up 45-50% of the cam time. SCW


Golden UFO Over Sacramento, California Two Days In A Row! Aug 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2014
Location of sighting: Sacramento, California, USA
 Click to enlarge photo
This golden UFO was seen this week not once, but twice by the same person. She is afraid to call it a UFO, out of fear of what people will think of her. So I will do it for her. It is a UFO. As I have said a many times...if you want to see a UFO, then look during sunset and your chances are the highest. The fact that she photographed it twice is proof that its a UFO and not a weather phenomenon. 

Let me explain. As light hits a cloaked object, it must bend around the UFO at 180 degrees, but during sunset the cloak will not function properly, because no the sun is at a 90 degree angle and the light is being directed 270 degrees, but it is designed to bend light only 180. Therefore UFOs are most vulnerable during sunset. SCW


Plankton Found Living In Space On ISS Solar Panels Says Russians, Aug 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2014
Location of discovery: International Space Station
Country to make discovery: Russia
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2728979/Never-mind-alien-life-SEA-PLANKTON-space-Creatures-living-surface-ISS-officials-say.html

As I have said may times before, life exists in space. Animals like in our oceans can adapt though mutations and grow, live and eat in space. An example of living creatures in space is during the NASA tether incident which was filmed in infrared video (Feb 25, 1996). It caught many living creatures of mass proportions...one of which broke the many miles of tether in orbit. SCW

News states:
Traces of plankton and other microorganisms have been found living on the exterior of the International Space Station (ISS), according to Russian space officials. They claim the plankton were not carried there at launch – but are thought to have been blown there by air currents on Earth. Incredibly, the tiny organisms were found to be able to survive in the vacuum of space despite the freezing temperatures, lack of oxygen and cosmic radiation. (more at source).

Glowing UFO Over Volcano Makes Hole In Cloud In Mexico, August 18, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 18, 2014
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl, Mexico
Source: http://www.webcamsdemexico.com/popocatepetl.html

I was looking though the archive of the Popocatepetl volcano and found a glowing object half way down from the volcanos mouth.  This object is flying and made up of 2-3 large orange orbs. Also there is a hole in the cloud where it came from with white streaks leading to the UFO. If you read the O'Hare Airport UFO investigation by MUFON, you will learn how many eyewitnesses describe the UFO shooting upward through the clouds, cutting a hole in the clouds. That is also what we see here. SCW


Buildings On Mars Google Map, August 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

 Notice the above screenshot has buildings and the shadow matches the buildings. This is 100% proof these structures on Mars are real.

Date of discovery: August 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
URL Source: http://www.google.com/mars/#lat=-2.253334&lon=-84.257239&zoom=10&map=infrared

I was looking over the on-line Google Mars map and found an area of interest. In this location the photo is color and not infrared, and also NASA has not edited this area of the map very well. There are a lot of structures near the shadows of mountains and along the tops of craters. These structures are so well lit up that we can see they are solid objects on the surface. 

One such crater with a structure on the side shows a shadow that matches the buildings. This particular crater is 100% proof that these buildings are actually there and not mistakes in the photo development process. I open the video with that crater, so you will see it right away if you are interested in it. 

Remember this is not the downloaded Google Mars map, but the on-line smaller version. You must hit the infrared button on the far upper right of the screen to see it. SCW

Feel free to use any post, photos, videos from this site for your own sites, articles or TV shows. This info belongs to the world. SCW