
UFO Enters Jet Contrail Over Amsterdam, October 12 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 12, 2014
Location of sighting: Amsterdam

This week a UFO was caught examining the contrail of a jet over Amsterdam. The UFO enters the trail and stops there for a few moments before moving on. As most have heard, aliens are interested in everything that flies, especially those things that cause pollution. This is one such case. SCW

Glowing UFOs Over Argentina On Sept 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 19, 2014
Location of sighting: Argentina
Source: http://www.inexplicata.blogspot.ca

Inexplicata states:
Martín photographed a series of blue lights moving randomly through the sky. "I think it's a UFO," he said. Read the article and draw your own conclusions.

Martín was strolling down Avenida Independencia, taking in his surroundings. When he reached Rawson, he stopped to look at a sign posted to a wall, because in the background, the steady glow of a set of lights illuminated it. This occurred on Friday (09.19.14) at around 20:00 hours.

"They moved at random," says the young man, startled at the vision, standing in the middle of the street looking fixedly at what seemed to be an unidentified flying object. Yes, a UFO. He immediately pulled a video camera out of his bag and recorded the unusual sight. He recorded the lights that moved "in a Z formation" for a little over two minutes, until he stopped recording. He also took a few photographs for good measure.

"When I watched the video back home I realized the flying object had blue lights, and from what I was able to find out, there are no commercial airliners with lights of that sort," Martín Malaspina explained to 0223. He also added: "The lights moved at random, not in a linear manner as aircraft or helicopters tend to travel."


Sitting Statue Discovered On Mars, Oct 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 2014
Location of discovery: Mars

WhatsUpInTheSky37 of Youtube states: 
The striking similarity between a human being and the being carved in statue imaged in latest Curiosity Rover downloads is just eerie! Rami Bar Ilan founder of the Exclusive Mars Images group hit another home run with this anomaly. I caught it immediately when I saw it come up in my facebook feed. Make sure you get this one and put it in your archives! Then please comment below and share with your friends as well as check out the groups below! Thank you to Rami Bar Ilan and Thomas Mikey Scroder Jenson for all the great finds! 

A New Take On The Face At Cydonia, Mars, Oct 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Location of face: Cydoni, Mars

Here the person has a new take on the 1st face ever discovered on Mars. He takes the current Google Mars map view of the face and takes half, then flips it to make a full face. Sure we all know the face at Cydonia, but this does give us some better detail in the photo, especially if you alter the contrast a bit. SCW

SpaceUvids of Youtube states: 
This video shows that the face on mars exist, at least the right side of the face. You can go to google mars. Copy the right side of the face, then duplicate it, flip it and join it and see how coincidentially a face is formed.


Glowing UFO Passes Space Station At +17,100 MPH On Live NASA Cam, Oct 11, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 11, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station

This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube.  He keeps a close eye on the International Space Station and was lucky enough to catch this glowing UFO as it was approaching the station. It stays in the line of video for almost a minute. Remember the space station is moving at 7.71 km per second. That translates into 27,600 km per hour or 17,100 mph. So that gives you some estimate at how fast this UFO was going for it to pass the space station. Hey, check out Streetcap1 Youtube site here. Cool videos and awesome UFO researcher. SCW

Cross in Circle Found On Mars By Opportunity NASA, Oct 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of photos:  7-12-2014 at 10:23 UTC
Mars Rover Name: Opportunity 
Location of discovery: Mars
Camera: Microscopic imager
Photo ID: Sol 3720 (5 photos)
NASA Source:

This unique formation was captured by the microscopic imager camera on the Opprotunity Rover. This little rover has out survived its mission and continued to do scientific research across Mars traveling a total of over 40km (25 miles). 

This microscopic image of a cross inside of a circle is unusual to say the least. It can be only one of three possible things. 

1st a tiny fossil creature. 
2nd a unique crystal formation. 
3rd micro technology

It may be a fossil of a micro creature, but the ring around it makes it unlikely. It has very few similarities to crystal, but again the ring causes me to rule that one out, however micro technology might be the most likely. Ancient tech, especially small would be very useful to regulate plants, animals and other ecosystems to create a controlled environment. Sure Mars is dry and barren, however NASA Chief Charles Bolden said in the UK this week that "Mars did have life on it and may still. Ancient micro tech would explain such an advanced world, far beyond our own. SCW


UFO Over Lorain County, Ohio On Oct 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 7, 2014  5:30 am
Location of sighting: Lorain County, Ohio, USA

This UFO is very fascinating. It is spinnig slowly whole holding its position in the sky. It looks to be changing shape, but I believe its an illusion due to its spinning and glowing areas along the craft. I only wish the eyewitness had moved closer to investigate. Great catch and 10 incredible minutes of proof. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
Recorded approx 530am, October 7th, 2014, this is NOT a star, or a house, this is an Unidentified Flying Object, you were not here to see what we have seen AND recorded, so don't be so quick to dismiss! We have seen ufos around this area 2 other times a few years back but we didn't have a camera to record those at the time, now we do!