
Wishing All Of You A Joyful Christmas!

It's Christmas day, and I want wish all of you a Merry Christmas. I hope all of you have a wonderful time with family and friends. Relax and have some fun. I also want to extend that out to all the intelligent species out there and here. You all have a good one. 

Here in Taiwan we have to work, my son went to school and had a smile on his face. I dressed up as Santa every day for the last three days and will do it again in a few hours for the kids in our ESL school. I have presents for each student before they go home that I will hand out. Its a lot of fun. SCW
 My son off to school as a herd of Santas sing and dance. 

UFO Over Bogota, Colombia On Dec 19, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Bogota, Colombia
Location of sighting: Dec 19, 2014
Source: http://www.inexplicata.blogspot.ca

1st off, of course a planetarium says its a balloon. Most planetariums around the world get funding from NASA. Also planetariums fear the repercussions of the scientific community if they say something is a UFO. Sure I see a line under this craft, but it does not look like a string or ribbon, nor could you see a string from such a distance.  Also reports from the eyewitnesses say it moved erratically. UFOs are intelligently controlled and often move that way. Balloons do not. Balloons move in straight lines with little or no deviation from their path. The line behind this object is a cloud like contrail. UFOs can and often do make clouds to hide inside and they make them fast. In under a minute with 100% covering. So this UFO has it turned on, just in case it believes its being watched. Many UFOs have been seen with smoky trials behind them. I myself witnessed 20+UFOs make four cloud tunnels in the sky back in Rapid City, SD. So yeah, I know what I'm talking about. SCW

Inexplicata states:
Source: La FM, Peru.com and Planeta UFO
Date: 12.19.2014

Colombia: The UFO Was a Balloon, Says Planetarium

BOGOTA. Dozens of people looked skyward for several minutes watching an object that flew around erratically in the vicinity of Bogotá, Colombia's Zona Rosa.
Those who thought they were seeing an unidentified flying object (UFO), and those who took an endless number of photographs of what they took to be an unusual phenomenon were disappointed after the Bogotá Planetarium reported its findings.

Given that the UFO subject became a trending topic on Twitter, the Planetario de Bogotá explained, through its Facebook account, that the alleged UFO was in fact a balloon. "A photo of the balloon mistaken for a UFO was taken using the 8-inch telescope at the Bogotá Planetarium on Friday afternoon, 12 December [2014]."

To confirm its pronouncement, it presented a photo of the object, credited to Mauricio Giraldo. The matter of the alleged UFO was promptly forgotten.

[Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO. Photo credit Mauricio Giraldo.]


Mothership Leaves Sun Causing Solar Explosion, Dec 24, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 24, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: http://helioviewer.org/

Was looking at the Helioviewer online and noticed this giant triangle UFO leaving our sun. It exit caused a massive solar explosion. I say in the video that the UFO is moon size, but in the lower left corner is the earths size...which is smaller than this mothership. I have a cold so sorry about my voice. SCW

UFO Ober Manchester, England On Nov 17, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of 1st sighting: November 17, 2014
Location of sighting: Manchester, England

Tercermilanio News States: 
On November 17, 2014 in Manchester, England John Hindley 35 observed a strange saucer-shaped object flew over the Pennines a mountainous formation in southern Scotland and northern England, analyse the images and compared this case with a photograph taken at the zoo Animaya in Merida, the December 4, 2014, where you can see an object of the same characteristics.


Cloaked Person Gets Hit By Cars, Vanishes On Security Camera In Malaysia, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of sighting: unknown posted Dec 22, 2014
Location of sighting: Malaysia 

This is interesting. Recently a shadow of a person moved in front of the moving car. The driver didn't see anything, but did hear it hit, but found nothing. Later the driver checks a security cam in the parking lot area and finds that the shadow was also caught on camera. 

Also curious is the fact that the person seems to rise up out of the road itself, as if they came from an underground base and didn't expect to be seen. 

Now since the driver didn't see this person, we know they were cloaked. A cloak can be seen with infrared light which the security camera uses to record at night. Infrared light is known for allowing people to see things the human eye cannot. IR is beyond the eyes abilities to see. This person is an alien with cloaking technology. They are not perfect. They were seen on camera and hit by the car. That means they make mistakes. It probably took off fast, but they are not gods, not angels or demons, but mortal creatures like you and I. SCW

Video states: The recording was captured by a security camera Malaysian government in the video is when a car is driven into a parking lot and there comes a time when dark matter wandering in the streets, in the form of human silhouette appears

Alien Figure On Mars Looking Towards Rover, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of discovery: December 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00840/mhli/0840MH0002610010301914E01_DXXX.jpg

Hmmm.....Curiosity is living up to its name, because there are some curious looking anomalies being found lately in rover photos. This alien statue that seems to be lounging on the side of a hill is a bit odd. It looks more cartoon like than realistic. It was found by "Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club," of Youtube. I tried to color the alien figure, but could not find the other foot. It does not mean its not there, just that  we need closer photos of the area. Also, the eyes of the figure is focused on the rover, which is very odd, as if this figure was a camouflaged alien watching Curiosity. That is also the maker of the videos belief. 

If the rover turned around and traveled 7 meters away...it would only be a few feet away and we could determine what this is, however NASA has robotic policy of not caring what the public wants. SCW


UFO On Moons Surface During Apollo 12, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 22, 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Mission: Apollo 12
Source photo: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/images/print/AS12/48/7090.jpg

I flipped through the photos of the Apollo 12 mission and just a few photos after finding the UFO in the visor of the suit, this UFO shows up. Its not to far from the LEM and was probably circling the area to observe the mission. SCW

UFO or Alien Base Being Explored By Apollo 12 Mission, NASA photos, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
NASA source photo: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/images/print/AS12/48/7071.jpg
Mission: Apollo 12

Hey guys, I was looking through old Apollo 12 photos of the moon walk when I found one with someone interesting. This photo (AS12-48-7071) shows a reflection of a UFO or tall structure on the the visor of Alan Bean. The lunar module is seen behind them, over his shoulder. The tall thing sticking out from the top of the suit is their communication antenna. So...what the heck is this? At first glance it seemed like a UFO, but there is a whole area of reflection that might not be light, but instead could be the sides of a lunar structure they were exploring. We know the LEM "Intrepid," is behind him in this photo. Also there is a shadow on the ground caused by the UFO. Is near the reflection of the astronaut. SCW


Fleet Of UFOs Over Chile On Dec 17, 2014, UFO Sighting News. VIDEO

Date of sighting: December 17, 2014
Location of sighting: Chile

These glowing lights are the UFOs when they are about to leave together. I have personally witnessed a fleet of these once in Rapid City, SD back in 1990-91, but I saw 25 appear and then shoot off one by one (most the city saw it). They meet in a formation, then they leave either one by one shooting across the sky or straight up. It is the sunset that reveals them. Normally they are cloaked, but the sun and bending of the light around their crafts will malfunction if the light must be bent more than 180 degrees. This is why sunset is the best time to catch UFOs. I have seen this kind of UFO formation before. 

Here in Taiwan we had a similar sighting near a mountain next to Taipei. V

Check out this similar sighting near Taipei, Taiwan. I had a Colonel in the Taiwan Air Force look at it...now in the DOD, and he said he cannot explain it other than its a fleet of UFOs. He was blown away by this video below, and it looks similar to the ones above. SCW


Ancient Structure On Mars Near Statue, Dec 19, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 19, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/155315

I was looking for anomalies in Mars photos and found this interesting structure with a doorway. Nearby the structure is a statue like object with outreaching arms aimed at the building.  I colored the building so its a bit easier to view. The structure is only about 2.5 feet across, however this would fit the woman figure on mars, which had a figure that was 2-4 cm tall. Click here to view woman figure with man laying nearby.  As most UFOlogists know...there once was a species of aliens on mars there were just a few inches tall. Apollo 20 conversation with William Rutledge (NASA astronaut) confirms this. SCW