
Secretary Josh Earnest Talks About Alien Disclosure In May 17, 2016, White House Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of press conference: May 17, 2016
News source: http://www.idigitaltimes.com/ufo-news-2016-obama-white-house-responds-hillary-clintons-promise-disclose-area-51-535113

Of course this little guy (Secretary Josh Earnest) talking to the press doesn't want to risk his career by answering a question of such importance that only President Obama should answer. I'm sure he has seen Obama put his foot into the butt of those who crossed him and Josh likes his job. Obama still has time to release the UFO documents and to tell the public the truth this year. Its on his mind. That Nobel Peace Prize weighs heavily around his neck...it is encouraging him to tell the public the truth, because he knows that the pubic deserve nothing less. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
While past presidents and presidential candidates have joked about UFOs, Hillary Clinton is one of the first mainstream candidates to promise disclosure of classified Area 51, UFO and Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP) documents should she be elected president. “I want to open the files as much as we can,” Clinton said in a recent radio interview. In the wake of a New York Times article that brought renewed attention to Clinton’s most unexpected campaign commitment, President Barack Obama’s White House was asked to respond. The answer, from President Obama’s press secretary Josh Earnest, will disappoint UFO enthusiasts still hoping for disclosure on the federal level: “I have to admit, I don’t have a tab for Area 51 in my briefing book today,” Earnest began. After a joke from the press corp. Earnest proposed a “grand conspiracy” to keep him from answering the question thoroughly. “I’m not aware of any plans the President has to make public any information about this,” Earnest said, ending hope that UFO disclosure will come from the White House in 2016. Stephen Bassett, an extraterrestrial disclosure lobbyist, told the New York Times that a Clinton presidency may be the best opportunity yet for genuine disclosures about the government’s knowledge of UFOs. Not only has Clinton evinced a past interest in extraterrestrials — in 1995 she was photographed carrying Are We Alone?: Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life by Paul Davies (above) — but she’ll also have the backing of campaign chairman John Podesta, who has crusaded for the release of government information on unexplained aerial phenomena for decades. While previous presidential administrations, Obama’s included, have treated declassification of Area 51 and UAP files as a joke, a Clinton presidency might at least take the demand seriously.

UFO Seen Over Peru For Over Three Hours, May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  May 18, 2016
Location of sighting:  Chimbote, Peru

This UFO hovered in the sky over Peru for three hours near the moon. The craft is not transparent, but does blend into the sky a bit due to reflection of blue off its surface. The UFO hovers, which is proof its not a balloon or Venus (LOL). This is very similar in appearance to the UFO seen over the miners in Chile back in 2014 I (see link below).
Scott C. Waring

Glowing UFO During Day Lasts Two Hours In Chile Says Miners, June 2014, UFO Sighting News. 

Eyewitness states: 
UFO FLYING FOR 3 HOURS OVER PERU 3 flying objects flew today afternoon the sky chimbotano staying for more than 3 hours.CHIMBOTE, PERU.FLYING SAUCER.


Confirmed! UFO Caught SPEEDING Toward Australia From Sea! 5/17/16 Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  May 15, 2016
Location of sighting:  New South Wales, Ocean and Australia

This guy was watching a flight tracking radar using a cell phone app and caught a UFO shooting across the ocean in a straight line and 100X times the normal speed. This is a great report by SecurityTeam10 of Youtube. 

This UFO may not be alien at all. This could be a secret project that is headed by Bigelow Aerospace. Thats an area of the govt that is paid to make things like the TR3B, the Aurora Project, the Needles California blue UFO that crashed that was recovered by Janet planes and scientists...you know where I going with this. Its ours...probably. Email or Tweet to Bigelow Aerospace and ask.
Scott C. Waring

Gemini 10 Photo shows Unidentified Object, Possible Dark Knight Satellite, May 17, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 17, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths orbit
Source photo: http://tothemoon.ser.asu.edu/data_g/G10/Maurer/full/S66-45968_G10-M_f.png

This amazing anomaly was in a NASA photo and it looks a lot like a Dark Knight satellite thats in orbit around Earth. Streetcap1 of Youtube found it and although its semi transparent, it could be because it has a cloak activating at the time of the photo. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
This looks very interesting and only appears in one Gemini 10 archive photo.



Stanton Friedman Says MUFON Is Taking Money To Keep 140 Cases Quiet, May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

This is an interesting case. At 2:13 into the video, Lionsground of Youtube is talking about how Stanton Friedman (#1 UFO researcher in the world right now), said that MUFON is taking money from Bigelow Aerospace to keep 140 UFO cases hidden from view. Now this is news to me, but over the last six years I have heard a lot of rumors that MUFON has been infiltrated by US agents that hide the most important cases from the public. This worries me...when govt is controlling public agencies. 

We owe a deep thanks to Stanton Friedman and Lionsground for bringing this to the publics attention. 
Scott C. Waring

UNSEEN NASA Video Of Mystery UFOs During Shuttle Missions! 5/16/16 Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 16, 2016 and other older dates
Location of sightings: International Space Station
Video made by: Secruityteam10 of Youtube

I have to admit I have not seem most of these different clips he has here, but I have seen similar UFOs at the space station. This is some great clips and one UFO at the 2:10 mark is 100% proof of the existance of aliens is that this object come up from the bottom of the screen, the speeds up while making a 70 degree hard turn. Awesome video, well made. See more of SecurityTeam10 here. 
Scott C. Waring