
Giant UFO Over Winnipeg, Canada Terrifies Eyewitness, Gets On TV News. Nov 26, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 26, 2016
Location of sighting: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

A person recorded some glowing UFOs over Winnipeg yesterday and it scared the daylights out of the guy. The UFOs are real. I can confirm from this short news video. When I compare to photos and video from an old reports back in 1997 called the Phoenix Lights in Arizona, I see that the similarities are much more...its the same giant UFO. These lights are on one single giant dark UFO in the sky. It must have been very late at night if so few people witnessed it, but the footage...is just amazing. 
Scott C. Waring

UFOs Hiding In Farmers Field Shut Down Recording Phone In England, Nov 25, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 25, 2016
Location of sighting: Leiteim, England
Source: MUFON #80631

Here is an interesting sighting where a person was near a farmers field and witnessed UFO lights. UFOs often land in farmers fields because they can test the food we eat, and how its been genetically changed by humans. This genetic change can determine statistically how many more or less people on this planet will eat in the future. 

Also the fact his phone died, drained of energy from the UFO is a typical phenomenon caused by actual alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states:
Walking my dogs up a county road and suddenly witnessed bright lights in a local farmers field.. it seemed odd as I've walked that path many times and never seen anything like this! I took a picture and as i captured it the lights disappeared and my phone crashed.

How To Find 3 Alien Bases On Google Moon Map, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

1st building: 21° 0'55.18"N 17°43'42.90"E
2nd building: 20°17'44.22"N 18°38'50.18"E
3rd building: 23°34'40.40"N 16°55'9.44"E
Date of discovery: Nov 26, 2016
Method used: Google Moon Map (free version)

While using Google Earth, I found a few structures made from black non reflective material. The black structures really stand out so when Google deliberately blurred the map, the dark areas were not affect so much. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien influence in historic works of art of the Bible, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of painting: 1600s
Artist who made painting: Ventura Salimbeni

Aliens have influence our lives it more ways that most are aware. Here an artist painted the Sputnik satellite 450 years before it was created. It also closely resembles a lot of the UFOs seen around the world...especially the ones we call cloud orbs.  The artists must have hand some mental visions given to him from an alien...much like the famous french warrior Joan of Arc had in the 1400s. Aliens can, do and have mentally manipulated humans since the beginning of our existence. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Video states: 
Alien influence in historic works of art of the Bible? Why are there UFO like objects in the Glorification of the Eucharist?

What is a machine resembling the Sputnik satellite doing in a painting from the year 1600?

Ventura Salimbeni of the 16th and 17th century was assigned to do three painting for a church in Tuscany, Italy. Out of the three, he did one very odd looking one.

The painting, which is quite large and still stands today. The top of the painting is said to be symbolic of God the Father and God the Son with scepters touching what was known as the universe.

The thing is...this just looks a little bit too uncanny for symbolic reference. 

If the sphere is said to represent the universe, why did the painter not include any stars or other celestial objects?...and why does the sphere seem to reflect light much like an actual shiny ball would?
The ball even appears to have seams that hold it together.

The strangest and most outlandish part of it all are the two quote "scepters" that stick out from the top of the object. 

These scepters bear absolutely no resemblance what one would have looked like at the time. 

In fact...they even look engineered to be antennaes. Look at the base of each of them and how they are slightly wider as they connect with the object. They even get thinner as they reach their end...perfectly resembling an antennae. 

They even look as if they have a "telescoping" like design...such as if they could shorten away when not needed and expand when needed.

Plus, there are two of them...two of them positioned in a way to maximize radio wave transmission.

What exactly was the vision the artist saw when he painted this work of art? What inspired him? This is truly odd.

White Alien buildings Found On Earths Moon, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon, 

These white ceramic like buildings are very common on most moons and planets in our solar system. Here are some nice close ups of these buildings, very similar to that which is found also on dwarf planet Ceres...except that one is a white cube pyramid surround by tiny white structures. They look like normal structures like we might see on Google Earth map...I guess aliens are not so different from us after all.
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states: 
The thumbnail is of the Luna 17 lander which nasa released today. The linked photo I found by reading the text on where it landed and getting the very large original photo. I could not find the lander but found these instead. Streetcap1.


Martian Deity Found By NASA Rover, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 25, 2016
Location of sighting: Mars, Sol1450
Source photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=1450MR0071820000703161E01_DXXX&s=1450

This Mars face was discovered by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube and its fantastic! The face has on a crown, a symbol of power and authority over others. It also has a mustache which means is probably male...at least in my neighbourhood. Its also has an indention on its forehead, which I believe to be a third eye. If you remember the Apollo 20 covert mission, the alien pilots body was received since it was in a status...coma-like state and she had a third eye in this location too. These faces we find are these most important alien artefacts that can ever be discovered, other than finding a living intelligent one. The faces reveal their personality, their past stress, and how similar or dissimilar they are from humanity. We are so very close. 
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states:
Another interesting anomaly found on mars, this time a weathered head, which in my opinion is an ancient statue, with a headdress. I originally rebuilt the artifact in profile but I decided to rebuild the whole face instead. I have processed and colorized the image but apart from that I have added nothing, which proves its half of a face, a mirrored image of a rock would look like a rock, colorized or not.

To answer a person in comments below, this is a screenshot of the object he was talking about in this photo. 


Fast White UFO over Melbourne 20th of November 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 20, 2016
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia
Video recorded by: Peter Maxwell Slattery

Check out the speed on this UFO. The white reflective surface of it prevents us from getting a clear view of it, and allows it to blend into the clouds easily to hide. 

This UFO is over Australia, yet its the same type of ship that is seen by thousands over Denver, Colorado in the US. The alien species that uses this type of UFO probably have several bases located in the Australian outback. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan