
UFO Caught On NASA All-Sky Camera Becomes Visible On Video, Dec 2, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 2, 2016
Location of sighting: New Mexico, USA

This UFO was caught on the NASA All-sky cam, and shows a triangular UFO flying overhead. The edges of the triangle have Star Trek like Warp Engines on each side. The thing that is strangest, is that the UFO is semi cloaked, but becomes visible for a few seconds. Cloaks are vulnerable...especially to IR light, which may be the reason this UFO became visible here. Great catch by Nemesis Maturity of Youtube. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
NASA’s All-Sky Cameras Caught a ‘cloaked starship’ Illuminates the Night Sky in New Mexico on December 2, 2016. The object’s luminous/shimmering appearance seemed to resemble a ‘cloaked starship’. It seems to fly very smoothly gliding effortlessly through the air.

City Found On Mars That Could Hold Half A Million People Right Now! Dec 1, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars coordinates:  82°49'45.69"N  114°29'46.76"E

Here are some highly detailed buildings on Google Mars map. Its free to download and all you do is switch from Earth to Mars map by hitting the button at the middle top of the screen. 

These buildings were found by Luxor2012UFO of Youtube, and they are very highly detailed. The buildings are tall, about 300 meters to 800 meters tall. The city is very complex and looks like it once held a population of about half a million or more. These buildings look mostly intact...as a matter of fact, I cannot find any broken ones, which means this city, if uninhabited, is ripe for the pickings, and would make any country that gets there first, 100% colonized and ready for living, thriving and growing on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Three UFOs Over Las Vegas, Nevada On Nov 15, 2016 Using Night Vision Technology, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 15, 2016
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

These UFOs are three different craft. I have altered the colors and enhanced the detail. Within each light is a dark object about 75% as big as the light itself. These objects are flying over a USAF base in that area so nonone can travel over there a take a look. Its all fenced in high security area. It looks like the USAF is testing some of the alien craft that was given to the USAF in good faith. One of these craft crashed in Needles California back in May 14, 2008. Looks like they still have not got control of it. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of November 15, 2016. I wanted to get the video I shot last night out the same night. To do that I had to increase the speed up on the night vision portion by five times because it takes so long to render, upload and process the video. Jaime Maussan told me they are always best at actual speed so I am remaking that portion of last nights video. I am not enhancing it in any way so this is exactly as it was as it came from the night vision camera.

Alien Leg Bones Found On Mars Near Buddha Statue, Dec 4, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 4, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

I had a look at this amazing Mars photo and soon found some very thick and long leg bones. Its foot and heal bones were only made up of three or four separate bones. Its toe bone was just a single thick born...like a single bird toe. The front and back of the leg bones have a fibula (main) and a tibula (thinner) bone, like humans have, but instead this species two bones are permentatly attached and there is a third tibula bone on the other side. This is a genetic manipulation to make its bones stronger, harder to break. 

I also found a head which is probably a sculpted head, but it is highly detailed and made of a different material than all that around it...which explains how it survived so well in its great condition.

I also found a Buddha statue carved into the stone with a hat and on its hat is a two C shapes but each is opposite the the other. I colored the alien Buddha to make it easier for you to see it. 
Scott C. Waring

Bronze UFO Caught Over Sand Dunes In Idaho During Day, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 2013, reported today.
Location of sighting: Mountain Home, Idaho, USA
Source: MUFON #80759

This disk was over Idaho back in 2013, but reported today. The disk was over a sand dunes area of Idaho. This is not an area with water, just dry sand dunes out in the middle of nowhere. The bronze colored disk has a blur around it, often caused by the propulsion of the alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
As stated in the short description, I never saw this at the time. I was just taking some landscape photos of a location I was going to shoot a model. I was shooting with a lense of apx 14-54mm, camera settings at F8, ISO 200, and a shutter speed of 1/640th sec. I never noticed it till I downloaded the image to my laptop the following day. This was on Memorial Day weekend in 2013. I called the Public Affairs office at Mountain Home AFB and they assured me that they were not flying at this time as it was a Friday evening of the holiday weekend. I did email this to them, and the PA officer said he would have his photographer look at it, although I would never hear back from them regardless of what they thought. DUH! :) At the time I was shooting the pictures, I heard nothing and saw nothing to make me realize something was in my field of view. I just thought it was interesting that something like that is still pixelated when zooming in on the object, yet the clouds and horizon are much sharper. Makes me believe this thing was flying at a pretty fast pace when a shutter speed of 1/640th of a sec couldn't freeze it. I have photos of the Thunderbird Air Show where I could freeze the action as they flew in front of me much closer than this object was.


Alien Cube Ship Seen 3 Times In NASA Sun Video, Dec 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

The above photo shows the two long white engines of the UFO.

Date of sighting: 2016-11-26 02:06:07 - 2016-12-03 00:54:07 UTC
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Method used: LASCO C3

While looking for UFOs in NASA SOHO videos I found the cube moving about in the far distance. Now, to see the cube, you must slow the video speed to .25 on the Youtube settings and make it full screen. Stop the video at 3 seconds and you will see the UFO cubes engines...with glowing long white lights. These are warp type engines...because on the 4th second the UFO cube is now on the left side of the sun and we no longer see the engines. Instead we see its side, which has a layer over a layer. This moves at almost light speed...the same as the Star Trek warp speed. At 6 seconds into the video, the cube appears again. This time its on the right side and we see it from a whole new side...a different angle from the first two shots. At 8 seconds a 95% cloaked vessel passes from top to bottom on the left side. At 9 seconds, a disk UFO suddenly does a 180 degree turn on the lower left side of the screen. 
Scott C. Waring

Below is the 95% cloaked vessel moving from top to bottom...very long and may be 2 or more ships.

👾 UFO At Space Station Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News. 👾

Date of sighting:  Dec 2016
Location of sighting:  Earths orbit

This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube and shows how close these ships come to the space station. You need to understand, the rules of space contacts are much different from Earth contacts. In space its their rules, on Earth is our presidents rules. Up in orbit, humanities rules mean nothing to them. Increased space travel will also increase the number of alien contacts in the future. 
Scott C. Waring

86 Year Old Buzz Aldrin evacuated from South Pole In Antarctica To Hospital, Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of news: Dec 1, 2016
Location of event: Antartica

Here is an interesting video by SecureTeam10 about Buzz Aldrin who was part of a tourist group visiting Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station through White Desert. The trip was expected to last through December 12, but was cut short for Buzz when a health scare occurred. Buzz, 86 years old seems to want to keep active, and use this life to its fullest. A great example to us all. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the moon in 1969, has landed in Christchurch, New Zealand, after being evacuated from the South Pole when his medical condition deteriorated, according to a release from the National Science Foundation. He is 86 years old.

Aldrin landed at 4:25 a.m. December 2. "Upon arrival in Christchurch, the Antarctic program's logistics hub in New Zealand, Aldrin was transferred to a local medical facility," according to the foundation.

He "currently has fluid in his lungs but is responding well to antibiotics and being kept overnight for observation. His condition is stable and his manager, who is currently with him, described him being in good spirits," according to an update from luxury tourism company White Desert.

His manager, Christina Korp, said Aldrin is recovering. She also tweeted photos showing that Aldrin reached the South Pole, which was his goal.

600+ Meter UFO Turns Night Into Day Over Colima Volcano, Mexico, Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2016
Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico

This UFO was noticed by Streetcap1 of Youtube this week over the Colima Volcano in Mexico. The  UFO may have just left the volcanos mouth and seems to be charging up to leave the area. This UFO is bigger than the 600 meter wide mouth of the volcano. It seems large, but in the future people wont build spaceships...robots will, and robots don't need work breaks, phone breaks, games or food and drinks...they work 24/7 until the job is done, so making a giant ship like this would be done 10X faster than if the work was done by humans. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
It disappears then reappears way above the Summit. It looked strange. When you think about it, it is the perfect cover. Streetcap1.


China Space Station Being Upgraded To Fly To Mars. Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

News source: http://www.chinatopix.com/articles/105542/20161108/china-testing-emdrive-tiangong-2-really.htm

Its been widely reported that the Chinese are testing the new Emdrive propulsion on the Chinese space station currently in orbit around Earth. What this means is that the space station could be built look like a space station, but  could also be used to fly to Mars in 10 weeks! Thats right, the Chinese may be about to colonize Mars and claim it as their own in the not so distant future. 

The Emdrive is already installed on the space station and has been for awhile...but why? To keep it in orbit perhaps, but what about the long term...what about the future of the space station changing into a space station transport to Mars and back? 

Well, the more space transportation out there the better, because there is more opportunity for aliens to bump into humans and become friends...where on Earth, aliens have to respect humanity and their rules. In space...its humanity that needs to respect the aliens rules of conduct, and no government on Earth can change that. It looks like China may be the first country to get humans transported to mars...publicly. I'm sure NASA has already done it with several of their secret projects...but its kept the public in the dark far too long. 
Scott C. Waring

White Orb UFO Over Houston, Texas During Day, Nov 23, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News

Date of sighting: Nov 23, 2016
Location of sighting: Houston, Texas, USA
News source: MUFON #80642

This looks like a cloud orb caught with a blue sky and no clouds in sight. Its easy to see when the sky is so deep blue, the perfect weather and lighting for orb hunters. This one is up there, uncloaked, yet its color has changed to white...prepared for darting into the closest cloud it encounters. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was working, in the downtown Houston area, on 11/23/2016. It was around 3:15 in the afternoon. Upon exiting my vehicle, i noticed the reflection of light in the sky. It was stationary, and appeared to change shape. After about 30 to 45 seconds, the object began moving very slowly, to the east/ south east. It made no sound, or was too far away to distinguish sound. Elevation did not appear to change. Stopped recording video, when visual contact was obstructed by a building. Began recording again, when visual was regained. Feeling confident that it was moving slow enough to re-aquire, i entered a building. Wasnt inside for more than a minute, and when i came back outside, the object was nowhere to be found. I was able to record the object for just over 4 minutes.

UFO Entering Mexico Volcano On Live Cam Dec 1, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  December 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Poocatepetl volcano, Mexico
Source photo: http://webcamsdemexico.net/colima1/2016-12-01/0940.jpg

While looking over a mexican volcano cam, I found one photo that had a UFO in it. The UFO was near the side of the mountain and was not seen in any other photos before and after that. This make me think that it entered the top of the volcano to enter an alien base 4km below the volcano. 

On top of the UFO you see a small dome, which is also on the bottom of the UFO. This is a classic UFO design. 
Scott C. Waring


Chinese Astronaut Hears Alien Knocking On His Spacecraft Walls In 2003, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 2003
Location of sighting:  Earths orbit
News source: http://www.bbc.com/news/38153623

The first Chinese astronaut has said he heard mysterious knocking sounds on his spacecraft and I believe it may have been an intelligent biological entity trying to establish contact with him. Sadly, he didn't make a similar knocking noise to make this alien contact, but instead was both puzzled and worried at what it could be. But he knew, as you can hear in his own words below. He knew.

Another astronaut John Glenn, was interviewed and I have it in an old 1960s UFO magazine, but he saw fireflies...white glowing tiny insect size objects swarming around his module while in orbit. He banged on the metal sides and it sent the little buggers up swarming again around his windows. Here is also a video below about it that I found. 
Scott C. Waring

BBC News states: 
Imagine you're alone in a tiny spacecraft - it's your first time up there, all alone in endless space. Then suddenly - a knocking sound.

That's what happened to Yang Liwei, China's first man in space, on his maiden flight in 2003.
In a recent interview, he has now recalled hearing "someone knocking the body of the spaceship just as knocking an iron bucket with a wooden hammer".

"It neither came from outside nor inside the spaceship."

Naturally, he got a bit nervous and had a peek out the porthole but failed to spot any explanation for the eerie knock.

He's not been able to figure out what it was, neither up in space nor after returning to earth. He has even tried - but failed - to recreate the sound so that experts could help him identify it.
Unsurprisingly, the story about unexplained mystery sounds in space has garnered quite a bit of attention.

What - or who - was knocking on Mr Yang's spacecraft as he was all alone miles from the safety of the earth?

Cloaked UFO Revealed On Camera Over Ottawa, Canada On Nov 28, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Ottawa, Canada

This is a cloaked UFO that is partly revealed due to the angle of the sun, the eyewitness and the fact that the cloud the UFO makes is not made up of a normal cloud substance, but more holographic in nature. The holographic cloak gets lit up especially much by added light from the sun, but must be at the right angles for it to happen...like a sunset. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was working like usual day to day business and the sky got my attention. This is weird, and I never saw this before! This is raw footage.

UFO Moves Over Mexico Volcano On Live Cam, Nov 29, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 29, 2016
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico

This UFO was caught by Marte Salas of Youtube this week and it shows a bright orb UFO that changes direction to hover over the mouth of the volcano, then it suddenly turns and leaves...moving far away as it becomes smaller in the distance. This UFO is very similar to the one that flew over Temple Mount at the holy place of Dome of Rock back in 2011.

This UFO seems to slow down just when its over the volcano mouth before it leaves. At this moment it probably beamed someone or something up or down from the alien base below the volcano. 

There is no way that this is a helicopter or plane, because this is a live volcano that has massive bursts of burning lava shoot out every few day...its off limits to all low air traffic. 

Scott C. Waring


Incredible UFO Sighting in St. Martin (With Real UFO Footage), Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 29, 2016
Location of sighting: St. Martin island

Here is a rare island sighing by a surfer at St. Martin island. Its a UFO in the shape of a thick half disk. The wind sound very powerful, and yet this UFO is just hovering above him with pulsating lights. I just wish he had more footage of it. Only the last minute of the video has the sighting. Just goes to show, that UFOs come out in all kinds of weather. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
As a surfer, Jason had been living on the island of St. Martin in the caribbean in search of warm water waves. Over several days, he had a stretch of incredible UFO sightings. On one occasion, he took his iPad to the beach and did his best on getting actual evidence. The real authentic UFO footage is a bright light, hovering over the ocean pulsating. Clearly, it's not a plane (you'll see it zoomed in) and yet, it doesn't resemble a star. In this video, we show actual proof - video evidence of the UFO captured by Jason, along with him detailing the footage. Also, he discusses another incredible sighting he had just days after capturing this footage. You won't believe Jason's unreal UFO encounter!