
Alien Leg Bones Found On Mars Near Buddha Statue, Dec 4, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 4, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

I had a look at this amazing Mars photo and soon found some very thick and long leg bones. Its foot and heal bones were only made up of three or four separate bones. Its toe bone was just a single thick born...like a single bird toe. The front and back of the leg bones have a fibula (main) and a tibula (thinner) bone, like humans have, but instead this species two bones are permentatly attached and there is a third tibula bone on the other side. This is a genetic manipulation to make its bones stronger, harder to break. 

I also found a head which is probably a sculpted head, but it is highly detailed and made of a different material than all that around it...which explains how it survived so well in its great condition.

I also found a Buddha statue carved into the stone with a hat and on its hat is a two C shapes but each is opposite the the other. I colored the alien Buddha to make it easier for you to see it. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. How the heck have you come up with a leg bone from the image,
    The 2 pronged thing that is popping out from under the strange rock looks more weirder than the leg bone, but i also believe that the images on Gigapan can be tampered with and re-upped.
    Any kind of investigation has to start at the source.
    Which "Ironically & Unluckily" would be NASA.
    Heck, we even know how dodgy the guys at NASA really are, so i guess what im saying is,
    How in the world would we even know if the images what NASA show are even real or not, There is quite a lot of speculation of whether they are there or not in the first place.

  2. WoW! That colour pic even has that plastic ivory type look in the refelections on it. Definitely no rock.


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