
Fleet Of UFOs Over Hawaii Last Week Light Up The Sky!!! Feb 13, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 13, 2018
Location of sighting: Hawaii, USA

Watch as a fleet of UFOs over Hawaii are seen, then suddenly for a brief moment, together in unison, they light up, creating pillars of light above and below them. Why they are doing this is beyond our understanding, but they may be transporting their ships below the ground or communication with other aliens in an underground or underwater base nearby. Awesome evidence here! 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
These rare multiple light pillars were captured by the Gemini Observatory webcam on February 13, 2018. The camera was facing east from the top of the Mauna Kea Volcano in Hawaii. These muti-colored light pillars were created by the bright city lights of Hilo, which is located just east of the Gemini Obsevatory in Hawaii.

Giant Glowing UFO Over Cleveland Today, Feb 28, 2018, Video!!! UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 28, 2018
Location of sighting: Cleveland, USA

This UFO was seen on live internet cam for several hours today! A UFO researcher, Orlando Bosca found it and recorded it for us to see. Orlando often catches UFOs in the skies over large cities, and let me tell you, he is often right. Many skeptics call them planes, but no plane hovers in position for hours at a time. Planes have red and white flashing lights, not his catches. This is a glowing UFO seen in the day and into the evening. Amazing catch!!!
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Apollo 15 Video Shows Sound In Space, But Sound In A Vacuum Is Impossible!!! UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of sighting: Feb 2018
Location of sighing: Earths Moon
Mission: Apollo 15

When Streetcap1 finds something, you can bet your life that its got some juicy meat to it. He found an Apollo 15 mission video with audio that lets you hear the astronaut hammering! Thats impossible in the vacuum of space! Awesome find by Streetcap1. I've known him for over 5 years and can vouch for him. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Streetcap1 states:
This is from Apollo 15 NASA footage. If you did Physics at school or college you will know that sound cannot travel in a vacuum. Yet we can hear the Astronaut's Hammer Strokes in this clip. Space is a vacuum = No Air. Quote ' In Space no-one can hear you scream.' All Astronaut communication is through headset radio. Vibrations cannot travel through the vacuum even to the astronaut's radio, so the hammer strokes should be silent, yet we can hear them! Conclusion: Either there is Air on the Moon or NASA faked the Apollo 15 program. SC1.

UFO Reported By Aircraft Pilot And Control Tower Over Oregon Oct 2017, Full Conversation Tape, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 2017
Location of sighting: Northbound at 370 

An unknown aircraft was seen and reported by some public aircraft pilots and aircraft controllers of Oct of 2017. They said they saw a UFO or object that they had no idea what it was moving over northern California and Oregon. This is a freaking awesome recording...100% evidence that what they saw...was an unknown...a UFO. If an experienced pilot was confused, if an experienced aircraft controller was confused at what they saw on radar...then you can bet that his was an alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring, BA in El ED, Masters in Counseling Ed.


UFOs Shoot Past NASA Satellite Observing Our Sun, Feb 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 18, 2018
Location of sighting: Earths sun

Found by Streetcap1 of Youtube, these UFOs shot past the SOHO NASA satellite that observes the sun. The UFOs are in a half disk shape and are traveling in the direction of the front of the disk. There are two of them, but because they travel so fast, it appears to be more. Cool catch. 


Black Disk Seen In Sky Over Great Britain, Proof Alien Bases Exist In GB, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 8-3-1998, but reported today.
Source: MUFON #90312
Location of sighting: Gainsborough, Great Britain

I really like this photo. It shows a classic shaped UFO in the far distance above Great Britain. There is just too much evidence coming from GB to deny the existence of aliens any longer. The truth is, we are not alone, and never have been. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I had just bought a new camera and was trying it out by swizzling around and napping pictures to see if the was any blurring. I took about 10 pictures doing the same thing I only looked at the first couple and they seemed good quality. So I downloaded them into a file on my computer and never thought any more about it. Then I acquired a program called Picasa which found lots of photos on my computer looking through them I spotted this one I thought it might have been a bird in flight and passed it by. I have never bothered to much about it and it might be nothing at all, I will let you judge.

Dark Alien Cube Found On Moons Surface In Chinese Photos, Feb 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 2018
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source photo: https://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/data/change3/tcam/png/TCAM-I-161_SCI_P_20131223175547_0010_A_2C.png

This non reflective cube was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube this week. Its showing definite right angles and its construction looks to be huge! The cube is in a Chinese moon photo, so this is a whole new look at the moon, without having the NASA Johnson Space Center Airbrush Room filtering and erasing most things. 
Scott C. Waring