
Fleet Of Six UFOs Over Las Cabras, Chile On May 17, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 17, 2018
Location of sighting: Las Cabras, Chile

An eyewitness of this event saw six or more UFOs falling from the sky. The UFOs are leaving long white trails behind them, which tells us the direction they came from, outside earths atmosphere. An entire fleet of alien craft enter our atmosphere. Awesome video. Clearly Chile is a hotbed of UFO activity that needs more attention. 
Scott Waring-Taiwan

UFO Over Saint Patrick Cathedral In Ireland On May 17, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 17, 2018
Location of sighting: Downpatrick, Ireland

Downpatrick is a small-sized town about 33 km south of Belfast in County Down, Northern Ireland. It has been an important site since ancient times. Its cathedral is said to be the burial place of Saint Patrick.

Since the UFO was seen over Saint Patricks place of burial, it might be because aliens have a high interest in human religions beliefs. The closer the UFO, the easier for the aliens to actually read the thoughts of people inside. 
Scott Waring-Taiwan


Ancient Egyptian Face Found On Mars, NASA Source, May 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source photo: https://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/data/msl/MSLMST_0001/EXTRAS/RDR/SURFACE/FULL/0045/0045MR0002080150102597E01_DRXX.JPG

This face on the side of hill has a lot of resemblance to the ancient Egyptian faces here on Earth. The face looks humanoid and wearing a helmet. Even some of the hills nearby appear to be buried pyramids. Its been long believed that an ancient culture existed on Mars and created a lot of structures which we sometimes find. This face seems to be part of a building, since you can also see a wall below the chin area, which I believe is the entrance area for the structure. This face is far in the distance...about 1km away, and the face would measure close to 100 meters across. 
Scott C. Waring


Scientists Say Octopus Is Alien Creature, DNA Confirms It, May 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/octopuses-aliens-new-study-argues-frozen-eggs-came-space-131932751.html

I have always wondered about octopus. Are they aliens? An animal that can change colors instantly to hide itself in the background. An animal with 3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood! I always figured it was alien and unable to communicate with us. Instead, humans catch them and eat them. They are incredibly intelligent, we just need to find a form of communication to speak to them. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A controversial science paper has argued just that, suggesting that octopuses may have arrived on our planet as frozen eggs carried here in comets. The paper, by 33 scientists (some with reputations as mavericks) is published in the peer-reviewed journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Cosmos magazine reports.

It suggests that ‘life was seeded here on Earth by life-bearing comets’ as soon as it became possible for life forms to survive – and that octopuses arrived in a similar way about 270 million years ago. The idea of alien life spreading like ‘seeds’ through space isn’t new – the theory is known as ‘Panspermia’. But the authors point to new DNA evidence about octopuses. The first full genome sequence of octopus DNA in 2015 showed that octopuses are totally different from all other animals – and their genome shows a striking level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes identified, more than in a human. The paper says, ‘The genome of the Octopus shows a staggering level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes more than is present in Homo sapiens.


Astronaut Scott Kelly Witnessed A UFO While On Spacestation! May 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 2017
Location of sighting: International Space Station
News source: http://www.denofgeek.com/us/culture/space/273377/astronaut-scott-kelly-saw-the-unexplainable-in-space

Astronaut Scott Kelly said he saw things out in space while he was onboard the space station. He of course keeps with his signed contract with NASA to keep quiet about what he believes it to really be. He talks about having doubts about if it was stars or unidentified flying objects that he witnessed. Its clear that Scott Kelly wants to hint to the public the truth of seeing extraterrestrial craft while in orbit around earth, but he is still afraid of the repercussions from the US government, which in essence could strip him of his retirement. 

Scott Kelly is not the only astronaut to see things in space. Over 15 astronauts from Russia and America have witnessed strange flying objects that cannot be explained. So if so many experience astronauts say they have seen UFOs while in space, why are the public still doubting the existence of aliens? 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
“Flying in airplanes and flying in space, you know, I have had experiences where if I let my imagination run wild. I could say, ‘Wow. That’s an alien spaceship,’” Kelly explains. “Even on the space station. I mean, I would often see something, and I would be like, ‘That’s not behaving like a star or a satellite.’” 

Kelly says he also experienced this when flying jets, especially over the water at night.


Ancient statue and face found Near Mars Curiosity Rover, May 11, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 11, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 2029
NASA Source: https://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=2029MR0107090010902961E01_DXXX&s=2029

I found another figure on Mars today. I think this makes the total around 15 or so. This figure is similar in appearance to a human and is an ancient statue of a intelligent species that once lived in this area of Mars. As you can see, it has arms and legs, and even a pointed hat. The statue is about 12-16 inches tall. I wonder if this statue was once a real person who was petrified by some unknown type of weapon. When it comes to governments...they like weapons that instill fear into its enemies...what does this more than a weapon that turns the flesh to stone...to stand as a symbol for thousands of years to warn others. 

This figure is close to another discovery I made today...a large Greek style face. The face is large and on the edge of a structure. 


Ancient Structure On Mars Is 1.8 KM Long! Found On Google Mars Map, May 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 9, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars coordinates: 10°20'41.53"S 75°11'31.99"W

I found this ancient structure on Mars using Google Mars Map. According to Google ruler, the structure is .35 km tall and 1.84 km long. That is one massive building. There are also two roads or ramps that lead away from the structure. The building has a flat smooth top, possible for landing something on top of. Defiantly gives astronomers a lot to think about with this one. 

Scott C. Waring