
Humpback Whale Found In The Forest Of The Amazon, Video, Feb 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2019
Location of discovery: Island of Marajo, Araruna Beach, Amazon River, Brazil

This baby humpback whale was found laying among some trees and shrubs far from the beach. Whales are often taken by UFOs...analyzed...and then returned. But sometimes animals are returned to a location that is not hospitable to them. Apparently the alien who took this whale had no idea that they only live in the water. LOL, it looks like aliens make a lot more mistakes than I thought. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
The humpback whale was discovered last Friday in the middle of the undergrowth on the island of Marajo off the Araruna Beach, at the mouth of the Amazon River. Scientists believe the creature died at sea and may have landed in the wooded area after rough seas and high tides threw it inland, far from the ocean. A team from Semma went to the region to inspect the remains, believed to be a 12-month old calf, and to gather information which could help to explain how the aquatic creature crash landed in the jungle. In a Facebook post by the NGO, Bicho D’agua Institute which is based on Marajo Island, biologists suspect that the calf become entangled in the mangroves after being thrown ashore by high waves.


UFO Exiting Alien Base Over Swiss Alps Caught In Photo By Accident, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 8-7-2017 but reported today.
Location of sighting: Lesyn, Switzerland 
Source: MUFON #98765

This eyewitness was going through old photos and found one from 2017 that had a UFO over the Swiss Alps. Lesyn is a city of about 3,500 in Switzerland. 

The UFO is tilted, but for the aliens inside, there is no tilting. The craft would have artificial gravity that keeps the pilots and occupants totally comfortable. The UFO would only be tilted if it was entering or exiting a mountain alien base. 

From the forensic evidence...the photo close up, you can see that the top of the craft is in focus, but the bottom is fuzzy and out of focus. That means the focused part is the front, the other is the back, meaning it was leaving the mountain base at the time of the photo. This is a very rare moment not often seen, let alone photographed. Amazing evidence that an alien base exists below the mountains of Lesyn. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Treating our old Pictures we discovered this strange object, on the pictures before or after we did see nothing similar.

Two Orange UFOs Over Sechi, Czech Republic On Feb 25, 2019, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 25, 2019
Location of sighting: Sechi, Czech Republic

An eyewitness recorded two UFOs in the sky during a sunset in the Czech Republic yesterday. The UFOs both have extraordinary detail. They appear to be oval shaped disks with a thin cloud coating hiding them. The sunset really brings out the color well, notice that all the other clouds in the background are a different color and do not match the color of the UFOs. Sunset is the most easest time to catch sight of a UFO. The setting sun and the angel of the eyewitness in conjunction with the UFO...makes a triangle formation that causes the UFOs to be revealed for a few minutes. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
UFOs playing tag this evening. 


Ancient Sphinx Found On Mars Is 30 Meters Across, 100% Proof Of Intelligent Alien Species, Feb 2019, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 25, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/213440

I found an ancient sphinx on Mars in a gigapan photo today. Its so different and unlike what our human culture would make that I believe most people would actually deny this being real. Its a hard thing to accept that art could be anything other than what we want it to be. However even on earth, the art world is a little crazy and strange, leaving many onlookers wondering if its really art or something pulled off the ground and hung on the wall? Thats what we have here. An ancient monument created by a culture that never had our art schools, our books our TV shows or our Internet. This is truly a great example of how different alien cultures are to our own. I wonder, are humans really ready to mingle with a species so different?

This sphinx is about 30-35 meters across and 8-9 meters high. It has a back area I colored yellow, a horned helm area I colored green, and a facial area I colored pink. You can easily make out the eye, huge thick long nose, open mouth, strong chin and cheeks. Yes, it seems primitive in design, and yet it appears to stand the test of time...still standing after hundreds of thousands of years. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Glowing Orbs Hyper Jump To Island In Norway Turning Night Into Day, Feb 20, 2019 Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 20, 2019
Location of sighting: Tromso, Norway
Source: MUFON #98719

Strange glowing UFO appeared over the mountains of Norway this week. Its a very secluded part of Norway which is one of its islands. Glowing orbs were seen around the mountain tops, but when they appeared, they appeared in a flash of light, as if they hyper jumped to that location and went to an underground base from there. I have seen such things once when I was in the USAF back in 1989. I see why the guy was alarmed. Seeing these at night might cause a family to believe an alien invasion was taking place. When I saw a similar occurrence in Rapid City, SD it was during the day and about 2-5% of the entire city saw it. Those glowing orbs...they when they move, they have a very powerful glow. Awesome and exciting sighting. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
Blinding pulsating lights in valley lighting up the complete mountain on and off for 30 second to a minute each time, observed for 15 minutes.

UFO caught on Channel 3 NBC Live Feed over Cleveland, Feb 21, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 21, 2019
Location of sighting: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Source: MUFON

This UFO shot past on a TV news cast, apparently the newscaster didn't notice it, but an eyewitness watching did. At first I thought it was a rocket launch, but no rockets were launched from Cleveland...ever...so thats out. When I added contrast to the screenshot, a thick UFO disk came into focus. It has not wings, not visible propellers, no lights flashing, its pure UFO. 

UFOs don't frequent any city in the world more than the next. They are everywhere, over all cities in the world watching, recording...their fascination with human activity is only second to our own with ourselves...like people watching TV shows, news, reading news, blogs, posts, social forums...to learn more. Same deal. They are curious about us and our primitive culture. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Morning Cleveland News WKYC Channel 3 NBC Live Feed at 06:24 2/21/2019 showed object accelerate stop a split second and 90 degree turn take off upward.


Cloud Tunnel Making UFO Seen Over East Sussex, Great Britain In Amazing Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 7- 27-2018, but reported today. 
Location of sighting: East Sussex, Great Britain
Source: MUFON #98681

This UFO is seen in only three frames of this video, but it is mind-blowing that something could fly that fast. The UFO is a retangle shape from the side, but a diamond shape from a tilted position. Also the fact that unusual tunnel clouds appear in the background make me believe this is a UFO and it may be responsible for making that cloud tunnel. The cloud tunnels are used for moving from one base to another on Earth. They allow the UFOs to travel from the locations they want when they want and still keep them unseen by human eyes. However this cloud maker was caught. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
The kids at school spotted this strange cloud formation this afternoon in East Sussex. No idea how this thing formed. 


Blue Tiles Found On Mars, 100% Proof Intelligent Aliens Once Rule The Planet, Feb 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 22, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/213653

I was looking through a gigipan  photo of Mars and discovered loads of old cement rock structures that had small light blue tiles affixed to them. There were at least a two dozen of them. I am posting only a few. This is not sapphires because they don't grow this way, perfectly sized and perfectly spaced. There is no logical explanation for such an occurrence in nature, its just not possible. So the only logical explanation is that someone created a wall or floor with these tiles. Now those tiles sit in ruins of whats left after hundred of thousands of years. NASA knows it they reveal the truth to the public, it will also be revealed to companies that want to benefit and send rovers, rockets and basically beat NASA to Mars to claim rights to areas of it for mining, scavenging, or whatever. Just like Elon Musk is doing right now. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Temple Ruins Found On Mars By Curiosity Rover, NASA Link, Newest Rover Photo! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 20, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2320
Source: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/02320/opgs/edr/ncam/NRA_603465763EDR_F0740540NCAM00280M_.JPG

I was looking through this weeks uploads made by the Curiosity Rover and found that in the distance was a ancient temple structure built on a hilltop. The structure has five or more levels, each one getting smaller than the one before it. The top level being the highest. The main structure at the top of the levels looks like a pyramid with the top built flat. Each level has a flat perfectly horizontal top so that someone or something can walk on it. I believe the rover will not investigate this because NASAs true mission is to drop feed the public boring information about space so it satisfies them, but keeps the public in the dark about the true nature of the surface of Mars. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Disguised As Comet Slowed Down Rotation When Nearest To Earth, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2017
Location of sighting: Near Earths orbit
Source: https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/12808

When is a comet a UFO? When it makes impossible changes in short amounts of time. Comet 41P slowed its rotation speed by 3X or 300% when it was closest to Earth. And why you say? Because its not a comet, its an alien probe that was scanning Earth. This is not a comet, but an alien probe sent to pass all the planets and moons in our solar system and scan them for advancements in life, technology, and to detect any changes in those places since it last passed by. You can even see that when I add contrast to the photo of Comet 41P, along the lower edges is seen large rectangular wall of structures. Comets don't have structures, only alien ships would have structures. It sounds like NASA is not telling us the full truth about this one. 
Scott C. Waring

NASA states: 
Observations by NASA's Swift spacecraft, now renamed the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory after the mission’s late principal investigator, have captured an unprecedented change in the rotation of a comet. Images taken in May 2017 reveal that comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák — 41P for short — was spinning three times slower than it was in March, when it was observed by the Discovery Channel Telescope at Lowell Observatory in Arizona. The abrupt slowdown is the most dramatic change in a comet's rotation ever seen.