
Ancient Alien Faces On Mars In NASA Rover Photo, 100% Real! March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 7, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/214460

I was totally blown away while making this video below. I found that not only was there one alien human like face, but there was actually dozens of other giant artefacts that I had not noticed before. There were several large faces on the top of the hill, most looking out or up at the sky. This tells me they were all placed there on purpose. None were upside or fallen over. 

I also found a cyborg face. I have never found a half tech half alien face before so this was very unexpected and exciting. It means that alien on Mars did integrate technology into themselves, not just around them, but in them. 

The size of the ancient artefacts and the huge number of them in this photo really blew me away. At first when I looked at the photo, it looked boring and empty, but on closer inspection I found a flood of evidence that Mars once had a thriving intelligent culture on it. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Farscape Actress Confesses Her Belief In The Existence Of Aliens On Twitter, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

I Tweeted to Farscape actress Gigi Edgley this week asking if she has ever seen a UFO before. She replied but only said, "I defiantly believe we are not alone :) "

Since she was from Australia I was thinking that she may have caught a sighting of a UFO sometime in her life, but being an actress, most of her time is probably spent indoors. I was wondering if she was ever inspired by UFO sighting and wondered how it may have influenced her role on Farscape, be she didn't reveal that to me. Very cool she answered me. The Farscape sci-fi series is one of the greatest space adventures of our time. The show includes bio-mechanical living ships, multi species crews, aliens that even Star Wars directors couldn't think up and a script that unbeatable. Check it out sometime. 

Scott C. Waring


Jesus Rises From The Ocean During Sunset Caused By UFO Over Coast Of Italy, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2019
Location of sighting: Agropoli, Italy coast
News source: https://www.infocilento.it/2019/03/05/agropoli-lapparizione-di-cristo-continua-a-far-discutere/

A giant glowing figure appeared within a UFO sighting this week. A giant disk was seen during sunset with rays of light shining down into the ocean, but it also has a depiction of a robed figure with his arms out, as if nailed to a cross. I find this really bizarre, but can't help but wonder...did the aliens do as a reward for the people who were watching and their belief in Jesus? It seems so. UFOs can detect your thoughts instantly and so do their probes. These objects can literally create figures from clouds into any shape and make them keep their shape for a long time. This is just too detailed to dismiss it. I can clearly see a robe on a standing figure with his arms outstretched as if on a cross, and his hands are both easily seen. His neck and head have amazing detail. 

There is only two possibilities...either aliens created this Jesus figure as a reward for the consistent and loyal belief in Jesus by the onlookers, or...this really could be Jesus himself appearing before the onlookers. 

Since Jesus turned water into wine, healed the dyeing and rose from the dead...clearly he is an advanced alien species who wanted to instill humanity with some much needed morals and ethics to help guide them. One thing is absolute...the detail of Jesus in this photo is undeniable. So...miracles really do happen. 
Scott C. Waring

News states (translated): 
The "mysterious" appearance of Christ in the sky of Agropoli, immortalized by Alfredo Lo Brutto , is inspiring many. Among the believers there are those who cry out for the miracle and those who, instead, are debating with more or less bizarre theories about the apparition. Someone believes that the shape formed in the sky is not that of Jesus, but that of St. Francis . There are even those who have done graphic studies on photography coming to this conclusion. And 'the case of a citizen of Agropoli: "I am atheist - he says - but after a night spent studying the representations of St. Francis, I can say that the image appeared in the sky of Agropoli is precisely that of the saint of Assisi, appeared in eight hundredth anniversary of his coming to the city ". Lovers of stars and ufology, however, are of different notice. After studying the shot of Alfredo Lo Brutto and having ascertained that it was not a photomontage, they came to a conclusion very different from the previous ones: "Inside that beam of light - they say - there was a solid body, perhaps a ufo ". Probably, however, to give the most suitable solution to the interpretation of the image was the parish priest Don Bruno Lancuba , who spoke at Vita in Diretta: "It's a suggestive photo and we can read a meaning for ourselves".

Above is the face of the figure.


Triangle UFO Seen Over Amsterdam During Daytime Close Up, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 10-28-2013
Location of sighting: Amsterdam

Here is an old video of a UFO over Amsterdam that I haven't seen before. This is really a breathtaking video of a triangle craft, and yes, it does appear to be a TR3B. The UFO also has a yellow rectangle that is a separate part of the ship. I darkened the photos below to better see the detail of the UFO. Sure this was taken back in 2013, but damn its really mind-blowing video! I doubt very much that its a TR3B, because no pilot would be stupid enough to fly this low out in broad daylight showing it off to the public. I do however believe it to be an alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring

Two Foo Fighter UFOs Seen Over Germany, Should We Be Worried? Feb 3, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 3, 2019
Location of sighting: Germany

These white orbs seen over Germany a few weeks ago, have been seen over Europe for over 5 decades. They are called Foo Fighters. They use to fly along side fighter planes and bombers as they flew on missions. They observed the war close up to see just how close humanity was to destroying itself. The fact that these large Foo Fighters are showing up again...worries me, because they may be observing a very destructive force on the ground or below the ground that could potentially threaten the existence of humanity again. So the real question is...what is Germany secretly working on that attracted these orbs?
Scott C. Waring


UFOs Sighted Over Lima International Airport In Peru, Feb 27, 2019, Video! UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 27, 2019
Location of sighting: Lima, Peru Airport

A UFO was seen over the Lima, Peru Airport last week. While airplanes were coming and going, someone noticed a hovering object over the runway. The object tased for an hour before just disappearing and flights were delayed. Apparently aliens assume that alien UFOs over an busy airport with loads of planes is would be taken better than flying over your home and hovering. Why? Flying objects are expected at the airport...making even a UFO sighting more relaxed and less of a surprise. Honestly...alien are suppose to land at the airport not your house...right? I say...let them land. Give them clearance! 
Scott C. Waring

Video states: 
According to Peruvian media reports on February 27, 2019, two UFOs were sighted over Jorge Chávez International Airport at 0630 UTC and they remained for almost an hour over the Lima sky according to official information from the personnel of the control tower of the airport. Flights were delayed due to UFOs sighting. The staff of the Peruvian Corporation of Airports and Commercial Aviation ( Corpac ) witnessed the UFOs over the airport and even videotaped and photographed. Corpac issued the official report, and it is the first time Corpac provides a detailed report on UFOs over international airport. According to the report, witnesses reported two UFOs over the main airport on February 27. In addition, they detailed that the objects remained for approximately one hour over the airport. The events occurred at dawn on Wednesday, February 27. The control tower workers said that the UFOs were positioned on runway 33. According to information, the UFOs were also seen by the ground crew of two planes that covered the Lima-Córdova and Lima-Quito routes. One of the unidentified objects appeared for a few moments on the radar, but moments later, both disappeared from the view of the airport staff. In the down below image, you can see the official report of Corpac and signed by the technician José Zarabia Salas, who has confirmed the UFO sighting.

UFO Caught Disguised As Sun Sinking Into Ocean Off California, Video, Dec 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 25, 2018
Location of sighting: California, USA

This UFO was caught by spectators who observed a UFO disguised as the sun sinking into the ocean. I have heard of such things, but this is the first good video of such a phenomenon. Under water alien bases do exist, and since 75% of the earth is covered by water,  I assume 75% of all alien bases are too. 
Scott C. Waring

Video States: 
Strange sunset do not you think? We are used to seeing the sunrise and sunset on the horizon line. But something illogical could be seen on December 25 in California. The sun went into the ocean. Strange sunset in California USA

UFO Seen Above Mount Adams, Washington At ECETI Ranch, March 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1, 2019
Location of sighting: Mount Adams, Washington

This UFO was captured at the top of Mount Adams. This is the same location where people from around the world, including TV news and military generals have visited at night and have seen UFOs. James Gillian, the owner of the ranch noticed the UFOs decades ago and since then opened up a camping area for UFO researchers who see them nightly...with video to prove it. James Gillian himself says he was invited by an alien onboard a ship to see what its like. I have been following James for over 7 years...and he never fails to impress with his videos, photos and personal experiences with the aliens he says lives in a base 4-5 miles below Mount Adams. Want to prove him wrong? I dare you to go there and try. Bring the night vision, scopes and video recorders. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states: 
We made our way to the ECETI Ranch, at the base of Mount Adams, to make contact! During our stay, we recorded many anomalous objects floating in and around the mountain. At the beginning, we believed these were hitchhikers, but upon closer examination, in the thermal camera (which detects heat signatures), no heat (from a body) was detected. The truth is, up to 95% of what people think are ET craft, is explainable, but we are going after that 5% that are legitimate other worldly craft, in our search around the globe.


Humpback Whale Found In The Forest Of The Amazon, Video, Feb 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2019
Location of discovery: Island of Marajo, Araruna Beach, Amazon River, Brazil

This baby humpback whale was found laying among some trees and shrubs far from the beach. Whales are often taken by UFOs...analyzed...and then returned. But sometimes animals are returned to a location that is not hospitable to them. Apparently the alien who took this whale had no idea that they only live in the water. LOL, it looks like aliens make a lot more mistakes than I thought. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
The humpback whale was discovered last Friday in the middle of the undergrowth on the island of Marajo off the Araruna Beach, at the mouth of the Amazon River. Scientists believe the creature died at sea and may have landed in the wooded area after rough seas and high tides threw it inland, far from the ocean. A team from Semma went to the region to inspect the remains, believed to be a 12-month old calf, and to gather information which could help to explain how the aquatic creature crash landed in the jungle. In a Facebook post by the NGO, Bicho D’agua Institute which is based on Marajo Island, biologists suspect that the calf become entangled in the mangroves after being thrown ashore by high waves.


UFO Exiting Alien Base Over Swiss Alps Caught In Photo By Accident, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 8-7-2017 but reported today.
Location of sighting: Lesyn, Switzerland 
Source: MUFON #98765

This eyewitness was going through old photos and found one from 2017 that had a UFO over the Swiss Alps. Lesyn is a city of about 3,500 in Switzerland. 

The UFO is tilted, but for the aliens inside, there is no tilting. The craft would have artificial gravity that keeps the pilots and occupants totally comfortable. The UFO would only be tilted if it was entering or exiting a mountain alien base. 

From the forensic evidence...the photo close up, you can see that the top of the craft is in focus, but the bottom is fuzzy and out of focus. That means the focused part is the front, the other is the back, meaning it was leaving the mountain base at the time of the photo. This is a very rare moment not often seen, let alone photographed. Amazing evidence that an alien base exists below the mountains of Lesyn. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Treating our old Pictures we discovered this strange object, on the pictures before or after we did see nothing similar.