
Youtube and Google Misusing User Data To Hide UFO researchers Discoveries! UFO Sighting News.

Hello everyone. I found this UFO back in 2010 and made a video that got 1.4 million views on it. So I wanted to show the public that they can still see it. Most people don't know how to see the old photos on Google map, so here I show you how to see the 33 meter UFO.  Google owns Youtube and they both have changed their publicity algorithms...a mathematical AI code that finds anything with fake news keywords...like the words UFO sighting, or aliens and labels them as fake news, then hiding them from the public. This is Google working with the US government to cover up any UFO or alien evidence and hide it from the public. I promise you...at the end of the week I will only have about 5,000 views on this video. The UFO is real, its still there, and I teach you how to find it in this video. 

Its not Facebook the public should be worried about. Its Google and Youtube. They should be investigated by the FTC antitrust investigators for using Youtube channels data in illegal ways and uses that Youtube users do not agree too. We need the Federal Trade Commission to officially investigating Youtube and Google for potential violations of US antitrust law. By using the users data to regulate what the viewers see and don't see, Youtube is breaking its companies privacy policy deciding what a third party (viewers) are allowed to see and not see. Congress needs to investigate into why Youtube is attacking UFO researchers in such an unfair, segregated and bullying way. I will tweet to the house judicial committee about it. Perhaps they know something about this?

Scott C. Waring


UFO Seen From Passenger Jet Over Mexico, Aug 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 2019
Location of sighting: Over Mexico

This object was recorded by a person in a passenger jet over Mexico. The object seems to pass below the jet. The control is too big to be a jet or even several jets. There are only two possible explanations. 1st its a UFO entering earths atmosphere. Or 2nd, it is meteor entering earths atmosphere breaking up. 

To me it seems to be going too slow to be a meteor. This is a UFO. Its hidden in the cloud but is black and huge. Parts of it are sticking out of the front end showing reflectiveness. Clearly this UFO was trying to quickly hide from view of the passenger jet and created this cloud around it, but you can see it moving forward and the black UFO revealing itself a little bit. There is also a white diamond shaped UFO hovering above the black larger UFO. Can you see it? Its two UFOs! One guiding the other. 

There are several volcanos near Mexico city where huge UFOs have been seen entering and exiting on live cam. This UFO was headed to one of those volcanos, where an underground alien base sits 5-6km below the ground.
Scott C. Waring


Black UFO Size Of Moon Seen Over Suns Surface For Months! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 2019
Location of discovery: Sun, lower right corner.
Source: Helioviewer.org 

I noticed this black triangle UFO about two weeks ago and have been following it. Some people tried to explain it away as dust on the lens of the sun satellite, but dust doesn't travel across the sun. Dust would stay in place. 

This object is dark black and that tells me its much colder than the surface of the sun. Alien technology could achieve this. If an alien species was billions of years ahead of our technology, such materials immune to heat would exist. 

This object is about the size of earths moon. The ship is huge and seems to be caught in the suns gravity. I believe the ship has some propulsion left because its sinking lower and lower slowly. Perhaps its hiding there from someone. Or perhaps its caught in the suns gravity and cannot escape, which would take months or even years for something the size of the moon to be pulled into the sun, especially if the ship is fighting it with some propulsion systems. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Abducts Deer And Drops It On Power line, Aug 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 2019
Location of discovery: North East USA
Source: https://www.facebook.com/coasttocoastam/photos/a.419111792348/10157229928002349/?type=3&theater

Here is a report that was turned into Coast To Coast about a deer that was found on top of a power line. The power line is 22 feet up and seems to have been dropped from above. I don't believe an each is big enough to carry such an animal. That is one big deer. So the question is...did a UFO drop the deer out after doing experiments on it? I think to know that for sure we need a closer look at the deer to examine it for puncher woulds, cuts, bites and such. That would be the only way to learn what it was that caused this to happen. UFOs are known to sometimes abduct a person or explore and examine things in nature. 

There was even an old UFO report about such an incident being witnessed in the mounts of the US. Its was Feb 25, 1999 in the Cascade mountains near Mount St Hellens, Washington. A team of forest workers watched as a UFO came down from the sky and hovered over a elk. Then the UFO rose up and lifted the elk with an invisible force. The forest workers watched as it moved higher and higher vanishing above. (redition photo below). So you see, its very possible a UFO abducted the deer and its even backed up by past sighting evidence. Not to mention thousands of animal mutilation incidents caused by aliens doing medical research on the animals. 
Scott C. Waring

Coast to Coast states: 
Conservation worker and C2C listener Bruce shares this bizarre photo of a deer that somehow wound up atop a power pole in a rural area somewhere in the northeast. According to Bruce, the most likely explanation for how the deer wound up there is that it was hit by a train, since there are train tracks several yards away. However, he notes, "the deer would have to have traveled in the air approximately 45 feet (across) to the pole and reach a height of approximately 22 feet (up) to reach the top of the pole."

Biological Alien Entities Or Mega Structures Seen On Space Map, UFO Sighting News.

I was looking over Taurus constellation using a sky map and found these two giant orbs objects. They are actually moving and there is a glowing trail behind them from where they came. That means they were moving very fast, and then came to a stop. 

I see a lot of similarities between these donut objects and the pulsing donut UFOs seen by NASA during the Tether incident. The objects that looked like this actually broke the 5 mile long tether in the middle by passing through it. The UFOs during the tether incident were huge! Several miles across! Many people mistakenly assume the objects were just inches in size. 

I am also thinking that they could be mega structures, space station like spacecraft that jump from location to location. Its really hard to tell unless we can send a space craft to investigate it, but I'm sure its long gone by now. This thing travels fast, but these seems to be a lot out there according to the tether incident NASA video. 

Watch my video and please subscribe to my Youtube channel ET DATA BASE. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan 


Sorry everyone, but its necessary to take a break at this time, SCW

Hi guys, I got a family emergency and will be trying to help someone out. I can’t make any posts or videos for a while, but will be back soon. My apologies, Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Blue Disk Seen Over Ocean, Recorded From Plane, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 12, 2019 
Location of sighting: Ocean, 1 hour from Taiwan 

This was sent to me by a friend who saw this blue disk over the cloud during sunset. They were about one hour away from Taiwan when they noticed this glowing blue disk over the dark clouds. The disk seems to be hiding behind the darker cloud. The person said they kept it in sight as long as they could, but soon it was behind the plane. This is great raw footage of a rare glowing blue UFO over the ocean. The best time to see a UFO is during sunset, because the suns angle cuts through any cloaked craft in the sky revealing it for a few minutes. 
Scott C. Waring