
The Bed Of Diamonds Incident. NASA Watches UFOS Outside Shuttle Columbia, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 22, 1996
Location of sighting: Earth orbit

Filmed during the STS 75 mission launched on Feb 22, 1996 when an entire UFO fleet shows up behind the space shuttle. The Columbia space shuttle was in orbit around earth when they noticed these diamond like craft shimmering below them. This was the 19th mission of the Shuttle Columbia...which means this shuttle was being watched by aliens closely due to them knowing the future of this spacecraft. You see, alien knew this shuttle would explode on its 28th mission, killing all seven crew members on Feb 1, 2003. Aliens are ancient and have been around millions of years before us, some billions of years. Time travel is just one of the doors opened when they discovered faster than light travel. 

So you ask why were they there? To show humanity that they are not alone, that risking their lives to explore space is worth it. That today we fly side by side with an alien species...united.
Scott C. Waring

As promised, here is the URL to the moon map photo. UFO Sighting News.

Moon photo map: http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc/view_rdr/WAC_EMP_NORMALIZED

As promised, here is the URL to the NASA photo which shows the entire moon map. The moon has more detail to it than the normal publicly released photos show. Most moon photos have been edited by NASA, but this full view of the moon is still in its raw unedited state. Its not often such a photo is found. So I saved it on Hard drive and if NASA takes it down, I will put it up myself.
Scott C. Waring


Old Man Statue On Mars, Proof That Some Aliens Do Look Human, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 1, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/galleries/13635/gigapans/210291

I found an old mans face today in a Mars photo. The mans wrinkled skin and large nose, bushy mustache and long beard really makes me think I'm looking at a statue here on Earth. This person looks human...at least his face does. This is 100% proof that human like intelligent species once lived on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring

Disk Caught Leaving Volcano In Mexico On Live Cam, Oct 22, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 22, 2019, 5:54AM
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocateptl, Mexico

This UFO was caught on live cam and just appeared out of nowhere directly above the mouth of the volcano and then began to shoot away at high speed.  The UFO seems to have been transported from below the volcano where an underground base site at 5-6km below the base of the volcano. The UFO was then materialized above the volcano, where they began to leave. Its not often we see a UFO leaving the volcano mouth, but this is our lucky day. As you can see in the screenshot above upper left side, I added some shadows to better see its disk shape. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Huge UFO Hovers Over Tiny Religious Town Of Rexburg, Idaho, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 14, 2019
Location of sighting: Idaho, USA

This UFO was seen over the small town of Rexburg, Idaho last month. The UFO is perfectly proportioned and is flying very low...below the overcast sky. The UFO appears to be a half a mile across. Note that Rexburg is a Mormon religious city that is based around thousands of students going to school at Ricks College. The religious beliefs may be what the aliens came to study. By scanning the thoughts of the locals and students, they can better understand the motivations and aspirations of humans. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Giant UFO Seen Moving Over Mountain In Indonesia, Video, Oct 29, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 29, 2019
Location of sighting: Indonesia

This UFO was caught moving  toward a mountain in Indonesia a few days ago. I can easily see the round disk shape with the huge lower dome on it. Since its moving toward the mountain top, its logical to assume that there is a alien base below this mountain at a depth of about 5-6km. Aliens often chose base locations based on the difficulty for other species to access their location. Often making bases in the depths of the ocean, below volcanos and mountains. This way aliens reduce the chances of encountering humans. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan