
Fleet of UFOs Seen From Space Station, 100% Proof NASA Has Been Secretly Recording Aliens, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2019
Location of discovery: Earths orbit? 
NASA Source 1: https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/DatabaseImages/ESC/large/ISS036/ISS036-E-27213.JPG
NASA Source 2: https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/DatabaseImages/ESC/large/ISS036/ISS036-E-27207.JPG

Guys, this was just sent into me from a fellow Youtuber going by the name of Infowars Wikileaks. The photos we have here are all viewing earth and space from orbit. They were taken from the International Space Station...the ISS. I know this because the URL address has ISS036 in it. That should be the 36th day of active duty of the space station. The photo shows many glowing lights between the space station and the earth, but more close to the ISS. NASA has been recording UFOs since the day NASA was founded. They just don't want the public to ever find out. 
Scott C. Waring

Russian Astronaut..."A ship!" NASA Control..."Copy all. Its with you." Live NASA Cam, Nov 21, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 21, 2019
Location of sighting: International Space Station
Source: NASA live ISS cam

Russian astronaut on ISS noticed the UFOs appearing on the live cam...

Russian on ISS: "A ship..."
NASA on earth: "Copy all. We just clarified. Its with you...thank you."

This conversation recorded from the NASA live cam is 100% proof that NASA knows about alien craft buzzing past and around the space station. When the Russian astronaut aboard the ISS said, "a ship..." The NASA ground control cut him off and said, "Copy all," before he could finish what he was saying. She already saw it on live cam at ground control. She reacted fast, before he could talk about it too much...but he already said the most important thing he could..."a ship!" You see, even he knew it was an alien ship off the bow of the ISS. Eventually going to a red screen with no cam. 

Also, did you notice the video was clear, but when the UFOs appeared...it caused a disturbance in the tech and made the video fuzzy. UFOs are known to cause electrical disturbances and to even shut down cars, trucks and watches. 

So...here is 100% proof that NASA and Russia know that aliens frequently visit the space station.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan



UFO As Big As Moon On Sun, Reverses Its Direction! Nov 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 10 until Nov 21, 2019
Location of sighting: Earths sun
Source: https://helioviewer.org

I was looking over Helioviewer and noticed that the black triangle that I reported two months ago is back. This time it has reversed its orbit of the sun. The object was moving from left to right of the screen, but now its moving from right to left! That should be impossible. Its skimming the surface of the sun, actually touching the sun. Its about the size of earths moon. The shape is a black triangle. I am very surprised that NASA has never mentioned this huge object on earths southern region. This is 100% proof that aliens exist and NASA isn't doing its job. Watch the video to see this object as it moves. 
Scott C. Waring


Tree Grows Through Car In France, Theater Group Takes Blame, But Is It A Cover-up? UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 2019
Location of sighting: France

In France a car was seen on the sidewalk with a huge tree growing out of it. It dismayed the locals and shot across social media platforms. But it turns out when I did some more digging, that a local theater group created it as a piece of art to help advertise their local play. But is sounds like a cover up to me. Possible a leak from CERN causing a time bubble. 

The local theatre group called The Royal De Luxe, popularly known for impromptu pieces of art that defy logic like this one- as reported by Ouest-France. “The street theatre company led by Jean-Luc Courcoult settles in this neighbourhood straddling Nantes and Saint-Herblain, in full urban renewal” Not much information has been reported on how such an enormous act was pulled through; but well, there can only be two logical explanations to it.

But honestly, is this all just a elaborate cover-up to make people think its not what it looks like? I mean, what if this really was some kind of time displacement in this location? Causing a bubble in time that sped up time within that bubble by decades? France happens to be very close to the CERN collider which had some scientists saying that it could displace time or even cause small black holes to form...so perhaps it did this. 
Scott C. Waring


US Boarder Patrol Drone Mistaken For UFO, Nov 2019, Video UFO Sighting News

Date of sighting: Nov 16, 2019
Location of sighting: Yuma, Arizona, USA
News source: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/mysterious-object-seen-floating-skies-20913523

This UFO was seen way over near Yuma not far from the US boarder which makes me wonder if its a inflatable drone used by US boarder agents. When I searched...I found that such a border drone does exist. Here are the screenshots below. I see the three white fins in the back, the hump in lower middle area and its color all match this Boarder patrol drone photos I found. Sadly I have to say nope, not a UFO this time. But still...very cool video. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

News states: 
In the video, the truck driver can be seen standing in the desert next to the road after pulling in his vehicle. Explaining the clip, taken on November 16, he says: “I’m a truck driver, I’m driving back from Yuma, Arizona, and I look up in the sky and I see this thing. “I have no idea what that thing is. “I’ll try to zoom in on it for you here, it’s kind of hard to tell, with the sun, what I’m looking at.” The object appears to be bright white and have three arms set at a 120 degree angle to each other. “What is that?” he asks. The object also looks as if it is longer than it is wide, with an area appearing as if it in shadow. “It’s just floating there,” the truck driver adds.


Yellow UFO Over Moon Watching Apollo 12, NASA Source, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 1969
Location of sighting: Earths Moon, orbit

I found this UFO in an Apollo 12 index and it shows a U shaped UFO with a blue trail behind it. I added a bit of contrast to the photo to make its detail sharper. The object is huge and from the angle of the blue trail, the UFO must have come down at a 45 degree angle to the surface of the moon. 
Scott C. Waring

Please donate to help my UFO research at https://paypal.me/ScottWaring?locale.x=en_US

The photo states: 
While astronauts Charles Conrad Jr., commander, and Alan L. Bean, lunar module pilot, descended in the Lunar Module (LM) "Intrepid" to explore the Ocean of Storms region of the moon, astronaut Richard F. Gordon Jr., command module pilot, remained with the Command and Service Modules.

Alien Structures On Earths Moon, Nov 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2019
Location of discovery: earths moon
NASA photo: http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/posts/539

There are defiantly some strange things on earths moon. here are two odd structures I found today that really scream alien life. These two structures are made with many right angles and contain a balance on both sides that is proof that it was intelligently made. 
Scott C. Waring