
Jellyfish UFO Moves Over City In Daytime Raw Footage, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sunday, Feb 16, 2020
Location of sighting: Sao Paulo, Brazil

This is a rare capture of a UFO type I have heard about, but only seen a few times in blur photos in old reports. A jellyfish shaped craft was recorded in the sky over Brazil last week. The object has a half dome white body and long thick tentacles similar to a jellyfish. This has to be the best close up of a jellyfish UFO I have ever seen. In the video we see the tenticlals yet they don't move. Had this been a balloon the tentacles would be plastic and blowing to the opposite direction the wind is, however they long objets just hang there. That means not a balloon. This is the best recording of a jellyfish UFO in existence. This is incredible proof that not only are we being visited by aliens, but the tech they use mimics living creatures. 
Scott C. Waring

Proud of Taiwan and the great work they are doing to stop the coronavirus. 


Woman Records Glowing Orbs During Rainstorm, Over Plymouth, UK Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 5, 2020
Location of sighting: Plymouth, UK
Plymouth news source: https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/plymouth-news/strange-lights-sky-over-plymouth-3919894

What we are seeing is a woman who noticed some glowing lights over the hills across the water. The glowing white lights appear and disappeared. The long pinkish streak is not a UFO, its a reflection off the inside of the car window. However the glowing orb we see does appear to be a genuine UFO. No one would ever shoot fireworks off in the rain, and its highly unlikely the military would continue to drop flares in such dangerous wet weather. Such sudden appearances of UFOs have been long associated with being seen during storms, lightning and other weather phenomenon like tornadoes, hurricanes and more. This UFO may have been caught coming out of an underwater base below the bay. It disappears (cloaks) when it ready to shoot away. Awesome catch and defiantly evidence that an alien base lays 5-6km below the waters of Plymouth. But what convinced me 100% was she said...they were clustered together. 

Yeah...that reminds me of a sighting back in Taiwan. A cluster of UFOs appeared near a mountain at Taipei. The objects disappeared one by one. I showed a Taiwan Air Force pilot the video and he said he had no explanation for it...he had never seen anything like it...and he has the rank of general today. I will include the Taiwan video below to show you exactly what she described. 
Scott C. Waring 

Plymouth news states: A Plymouth woman spotted six bright lights in the sky this morning - and has no idea what they are. Emma Snell told Plymouth Live she had dropped her husband off for work at around 7am and had parked at the car park on the Plymouth side of the Tamar Bridge. Looking ahead, she saw five bright lights in the sky - before a sixth "appeared from nowhere". Emma originally thought the lights were from military helicopters, but when she realised the lights weren't moving, she changed her mind and suspected they might even be from out of this world. Emma admitted the random flashes took her by surprise. Instead of being arranged in a line, "the lights were just clustered-together and close-knit," she said. "You couldn't miss them," she added.


Black UFO Seen Cruising Along In Central Mexico. Feb 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 16, 2020
Location of sighting: Queretaro, Mexico

This dark black UFO is moving over a central Mexico during the daylight which gives us great detail. The object is coming down behind some trees and appears to be interested in the surround area foliage. Past UFOs have been seen to do similar things...flying over the surface of water, bushes and trees. Perhaps its running biological tests on the plants. Awesome daytime raw footage. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: We do not know what it was. It was recorded in Querétaro, Mexico. A friend said that he looked like a flying vochito.

Huge Wheel UFO Spotted In Our Solar System By STEREO A Camera. video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 19-20, 2020 stereo A camera
Location of sighting: Earths sun
Source: NASA

Here is a really interesting video of a circular craft with a diamond shaped center. It was moving through a NASA SOHO video and got caught. The UFO is there for only 4 seconds, but if slowed down, we can see its detail well. This is 100% proof that aliens are in our solar system right now. This ship is massive, moon size or bigger and moving incredibly fast. I'm sure NASA would never mention it because if they did, they would have to tell the public the truth about aliens existing. They don't want to cause any panic. So they wont. 
Scott C. Waring 

According To Johns Hopkins Site: Total Covid-19 Confirmed 2,647,665 Were they hacked?


Hey everyone, I was checking the famous live stats website of John Hopkins in the US. I noticed that the total confirmed state jumped from 90,000 from yesterday to 2,647,665 today. I know this is wrong, the stats cannot jump that fast and the smaller stats seem accurate and do not total that at all. Its seems like either a mistake or a hacker trying to frighten people. I just want to make everyone aware that of it and that its probably just a horrible mistake. The total confirmed should not be that high for another 1-2 months. I'm sure they will correct it soon, but I made a video to record it as proof. 
Scott C. Waring 


The Public Can Contact The Alien Probe In Earths Orbit, UFO Sighting News.

Now NASA has announced that earth has a new moon orbiting us...yeah, that happens everyday...not. It arrived late last year in Nov or Dec of 2019...the exact same time the coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China. Yes they have been fighting it that long, but hiding it until January of 2020. 

I believe this city bus size moon (NASA says car size, but they always estimate down.) in earths orbit is actually an alien probe here to monitor how humanity survives or falls when this invasive lab created virus attacks the whole of humanity. They are watching, recording and trying to use that data to predict future reactions to future possible events. 

I decided to try to contact this probe in earths orbit. Since its monitoring us...I decided to send a message to the probe to ask for its assistance in destroying the coronavirus. My message is below.

"Welcome alien probe in Earths orbit. We have named you 2016 HO3, another name they call you is 469219 Kamoʻoalewa, NASA pretends that you are an astroid, but we the public know the truth. You are an alien probe sent to earth to monitor the existing coronavirus outbreak. Your assistance in stopping the virus would be much appreciated. This virus outbreak will kill millions of humans in the coming months with a death rate of 3.4-10% It will cause a lot of death. Your help is requested in stopping this coronavirus. Will you assist humanity on Earth? I repeat, will you assist humanity to stop this virus? I will assume your answer is YES. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan"

Now I used www.spacespeak.com to send the message. I copied the message three times each time I sent it. A repeated message has a greater chance of being noticed. Spacespeak uses a radio telescope to send messages into space for free. Messages travel at the speed of light and getting into earths orbit it takes less than a second. It is guaranteed that this alien probe will read the message. But the real question is...are they here to record only, or to offer help?
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Queen Face On Hill Found On Mars, March 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 2020
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/167475

I was looking at this Mars photo when I found a face looking out to the horizon. The face sits on the side of a hill and is made of a stone substance, much like the sphinx face made in Egypt. This face has softer edges and rounder cheeks, making me believe its a woman...probably a queen or important woman in their culture. You can see her hair flowing down the back and side of her face. Extraordinary and important evidence of ancient alien cultures on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan