
UFO Makes Trail, Dover, Delaware, Sept 10, 2021, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 10, 2021
Location of sighting: Dover, Delaware, USA
Source: MUFON 

This video was just reported this morning. A man and woman were standing outside enjoying the night sky when one of them noticed a dark slowly moving object at 7:15pm. In the recording we get to see the very slow movement of the UFO and we also see something rare...the UFO is making a little bit of cloud formation around it, however the cloud is forming a trail behind it since the UFO is moving and the UFO shield (energy) is not turned on so the cloud formation is not continued within it. Instead, the aliens made a mistake, and began moving before the shield was up, causing the cloud formation to break away into two long streaks behind it. Amazing and important capture. 100% proof that UFOs make clouds and 100% proof aliens do make mistakes. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: It was around 7:15 pm when my wife and I started to take a walk in our neighborhood. The sun was setting in the west with pink clouds in the distance. There was still blue sky left. That's when I noticed what looked like a dark pink cloud by itself and out of place. I stopped to look at it and asked my wife if she saw it moving. She said yes. Then the cloud started to move slowly towards us and with a tail like a comet. Then it seem to turn away from us with 2 tails. It finally went from reddish to black then went into cloud cover and it was gone.



Robot Drone Seen Inside Space Station Has Blinking Eyes! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 9, 2021
Location of sighting: Inside the International Space Station

I saw something today that I have never seen before while watching the live NASA space station cam...a robot drone moving about and its eyes are very human like. The robots eyes really make it less creepy and more fun, almost like Wally the robot. The eyes wander left and right, blinking every now and then. But whats really blowing me away is how smoothly the robot maneuvers around the station. It never bumped a single object in that narrow area. I heard an astronaut say the sidekick needed recharging and soon after a woman astronaut floated over and began pulling a cord from the floor and plugging it into the back of the robot. The robot continued to look around floating and then decided to rest on the floor area. Its not a UFO but it is 66.66% since it is flying and it is an object.  The robots are called Astrobee and three are on board the ISS right now...named Honey, Bumble and Queen. Each with their own unique color sides. 

The main purpose of the Astrobee platform is to provide a zero-gravity testbed for guest scientists to try out new robotic technologies in space,” says Maria Bualat, Astrobee project manager at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, in a press statement. “Astrobee will prove out robotic capabilities that will enable and enhance human exploration. Performing such experiments in zero gravity will ultimately help develop new hardware and software for future space missions.”

Just something I thought was really cool to see on live cam. I can really see the future of robots in space being similar to these legless wonders. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


100% Proof Alien Structures Exist On Earths Moon, LRO Mission, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Sept 8, 2021
Location of discovery: Earths moon 

I was checking out a video from the NASA LRO mission. A Youtuber took it and added music. At the 7:40 mark, I noticed a large metallic structure on one side of a crater. The crater itself is over 5km across, so the structure inside is at least 2km long and 1.5km tall. Now I have found alien structures in Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter photos before so I'm not surprised at this. The entire top, right and left of the structure has a rim over it, which is 100% proof its intelligently designed. No one seemed to notice the structure in the crater, so I wonder how much of the video most people actually watch...Youtube normally says viewers last 1.5-2.5 minutes...with a 53 minute video, there is a lot to miss out on. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Ancient Royal Head Found On Mars Sept 7, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Sept 7, 2021
Location of discovery: Mars

I found two sculpted faces in stone in a Mars photo today. Both faces are of a male from the species...and both faces are wearing helmets as a show of the status and warrior attributes of those individuals. The larger face with a huge crown on its head must be some kind of royal figure from long ago. It looks very similar to the shape of heads wearing crowns from ancient Egypt...for instance Pharaoh Thutmose had a similar shaped crown in sculptures of him. From the worn torn edges, I have determined that this carved face is at least a hundred thousand years old or more. It wont be long...maybe 20-30 years and humans will be on Mars...and will be able to confirm what I have found. Hey...better late than never. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Glowing Objects Over Tucson, Arizona On Sept 4, 2021, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 4, 2021
Location of sighting: Tucson, Arizona, USA
Source: MUFON Case 117748

This just in. An eyewitness in Tucson caught sight of a fleet of glowing UFOs passing overhead. The objects seem to be moving together, matching speed and yet, flashing to each other. The flashes may be communication with one another. The objects are round and about the size of a motorcycle. These objects must have been seen by hundreds of eyewitnesses in Tucson. Arizona is not far from where the famous Phoenix Lights Incident occurred back in March of 1997. These may be the same craft. There are a lot of similarities, for instance the shape of the lights, the speed, the number of craft. It looks like Arizona is a UFO hotbed of activity. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: The orange lights appeared out of nowhere, in the videos I will submit you can see some floating along in a pattern while others zoomed in to join the others. 


Two UFOs Seen Over Construction Site Near Volcano, Video Costa Rica, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Aug 17, 2021
Location of sighting: San Rafael, Costa Rica

A UFO was recorded while a building was under construction in Costa Rica a few weeks ago. No specifics given beyond a comment that it is a view in the video is from "Carpintera (San Rafael, Provincia de Cartago) looking toward the Irazú volcano." 

Now the eyewitness only noticed one UFO, however I can easily see two UFOs in the video. I believe the smaller object is an alien drone from the larger white disk in the distance. The UFO must have come from or was heading toward the mouth of the volcano. It's a well known fact that UFOs frequently use the mouth of volcanos to enter the underground alien bases. They do this to deter humans from seen the UFOs exiting and entering and even to prevent humans from stumbling upon the entrance by accident. 

I myself have witnessed a small orb which looked similar to the white orb. It was the size of a softball, but when it came closer...it was semi transparent with pearlescent colors moving slowly over the surface. Because of that experience a few years ago...I know this sighting to be 100% real and significant to UFO research everywhere. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Absolute undeniable proof that ancient aliens did once exist on Mars. UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Sept 1, 2021
Location of discovery: Mars sol 

I found an alien face carved into stone on the surface of mars. The face is in a Mars photo is on the far right center of the picture. The face is looking upwards and to the right. It has only one eye visible from this side but its side profile tells us a lot. The side cheek bones are thicker and wider than humans, the upper front cranium comes out further than ours. The eyes, nose, mouth, lips and chin are all similar in location on the face as our own. However this alien face looks far from being human. This face may be a maker similar to a tomb stone to mark the burial site of a person who died. The face is in remarkably good condition and is about 1 meter across from chin to top of head. The face looks to be thousands of years old. 

Now people will often say its the imagination playing tricks on you. That its not what it appears to be. Those people are inexperienced at this area and have zero experience in psychology unlike myself holding a masters decree in counseling education. So...I am 100% correct. This is an alien face made thousands of years ago on Mars. Absolute undeniable proof that ancient aliens did once exist on Mars. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


TicTac Over Island Lake, Illinois On Aug 28, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: August 28, 2021
Location of sighting: Island Lake, Illinois, USA
Source: MUFON #117660

This video might be only 7 seconds long, however its blows me away on every single second of it. This video caught both the detail of the craft, its color, speed, altitude and its similar to the clouds themselves in appearance. The eyewitness is heard saying, "no sound...no trail." In the background we can hear traffic, but no sound of an aircraft. The object clearly has no wings, no tail and no defining detail that would lead us to think it's a plane. The UFO is heading straight into the clouds to hide. I know this because it has already changed its color to match that of the clouds. Once in the cloud it can watch, monitor and scan the humans below without being detected. This is 100% proof that aliens exist. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Caught off guard by this. No sound, no trail. Moving to fast for a blimp. 

UFO Follows Plane Over Florida On 8-30-2021, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 30, 2021
Location of sighting: Between Texas and Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #117656

A young couple was flying from Texas to Florida when the boyfriend noticed a strange dark object out the window of the plane. The object is turning slowly. Often showing a dark round window at its front. I took a screenshot and found the the objects body and tail...is similar to that of fish. But the cockpit area of the craft has a dark tinted window in it. The UFO is about the size of a car and is flying at about 75-100 meters from the plane. I am not surprised that the pilot didn't notice it since often the plane is on autopilot and todays primitive radar system is the same that was used 40 years ago. The UFO is scanning not only the plane, but also the passengers. Aliens are interested not only in our biology, but our mentality and view of the current chaos that the world is in. Or in other words, our personalities, inner courage, fears and determination steers the future of humanity. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
We were on a flight from Texas to Florida and saw the UFO...my boyfriend recorded it. My boyfriend and I were on a flight back to FL from Texas and he was recording with his phone from the window seat. Lo and behold, we see what we saw on this video attachment.


Dark Disk Over Manhattan, New York, Aug 7, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Aug 7, 2021
Location of sighting: Manhattan, New York, USA
Source: MUFON

This dark craft was caught over Manhattan yesterday. I'm not too surprised that only one report came in about it, since many people hide inside to stay safe from covid worldwide. At first I thought it might be a smoke ring made by a volcano amusement ride, but its unlikely there is anything like that open let alone working during covid. Then I thought it could be a dark cloud that got hit by a wind stream...which might explain it shooting away at the end of the 57 second video. But I have a feeling it's much more. I believe its a alien craft, disk shaped and has a black smoke tinting (coloring) on its clock around it. I do think this is an alien craft observing the public below. Aliens are watching us.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
The audio was removed because I was freaking out & cussed while recording this thing. I couldn't believe what I was looking at it really freaked me out!