
UFO Sighting over road at Cambridge, London England, March 30, 2011, UFO Sighting News.

UFO Sighting over road at Cambridge, London England, March 30, 2011.

Sighting location: London, England
Date of sighting: March 30, 2011

As I was watching the live Cambridge Internet cam I glanced over at the archives and caught sight of this white/grey disc object over the road. That is when I noticed that the disc has a shadow below it on the road.

Note that there is also a person on the far left in a red shirt walking past. This UFO must have been moving very fast not to have been seen by the person walking on the sidewalk, but thanks to the cam, a still shot of the moment remains.

Using a size comparison of the person and road we can assume that the UFO is about .75 of a meter. Because of its small size it is probably just a probe or large orb, not needing a living pilot.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯
UFO Sightings Daily


NASA Released Photos of 10 km Mothership On Moon in Waterman Crater, Released By Accident, UFO Sighting News.

Updated May 2017: Noticed that 5 photos were deleted for unknown reasons, so I replaced them immediately.
NASA Released 10 km Mothership in Waterman Crater Photos by Accident, UFO Sighting News.

When looking over the Apollo 15 panoramic images, I came across a photo that has a mothership in it. Its not a cloud. Clouds do not exist on the moon. So I enlarged the photo and saw that not only was it a ship, it looked a lot like the Star Ship Voyager from Star Trek.

Now this Ship sits inside the edge of Waterman Crater, very close to Tsiolkovskiy crater. Tsiolkovskiy crater is 185 km across long ways and about 160 across the short ways. Waterman is unknown. 15 of these ships would fit across the Tsiolkovskiy crater the short ways, therefore the mothership is just under 10.6 km in length.

Waterman crater is located on the moons far side and cannot be viewed directly from Earth.

Full photo, click to enlarge.

Now if you Google the Apollo missions you will see that due to lack of money NASA cancelled the missions 18-20. I have to ask you, what do you think NASA would do if they discovered a 10.6 km long alien vessel parked on the lunar surface on the far side of the moon? Yeah, they would set up a retrieval mission or at the least explore the interior for technology that they could take home.

Please don't take my word for it, instead look at the NASA link I put below. Copy the photo to your computer and enlarge it, looking at the far left side.

Full ship photo: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS15-P-9589

Below are some other NASA photos that also have the ship in it, which proves its not a reflection of light.

Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW  ☯


UFO sighting over Mexico City Volcano, March 28, 2011.

Popocatepetl Volcano is 70 km (43 mi) southeast of Mexico City. I was watching the live cam and noticed these same orbs hovering over it every night.

The orbs in this screenshot are making two triangle forms. One of the triangles has multiple color orbs that change colors. Notice the green, purple and red orbs.

Below is orb I caught in day view in the past.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯

UFO Sighting of Orbs Gathering over the ocean near Florida beach, 2011 photos. UFO Sighting News.

UFO Sighting of Orbs Gathering over the ocean near Florida beach, 2011 photos.

Sighting Location: Florida
Sighting Date: January 21, 2011
Source: MUFON.COM Reports

I live in a front ocean condo and I was walking my dog in an area on my building where I was able to see the ocean. This was around 3PM. Suddenly something caught my eye and when I looked I saw 3 small super bright round objects playing around in a fast pace, above the seashore.

Click photo to enlarge.

I knew I never saw something similar like this before and I decided to rush upstairs (I live in the 14th floor) and try to take a picture if they were still around( I don’t have a great camera with a big zoom). It took me about 30 seconds to spot one of them above the ocean and one of them going along the shore in opposite direction.

Notice that they were really small. From my terrace, they were no longer bright but yellow and orange shaped as a blimp and were now going very slow. I could not hear a sound. There was no one at the beach at that time that I could see. (I thought about remote control toys but no one was there controlling them and I also, later on, did a research about remote control toys that are similar to the ones I saw. I could not find any) Suddenly I lost one of them and the one I took a picture, was flying very close to the water horizontally. Suddenly it stopped and started to go up in the sky until I could not see it anymore. I saw no strings, no fire, no smoke, no sound.

PS: sorry my English. It’s my second language.

Blogger Notes: I noticed that there are a string of these orbs also in the water. They are the same size as the one in the sky and perhaps these orbs came from below the ocean. I have seen photos like these before where the orbs are gathering in one location to be picked up by a larger UFO, usually a grey disc.
If they can fly in space,then water would be just an easy to travel and it covers 75% of earth.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯
UFO Sightings Daily


China UFO Sighting on March 15, 2011 over Temple, photos.

Date of sighting: March 15, 2011
Location of sighting: Golden Temple in Kunming, China

At 19:30 on March 15, 2011 Liu Zhinjun and his wife were at the Golden Temple District in China when they happened to look up into the clouds and saw two blueish UFOs floating above them.

Liu Zhinjun pointed to the sky telling his wife, "Look, look. Flying saucers." He stated that the objects, "basically did not move." He then shot a video of the UFOs with his cell phone. Later when he got home he put the video on his computer to better view the UFOs. He shot a two minute video of the blue saucers.

Liu stated, "I feel that it was as large as five or six stars, but brighter than stars."

Oddly enough, on February 7, 2006 two similar blue UFOs were seen at the exact same location in the cities of Kunming, Dali, Lijiang. At that time they saw a bright spot in the sky and suddenly it was joined by another. These UFOs rotated and he said, "they were an irregular fan shape," of craft.

Source: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/11/3/26/n3209235.htm
Translated by Scott C Waring

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯


2ND Video of UFO Sighting in Colorado, March 21, 2011, CLOSE UP VIEW.

2ND Video of UFO Sighting in Colorado, March 21, 2011, CLOSE UP VIEW.

(Part Two) Closer view of the UFOs above Denver, Colorado. They moved very slowly in a triangular formation across the sky then disappeared one at a time. We were in Lafayette, CO in my cousin's backyard facing west. The lights appeared to be approximately 3000-6000 feet high, coming from the West-Southwest and moving to the southeast. When they disappeared, they seemed to be directly over Denver. I was only visiting on my vacation, so I am not positive about the exact location or direction we were facing, but I am sure we were looking towards the west. We viewed the lights for approximately 15-20 minutes before they disappeared.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯

Fox News Records UFO Sighting over Lafayette, Colorado on March 21, 2011, Video.

Fox News Records UFO Sighting over Lafayette, Colorado on March 21, 2011, Video.

Credit: Fox 31 KDVR NEWS UFO Sighting.

Strange red lights: UFOs in sky over Boulder Co.?
LAFAYETTE, Colo. -- A man in Lafayette shot some video this week that he thinks may show some UFOs in the sky over Boulder County.

Leroy Vandervegt's son, Nick, saw three red objects in a kind of triangular formation Monday night (March 21) at about 8:30 pm, so Leroy got out his video camera and shot them to record what the both of them were seeing.

Note: Glowing orbs changed color to red at same time.

"I don't know what they are," Leroy Vandervegt told the Boulder Daily Camera. "All I know is that I had no idea what it is. It wasn't a satellite; it wasn't an airplane; and it wasn't a helicopter."

He says the three lights moved slowly and they didn't blink. They stayed in a triangular formation, but the shape of the triangle changed.

Officials at Denver International Airport didn't have any comment about the lights.

A spokesperson for the Federal Aviation Administration says his staff didn't see anything out of the ordinary that night.

Leroy posted his video on YouTube, and it has received several thousand hits so far.

There were reports of the same sighting from at least three other people.

One commenter on YouTube says that while he wants proof as bad as everyone else, he believes the three red lights are hot air candle balloons.

Doug Wilson, Colorado state director for the Greeley-based Mutual UFO Network, which works to learn the origins of UFO phenomenon, told the Camera it's unusual to receive multiple reports of the same sighting.

His group planned to send investigators to the scene.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯


UFO Sighting in China on Security can March 13, 2011.

Sighting Location: Yichang Liyuan, China
Sighting Date: March 13, 2011 at 23:20 (11:20 PM)

This is a screenshot from the monitor. The video has yet to be released to the public but when it is I will post it here.

As you can see from the monitor, a volume of about 1 cubic meter of light suddenly fell down from the sky, illuminating the walls and roads. It was about 2 meters high from the ground and circled the air for about 20 seconds before it suddenly rose up and dissapeared in the night sky.

This UFO appears to be similar in shape, size and glowing white intensity as the Jeruselum UFO that happened a few weeks ago, but was recorded by more than 6 different vantage points. This sighting in Tibet however has yet to release the video.

A similar glowing orb was seen in Nov 21, 2007 at British Columbia, Canada security cam.

The report for the above video states as follows:

I operate a water store in Surrey, B.C., Canada. We have a security camera set up for the mall. I always keep an eye while doing my work for safety reasons.

On Nov. 21st evening, around 4.48 PM, I suddenly noticed on our monitor, some white object flying outside the store.

That made me very curious so I stepped out to nullify the possibility of reflection of something on the sidewalk or the hood of the car parked in front of my store. But that wasn't the case.

So I come back inside and see that thing still hovering so went out again and checked the cameras in detail to look for some bugs or a bird, but nothing like that at all was visible by the camera.

The "flying angel" kept changing the shape and size and kept moving around for about four minutes and then disappeared. while this thing was happening, a small black bird comes from nowhere hits the door of my next door neighbour, falls on the front of the door and flys away!!!! But they did not see anything at all even though they were in the front of the store looking outside!!!

I went outside again to check for bugs but not a single bug was found as the temperature outside was around 2 C and very cold.

There were people going around in the mall but no one except the infra red camera saw the whole thing.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯

UFO Sighting In Tibet causes car to stall, photos taken.Feb 20, 2011, Ganzi

Sighting Location: Eastern Tibet, Ganzi
Sighting Date: Feb 20, 2011 but published in Reuters on March 22, 2011

They were on the way to the airport when they had engine trouble. One of them got out and tried to push the car to the side of the road when another person noticed the UFO hovering nearby. The person took a few photos of the strange disc.

Note: Engine failure is often one of the key factors when a UFO encounters any vehicle at close proximity.

UFO's are often seen in China and Tibet is no exception. This is an amazing photo of two villagers who had car trouble and had to begin pushing their vehicle the rest off the road. The stated that it was floating like a cloud.

Source: http://www.ufo.org.tw/?frm=view&dst=tview&id=nxr00z84689r

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯


Building on Moon discovered in NASA archives, UFO Sighting News, PHOTOS.

Building on Moon discovered in NASA archives, UFO Sighting News, PHOTOS.

I was looking over some Apollo photos because they were taken before the years of PhotoShop leaving a lot of the Lunar Terrain natural. I found a photo #4283 that looks like it is a transportation tunnel that was not covered by the lunar dust.

Source NASA photo at:

These black lunar structures are actually very common on the moon and I am posting a video of some close long structures to give you some examples. I made the video myself so please forgive me if its a bit unusual.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯


Doorway Into Moon Discovered in NASA Apollo Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Doorway Into Moon Discovered in NASA Apollo Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 23, 2011 by SCW

Source photos:
Hole: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-P-3165
No hole: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-P-3166

No hole: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-P-3164

While exploring the NASA Apollo moon photos I (Scott C. Waring/UFOlogist) came across a photo that showed a black circle with slightly uneven edges like a crater. I found this odd since I could not see the bottom of the crater, but such black circle craters have been discovered before.

When I looked at the photo right before and after this one, the object was no longer there. Instead of an opening, there was a lunar gray surface. There black hole was not visible.

I knew from the past that there is record on April 29, 2007 when an Astronomer Alberto Mayer who lives in Busto Arisizio, Italy saw and recorded a giant black circle that moved across the lunar surface then then 75% across it turned at a right angle. This is one of my videos and can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wg0lR0FIoM

It's because of that video that I consider that this might not be an opening but instead a mothership sailing over the surface of the moon.

I believe the door into the moon is also possible due to the evidence that the moon is artificially made. Look at my other youtube videos to see this evidence, but I cannot discount that it might have been a UFO mothership. Further analysis by more experts in this field is necessary.

Source photos at:

Hole http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-P-3165

No hole http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-P-3166

No hole http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-P-3164

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯


Three UFOs Discovered at Area 51 with Google Map, UFO sighting News.

This video teaches you how to find these three UFOs at Area 51.

I found these three UFOs using Google Earth Map (free program) to search Area 51. I searched there because I read about Robert (bob) Lazar working on a UFO at a site within Area 51 called Area S4. This location Robert said were 9 different UFOs that the USAF traded with the aliens. Yes, I too thought this odd, but Lazar was really a nuclear physicist at Area S4, the area that back engineers alien technology so the military can learn to build it themselves.

Below photo is of Area S4.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯

Louisiana UFO sighting near moon, closest to earth, march 19, 2011 photos.

Date of sighting: March 19, 2011
Location of sighting: Louisiana

I am a photographer, and on March 19th I was outside taking pictures of the moon during its lunar perigee. My grandparents were also outside with me, playing with my daughter on her swing set. While aiming my shot of the moon I noticed what I thought was some debris on my lens, so I cleaned it and prepared to try the shot again. I observed at this point that I could make out the object only through the camera lens, and that it was not obvious to the naked eye. At that point I realized that I was not seeing a spec on my lens but rather something in the sky. I tried to use my auto focus to capture the object, but it kept focusing on the moon.

I turned off the auto focus and manually targeted the object: this is the picture that is attached to this report. I don’t know if it is important, but my camera is a Canon Rebel T2i with a Sigma 18-250 mm lens; the photograph was taken zoomed all the way in. Once the image was captured, I reviewed it on my camera and called my grandparents over to see what I had photographed. None of us had ever seen an airplane like this before.

My grandparents and I both looked up but none of us could see the object. I set my camera to “live mode” (allowing us to see the viewfinder’s image on the screen on the back of the camera), positioned it, and we all saw the object. I’m not sure if we couldn’t see the object with the naked eye because of its size in the sky or something else, but whatever the case we could only see it through the camera. While I never actually saw the object moving, it was in slightly different positions to the moon every time I looked at it. We talked about it for a couple of minutes and I tried to get another picture of the object (I couldn’t find it this time) and we decided to come upload the images to the computer to look at them a little closer.

Source: MUFON.com

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯