
Egyptian Statue Found In Wall of Crater On Mars, Aug 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 3-4 years ago. 
Location of sighting: Mars
Source image: http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/207023main_vincent-20071220.jpg

I found this statue about 3 to 4 years ago, but came across this video talking about it. They colored the statue so that you can see it better. This is a really interesting photo and there is a color version available, but not sure where at the moment. You can clearly make out the Egyptian face, shoulders, hat and body. There are also a lot of other anomalies in this photo, but this one is the best. Cool the discovery is still being passed around. SCW


  1. I believe that it isn't very Egyptian looking...but it does look like some sort of...out-of-place something...maybe a statue of a Martian man.

  2. bechare aliens nahi jaante ki is insaan ne nuksaan karna hi sikha hai .and its reserch programmes will fuse entire universal

  3. That looks like a sarcophagus how can people deny that these things exist?


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