
Giant Alien Sphere Over Nellis and Area 51 Air Force Base! Dec 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2015
Location of sighting: California, Arizona and Nevada, USA

Never mind the fact that this 2#$%er is right over Area 51 which has Area S4 inside of it. S4 is the area were they use to test alien tech and then back engineer it. It really makes me wonder if USAF has got their grips on one of these? 

Look at this object. I managed to get it focused and its natural colors are there. 

I first added darkness to make the ball of light focus. I did not add color to any of the photos here. I then put it into negative format and added some light. This is like a Star Trek Borg cube, but in sphere form. It is solid technology and the photos here are 100% proof of it. There is no pixelation here! This is focused!

This is an alien species, probably the Tall Whites that have an underground base inside of Nellis AFB near Las Vegas Nevada. This mother is big, probably 3-5 times bigger than a 747. Just a meteor says naive scientists and amateur astronomers. Meteor my @#$$, that is 100% alien tech shooting over America. 
Scott C. Waring

1 comment:

  1. Yes indeed Scott, it just may be a corroborating melevolent ET species giving tech to US for our eventual SELF DESTRUCTION that i can only surmise sir...

    Normaly they wont hesitate there to shoot down a UNCONFIRMED AIRCRAFT over the vast ranges there UC.


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