Showing posts with label faces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faces. Show all posts


Alien Face Seen From NASA Space Station Cam, March 1, 2020 , UFO sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths orbit, from ISS
Source: NASA Live cams

I was watching the live NASA cams again, but instead of a UFO, I noticed two giant faces on the far left of the screen. The first fat look human like, the second looks bird like. They look like they were made by Van Gogh using powerful swirls of clouds to form them. NASA is using the infrared filter over the camera, making it purple in color. Infrared is known for cutting out reflections and revealing any cloaked objects in the area. That first face...just amazing guys. I believe it was made by an alien whose thoughts were so powerful that his telepathy accidentally created the form he was thinking about. Clouds and smoke is the most easy to move for telepathic people so this does make sense. And since many alien species out there are highly evolved, they will use pictures in their head...not word to communicate with others. Telepathic communication is the transmitting of pictures more...and not words.  Just something amazing I wanted to share with you. Watch the video for more detail and to see the other bird face behind the first face. 
Scott C. Waring 


Awesome face from statue found on Mars, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 28, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars

NASA source:

I found a few interesting objects in some Mars Spirit rover photos today. One looks like a sea shell, and not far from it are two interesting faces. But the best is a larger face that fell off of a statue and fallen in this location. Thats the face in the screenshot above. The face is obviously made of the local materials and you can make out the eye, nose, upper and lower mouth, chin, cheeks but something that really is that this face has a thin horn like fin on top of its head. This would signify a species I have never seen or heard of before. I have found thousands of faces, yet never seen one like this. The neck area appears to be a plug that pushed into the main part of the statue at the shoulders. However, I cannot find the rest of the statue in any of the photos. Perhaps it was buried or destroy. This is absolute proof that intelligent beings walked the Martian planet. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Face Carved In Wall On Mars, Coincidence? NASA Source, UFO Sighting News.


I found a wall that I looked at for a moment because it looked like it was hand made, similar to the ancient Egyptian walls, but the Egyptians built their pharos into the walls. Then I noticed the face, and it was just irritating and too prominent to be a mistake. Its too easy to dismiss things in photos, but no true detective dismisses anything so easily. In this field, evidence is found in photos, thus, finding a face with this much detail is true evidence. It tells us what this species of aliens looked like. Actually they are not the aliens...since its their world. Its us that would be the aliens to them. 


New face found on Mars surface, more proof of ancient alien race on Mars, NASA source, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 27, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source NASA photo:

 I found another face on Mars again. The face is similar to the one I reported yesterday, similar species but the younger version. The forehead shape appears to be the same, as well as the nose, mouth, chin, and eye. Very strange I know, but there it is. Its not like I have only reported one face found on Mars, but in reality its more like I have reported hundreds of faces...which makes this no longer a coincidence but instead makes it evidence. 
Scott C. Waring


Human like Alien Face Found Just 2 Meters From NASA Curiosity Rover, March 27, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 27, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1996
Source NASA photo 1:
Source NASA photo 2:

I found this face in the most recent NASA Curiosity rover photos uploaded to the NASA site this week. The face has a lot of human features to it. Long nose, two nostrils, long chin, mouth, two eyes, two large eye brow ridges, forehead. The face is seen in two NASA photos taken by the rover and ignored. Each photo gives us a 20 degree difference in angle so we can see it better. 

Yet NASA scientists missed this. How is that possible? With the billions of dollars they spent on this mission so far and they didn't see this? Were they playing on their cell phones? Too busy playing words with friends to notice the rover running over an alien sculpture? Well, there is a new scientist in town. 

Mission control, we have discovered evidence of intelligent life.
Scott C. Waring

A second photo below with the same face, but at different angle. 


Star Wars Jabba The Hutt Face Found On Mars!!! March 16, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 16, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:
I found as few items in this Mars surface photo that I thought you would be interested in. One was a skull face or elderly face on the side of a rocky structure. 
Another below, is a fallen statue that closely resembles the old egyptian statues found near the pyramids of Cairo. It  closely resembles the Egyption god Thoth, with a bird head, and here with lowered wings. 
Directly below that is another fallen statue, but this time it semi resembles a human. Its full body is visible, its head, neck, chest, belt, legs and feet. There was even a large head that resembles Ja


Alien Face Sculpture Found In NASA Photo Just One Meter From Rover!!! March 1, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 1, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars surface 
NASA Photo:

Just one meter from the NASA rover sits a face sculpted crudely and laying upon the ground. Of course there is a NASA link which is proof that it exists. This face is nothing like humans, because it looks more ridged. Will NASA have an announcement about this discovery to the world? Hell no! Will NASA ever admit to finding sculpted evidence of an ancient alien civilisation on Mars? Hell no! So, you got me, and I will lead you to the truth, but it may not be what you want it to be. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Hovers Over Cow In Field In Oklahoma, Oct 16, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 16, 2017
Location of sighting: Okemah, Oklahoma, USA
Source: MUFON #88116

This is an amazing report of a UFO sighting that was so long that the eyewitness had to leave!  The UFO was not far from a cow grazing below in the field. Its very possible that this UFO was interested in the animal, and may have even been taken or mutilated for scientific purposes.  I wish the person had gotten out of the car and hiked up to the location for a better shot. Still, this is fantastic evidence that aliens are interested and are involved with cattle. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I saw an object in the sky. It looked like it was in our south cow pasture. I pulled up to the stop sign and observed it for about 5 minutes. It never moved! I exited my car and took a picture with my cell phone and kept observing it for about 10 more minutes. Kept trying to see it drift by using the tree line, but it stayed perfectly still. I thought if it was a plane, drone, or blimp it should move even if very slowly. It never did! I had an appointment in town and had to go and it wasn’t there when I returned. There was absolutely no sound and I kept watching other drivers pass on the highway to see if they were looking at the object, but nobody seemed to be looking at it!

 Below is the UFO untouched, no altering.

Living Rock Seen On Mars!!! Why The Hell Has NASA Been Covering This Up? Nov 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 19, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1789, Spirit Rover

Now I first heard about crystal like rocks that excreted liquid used for medical purposes when RetiredAFB told the world about his Apollo 20 mission, releasing video evidence. We never saw the crystals he spoke of, but that leads me to wonder, are there animals that exist on Mars that appear like the rocks? Animals that move so slowly, that they are not noticed. Much like a snail, moving its shell house with it. Well, perhaps its true, since NASA tried to cover up the Mars donut incident...a donut shaped rock that moved into the photo, then was gone in the photos before and after it. NASA never turned the rover around to find where it went, nor did they report any close ups of the creature. Leaving us to wonder, why didn't they want us to see it up close? Probably because it was alive...just like this odd creature leaving a shadow below its long outstretched neck in the photo above. 

A few reasons why I believe it to be alive.
1. It has no dirt or sand on the object, which is should...but its clean.
2. Its shadow shows the neck area raised above the dirt level.
3. Its sitting on top of a high rock location, much like animals on Earth trying to get a better view for hunting. 
4. The smoothness of the neck and head are similar to a snail or slug here on Earth. 

Scott C. Waring

Below is the untouched photo of a face with heat protection cloth draped over it. Above I colored it so you can see what I see. 


Alien Hand Found On Mars Near NASA Rover, Nov 18, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 18, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1868

This is a giant hand carved sitting on the surface of Mars near Curiosity rover. The photo comes from the most recent batch of NASA Mars rover sent back to Earth. 

The hand is easy to make out. There is a thumb on one side, it has a thumb nail on it that is long. Also it has at least three other larger fingers, but maybe one more hidden behind the other side of the hand. It looks human or near human. Scientists often say that the thumb has set us apart from other species allowing humans to reach higher levels than other more primitive species  If that is true, then this is a sign of intelligent life on Mars. 

I also believe that the hand is actually a structure for a small species that once lived on the planets surface. All evidence points to a species that is just a few inches tall at the most. Remarkable if true, but the real question is...are there any left on Mars to find?
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Wall Sculpture Found On Mars, Oct 11, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 11, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars

I found this side view of a face that has on a tall hat, much like the soldiers during the French revolution. The face is on the top of a small hill so that it can be seen from far away. The material its made from is a white substance with a high reflective property. I have seen this white substance before with faces on it, but this is the first time I have seen it displayed with a side view. Although it doesn't show us the aliens true size, it does show us a close up of its face, which has many similarities to humans. 

Most humans fear aliens, because the movies have conditioned them to believe that they are dangerous, and the US gov has conditioned the public to believe that aliens don't exist. Now, if they can break away from this classical conditioning put on them, they will have an eye opening experience that they will never forget. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Alien skull found on Mars in NASA photo with official link, Sept 14, 2017, photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 14, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, sol 1344
NASA URL source:

This giant alien skull was just screaming out with its mouth wide open waiting to be found. It is huge, about 2X the size of a bowling ball. Its easy to make out the eye sockets, nose socket and open mouth, but did you notice the horn-like appendage on the top of one side of its head? It may have two horns, the other hidden on the other side. 

Also something that I find links this back to the RetiredAFB astronaut William Rutledge (yeah, I talked to him a decade ago on Youtube) who was on the Apollo 20 covert mission. He took film footage of a alien they found on the moon in an old ship. She was comatose and attached to the ship, so they cut her loose and took her back to the the video which I will include below, she has a third eye. As does this alien skull I found today.

There is also a medieval-like shield not far from the head, perhaps the shied the alien was holding before his head was cut off. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan



New Mars Faces Published In Journal Of Space Exploration, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Photo above has been focused only. 

Original photo and drawing above (untouched)

This is interesting. I got an email from a friend and reader of my site and a new face has been discovered on Mars. The face is actually similar to a lot of other smaller faces I have reported to you in that it has not one, but two faces in it. On face wearing an elaborate helmet, and on the helmet is another face. On the persons neck is a alien word "33" but the second 3 is smaller. I believe these mean "friendship." Since the big 3=the big face, and the little 3=the little face. 

But wait, I sharpened the image, and brought out detail of a third face...its on the big faces chin area. I will put it just above here...with the 33 visible in it so you see the location. The sharpens photo is below. So, now we know, "33" really means "three friends, or cooperation." 

This is a professionally published paper in the Journal of Space Exploration. They evidence is analyzed over and over again. Fantastic! The evidence is growing. Professionals from all walks of life are participating in find the evidence right in front of us. 100% real proof that ancient aliens once existed on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring-Masters in Counseling, BA in El Ed. 

The email states: 
Bearded Profile with Avian Headdress on Mars – featured in science journal.

Purcellville, Virginia –A Geoglyphic formation observed on Mars depicting a bearded profile with an avian headdress is the subject of a new science paper, published in the current issue of the Journal of Space Exploration (Volume 4, Issue 3, November 2016). The paper, “Bearded Profile with Avian Headdress within the Southeast-Facing Slope of an Impact Crater in the Utopia Planitia Region of Mars,” reveals a profiled portrait of a bearded, human head wearing an avian headdress. The facial features include an eye, nose, mouth, mustache and beard, while the headdress consists of a large nesting bird. The formation is documented in four NASA images that confirm the consistency of the portraits human and avian components.  When compared to a collection of similar terrestrial motifs, the Martian structure not only duplicates their aesthetic design but, reveals a lost legacy perhaps shared between two worlds.

Contributors to the paper include members of the Society for Planetary SETI Research and The Cydonia Institute; William Saunders (geomorphologist), George Haas (sculptor), Michael Dale (geologist) and James Miller (image analyst).

A direct link to the Journal of Space Exploration paper is provided below.

Photographs and supportive materials are available on request.

If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.

*The Society for Planetary SETI Research (est. 1991) and The Cydonia Institute (est. 1991) are independent organizations of scientists and researchers with a common interest in the study of anomalies observed on planets and satellites within our solar system whose origins may be the result of intelligent design. Their members come from a variety of disciplines including physics, astronomy, engineering, geology, archeology, image processing, and the visual arts.