Showing posts with label monument. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monument. Show all posts


Ancient Temple Found On Mars Hillside, Feb 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 4, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found a temple on a hillside on Mars in a gigipan photo today. The temple is half buried, but still the doorway is visible and its facing us. The corners of the walls are still well preserved and easy to make out. Putting monuments on mountains and hilltops has always been a significant position for monuments of religious, cultural and historical significants. This appears to be a temple. I guess religion gives all species a certain comfort and purpose. 
Scott C. Waring


Three UFO Lights Recorded Over Albany, New York On Aug 31, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 31, 2018
Location of sighting: Albany, New York, USA
Source: MUFON #94655

Watch as three glowing lights fly in a triangle formation over New York this week. They move together as if they are watching out for one another or in military formation. The speed and the formation of they are in makes me wonder if they are a single large craft. You see, often UFOs are described as having three glowing propulsion systems on their bottom and I wonder if this is what we are seeing now? 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
My brother in law who would like to remain anonymous sent me 4 videos filmed on August 31st in Albany NY of Triangle light formations and orb type UFOs moving in a straight line over the city at about 10:10pm. I have sent the 4 videos to Secure Team but I also wanted to post a report to MUFON. I still have all 4 videos and would like to submit them! If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me! I might be able to talk my brother in law into speaking with you to give you more details!


Long Yellow UFO Docked At Space Station On Live Cam, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 14, 2014
Location of discovery: International Space Station

This post is dedicated to Streetcap1, may you rest in peace brother. 

This is the raw footage of what Streetcap1 caught docked at the space station on live Internet cam back in 2014. This UFO is the best UFO ever recorded at the space station, and there are a thousand videos out there. Streetcap1 was watching the live cam on the Internet when he noticed that a long canoe-like space ship was actually docked at the space station. The door that attaches from the space station to the Soyuz capsule is under it. With two and a half minutes of NASA footage, we can all agree that this is the most amazing catch ever at the ISS. I remember Streetcap1 messaged NASA asking what it was, but of course NASA never replied. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Fossil Found On Mars Near Face Statue, NASA Link! UFO Sighting Daily News.

Date of discovery: Sept 3, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 844
NASA source:

I found this fossil in Sol 844 on Mars in the NASA index. The fossil resembles that of many sea creatures here on Earth and has shell-like edges or ripples. It does resemble a sea shell fossil. 

I also noticed a face on the top of the hillside. The face has a lot of resemblance to the faces carved in ancient Egypt. However the cheeks of the person were very round and large. 

There was also an artifact that I could not identify, but did circle it in red. It looks like a wheel with a square attached to it. Very odd indeed, but nevertheless its important as proof of intelligent life on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Seen Over Washington Monument In Newly Released Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 8-4-2017
Location of sighting: Washington DC, USA
Source: MUFON #89860

This UFO was caught at the Washington monument a four months ago, but reported today. A dark UFO was near the top of the monument when the photo was taken. These UFOs often move so fast that the human eye cannot see them, but the digital camera can capture them. 

This is not the first UFO near this monument. Another was seen on a very important day, Obamas inauguration, back in Jan of 2009. It was seen by CNN reporters as they were talking about the day, one noticed an object shoot past behind them at high speed. He asked the camera guy if he caught it and could run it back for them. He did, and a UFO similar to the one today was seen shooting over the monument at incredible speed. I will place the video at the bottom of this post to compare, but please make it full screen to see well. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
Me and my family were in DC for a White House tour. We walked to the Lincoln memorial and I climbed the steps, the view from there is awesome, you can see the whole mall, so I decided to take some pictures. It was areound 11 am and I took about 3 pictures in a row of the Washington monument. At the time I didn't see anything but later that night, when I got home, I was looking through the pictures when I noticed something odd about one of them. The first picture was totally normal, but in the second one, on the right of the Washington memorial, I saw a little black disc shaped object just hovering next to it. I swiped to the 3rd picture to see if it was in that one too but it was gone. It must've disappeared quickly, as these pictures were taken within seconds of each other. I don't know the exact size of it but it must've been big if it showed up on my phone camera. At first I assumed it was just a plane or a drone, but if I'm not mistaken, the skies above the mall and the monument are a strict no fly zone, as the capital and the White House are in close proximity. It's been on my mind for a while, I just want an explanation for it. I would've reported it sooner but I wasn't sure how.


UFO Hexagon above Crazy Horse Monument, South Dakota, Dec 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 8, 2017
Location of sighting: Crazy Horse Monument, South Dakota, USA

This UFO was caught over Crazy Horse monument in South Dakota this week. I take personal interest because my personal (Scott C. Waring) sighting started in Rapid City, just 30 miles from Crazy Horse, back in 1989-1990. If this UFO was rotating I would say its the same. Also, the UFOs (about 25+) I saw headed toward the Black Hills, but passing them. Great sighting that MRMBB333 of Youtube brought out to our attention. 
Scott C. Waring

MRMBB333 states: 
Something strange was discovered in a couple, not just one but TWO photos of Crazy Horse Monument in South Dakota. Jonathan, the man that took the photos discovered what appears to be a hexagon craft in the sky high above the monument!


UFO Sighting Live during President Obama inaugural TV Speech 2013 News Caught On Tape this week, Jan 2013.

Date of sighting: January 22, 2013
Location of sighting: Washington, D.C., USA

During President Obama's 2013 Inaugural speech alien ship appeared near the top of the Washington Monument. The bluish-green craft was caught when Fox News was panning in and out at the end of a broadcast. 

Why would aliens be interested in Obama's speech and the inauguration? Wow, there are so many reasons, but the main one is that they get an opportunity to see many celebrities of America all in one place at one time. The celebrities influence the American people in many ways...shaping the personalities and politics the USA has today. Stars such as Alicia Keys, Brad Paisley and the Mexican rock group Mana, the first couple danced as Jennifer Hudson sang the classic song, "Let's Stay Together," by Al Green. Also James Taylor, Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce were there. Not to mention Joe Biden, congressmen and senators all watched as Obama was sworn in. 

This is not the first time UFOs appeared around President Obama but actually the 4th time. The first time was November 1, 2008 at Pueblo, Colorado when he was on the campaign stage being recorded by MSNBC when a grey disk flew past. The second time was January 20, 2009 at Washington, DC (in front of the Washington Monument) when Obama was giving his first inaugural speech, recorded by CNN when a grey disk shot past the Washington Monument at incredible speeds but even the CNN news reporters noticed it and mentioned it. The third sighting was Dec 9, 2009 in Norway when Obama was receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, a giant blue spiral appeared and was so massive that millions of people saw it that night from several countries. 

So clearly President Obama has at least one species of aliens that support his ideas and goals for America and the world. We sit and the interest aliens have with Obama just because they want to see history in the making, or are they alien paparazzi that spread the news across the universe. Perhaps the answer is more sinister and closer to home...he may be one of them. SCW


Mysterious monument is proof there was once life on Mars.

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter took this photo of a monolith that was discovered on the surface of Mars. This object even has the shadow the revels that it is in fact standing upright. This has all the signs of being a structure made by an intelligent being. How much more evidence do we have to have before we are buried alive in it? With so much evidence clearly there are powerful forces at work to keep all this secret. 



UFO Sighting over Washington Monument on Feb 13, 2011, Photos Here.

UFO Sighting over Washington Monument on Feb 13, 2011, Photos Here.

Location of sighting: Washington monument, DC, USA
Date of sighting: Feb 13 & 14, 2011

I have been fascinated by UFO's most of my adult life and was watching a couple of Washington DC cams over the weekend and captured these objects from different cams.

I have no idea what they are and I am by no means stating that they are UFO's but I know there is a No-Fly Zone over the White House and nearby areas and wondering if anyone knows what these objects could be.

Note: These cams are refreshed every 10 to 15 mins so they represent only a moment in time.



☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯