
Baalbek In Lebanon: Megaliths Of The Gods Full Lecture, Why We Can't Build Them Today, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Nov 2018

This is a video by the famous Brian Forester. His analyses of different ancient structures, shapes, configuration are very thought provoking. He says these structures are impossible to have been made with primitive tools and methods. I have to agree, even with todays advanced technology, I highly doubt that we will ever see an actual 100% replica of the great pyramids ever built in our lifetime. The blocks of stone are too big, too heavy and too solid. Todays tech and machines are not use to such incredible weights and sizes. 

To build an Egyptian pyramid that matches in every way to the original...whole new tools, transportation, machines and methods would have to be invented. Today in 2018, we just couldn't do it. 
Scott C. Waring

Bright UFO Captured Over Kent, England. November 3, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 3, 2018
Location of sighting: Kent, England

Glowing lights are once of the types of UFOs often seen during UFO encounters. I myself have seen more than my share. This has a shape of a AI drone ship. One that can travel at incredible speed and not have to worry about passengers, however aliens can see, hear, smell, feel the wind and even monitor a humans thoughts and  things when using this drone to interact with its surrounds. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states:
This footage was was filmed by Pete Tyas at 06:30am in the town of Deal in Kent, England. We can see this bright object moving silently through the early morning sky. Also it looks like the object has dropped something but it could be a star but there is no doubt about the bigger craft.


Rocket-like UFO Shoots Out Of Our Sun During Solar Explosion, Nov 8, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2018
Location of discovery: Earths Sun
Date of sun photo: Nov 8, 2018 20:36-40
Video file download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b4lxv1ets0ltrro/Sun%20UFO%20by%20SCW.mp4?dl=0

While searching for UFOs near the sun, I found a long rocket like object shooting out of the sun during a solar explosion. The explosion was so big it rocked the SOHO satellite and jiggled it, but still caught this UFO during the burst. This UFO was really moving fast, but lucky for us the digital camera of the SOHO satellite caught it well. 

If I am wrong, and this is burning solar material flying out from the sun, then its enough material to make a mini sun and would easily destroy the earth if it hit us. However solar material would not shoot off at light speed. This object was only caught once, traveled millions of miles across the SOHO satellite view area...and only got caught once...thats a freaking UFO. 

I made a short recording of the object and repeated it several times, you may need to pause the video to see the UFO...there are two bursts, its on the second larger solar explosion. I will include my Dropbox link to download the video for those who need it. 
Scott C. Waring

Ancient Padlock Found On Surface Of Mars In Latest Curiosity NASA Rover Photo, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 10, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2222
Photo 1: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/02222/opgs/edr/ncam/NLA_594750280EDR_D0730496TRAV00742M_.JPG
Photo 2: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/02222/opgs/edr/ncam/NLA_594750320EDR_D0730502TRAV00742M_.JPG
Photo 3: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/02222/opgs/edr/ncam/NLA_594750384EDR_D0730508TRAV00742M_.JPG

I found this giant padlock device on the surface of Mars in the latest NASA Curiosity rover photos. The photo just came out today and there are three photos with this strange artefact in it. You see that it has two extended arms...as if they were pressed together to lock and the other side was the protective shell of the padlock. Very cool. If NASA would give control of the rover over to me for a month. I would win the Nobel Peace Prize for science ten times over. 
Scott C. Waring

Ancient Jar Found On Surface Of Mars Near NASA Rover, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/02222/opgs/edr/ncam/NRA_594750074EDR_D0730478TRAV00742M_.JPG

I found a partly covered jar that has ribbed sides running from top to bottom. Its kind of artistic compared to most things I find. The top of the jar is exposed, but only the side, not the top opening area. Still its very unusual that the rover came within two feet of this ancient artefact and didn't even pause to take more in depth photos of it. But thats NASA for you. They are not there to share the discoveries with the public. They are there to drop feed the public dry facts and thus satisfy the public curiosity, while still keeping ancient life on Mars a secret. Why keep it a secret? To keep the competition to a minimum for building a city on Mars. If other counties new it was habitable, then many countries would start planning to build cities there...which could cause land wars, trade wars, who owns what, who was first? And so on. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Structures Found On Mars and Ancient Face Carved Into Hill Top, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 9, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/galleries/13331/gigapans/184111

I found a lot of ancient structures in a Mars photo today. These structures are long and almost resemble walls, but are buildings in long lines. I also discovered a face carved into a hill top, but is so ancient, it may be hard for some to see its details. This is 100% proof that ancient civilizations once flourished on the surface of Mars, and that NASA doesn't want you to know about it. 
Scott C. Waring