
April 15, 2010 at 10:10 PM, a UFO sighting is mistaken for a meteorite, see pictures.

April 15, 2010 at 10:10 PM, a UFO sighting is mistaken for a meteorite, see pictures.

On the night of April 15, 2010 at 10:10 PM, reports across many states about a colorful meteorite shooting across the night sky began to emerge. This was recorded on video and seen on the news around the world. As it shot across the Midwestern sky over many states, it momentarily turned night into day, rattling windows and houses, causing the buildings on the ground to shake from several sonic-like booms.

Reports of up to five minutes of sonic boom like rumbles were reported. Although the boom like sounds could be assumed to be sonic booms, the rumbling as it crossed the sky could not be explained.

To many UFOlogists around the globe, this is appearing to be a mother ship on reentry into the earth’s atmosphere. Such rumbling has been reported before by a famous astronomer Edmund Halley in 1676.

Edmund Halley, the astronomer who discovered Halley's comet, could recall two accounts involving unidentified crafts. His first experience was in March of 1676, when he saw a, as he said, "Vast body apparently bigger than the moon." He estimated it at 40 mi. above him. He also stated that it made a noise, "Like the rattling of a great cart over stones." After estimating the distance it traveled in a matter of minutes, he came to the conclusion that it moved at a speed greater than 9,600 m.p.h.

Note that Edmund Halley stated, “it made a noise like the rattling of a great cart over stones.” This is a fantastic description and seems very near the rumbling noise that the meteorite made as it flew overhead.

Also the April 15 meteorite had another unusual anomaly. It had no tail. Most meteorites entering the earths atmosphere have a long tail. The larger the meteorite, the larger the tail. The tail is caused by the friction with the atmosphere that causes so much heat that most meteors burn up before hitting the ground. However on video this is not the case here. Although this meteor appears as big as the sun itself in the night sky, there was absolutely no tail. As a matter of fact, this meteor is perfectly round in shape, as you can see from this still photo taken from that night. Meteors do not rumble as they fly across the sky. It is understandable that astronomers call it a meteor, because they struggle to explain everything that they see with the limited knowledge that they have learned. However if the world was aware that alien life forms existed, then they may consider both possibilities rather than be close-minded.

--Please check out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

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