
Two UFO Sightings of same craft over JAPAN Nov 27, 2010, photos.

Two UFO Sightings of same craft over JAPAN Nov 27, 2010, photos.

Date of sighting: Nov 27, 2010, 11:23:09
Location of sighting: Asahi/Chiba, Japan

I was watching a live web cam of Japan and saw this strange disk cloud in the distance.

It was smack dab in the middle of the screen and next to it was a contrail of sorts, like something a rocket might leave after shooting off. It was then that I noticed the other objects in the photo. The orange orb in the upper right of the screen and the bright white object in the lower left of the screen.

I took a three screenshots and latter that day noticed the same UFO craft on a Taiwan UFO website. The difference between this craft and the other was very small. Both were in Japan. Both were taken this week. Both had other glowing objects near them. I quickly tied the patterns together and realized these two craft were one and the same.

Note: Google Earth says Chiba is 249 miles from each other, or 400 Kilometers away.

Below is the TUFOS (Taiwan UFOlogy Society) report & Photos. Please compare them to the above report and photo

Date of sighting: Nov 10, 2010
Location of sighting: Tenri, Japan

Dear friends

We were strolling in the farmland in Tenri City, Japan on November 19, 2010.

The wife pointed at the sky when I was taking a picture of a helicopter at 4:00PM.
I have not understood the meaning. I went so that she was near. And, I looked up into the sky.

A cloud glowed by the sun. I turned the video camera on. It had a solid shape.

A reflection often can be done by taking a picture of the sun, but It was seen the reflection of the sun when seeing with the unassisted eye. However, it was not a reflection! It existed in the air.

The shape changed gradually. I took a picture of it for several times over a few minutes.
I returned to go home, and I saw looked at the images. Then I noticed a shining small thing that rapidly moved around a white cloud.

Two pieces in that video showed it turn 180 times. There was a translucent convex lens that passed over the camera.

I am examining this image.

Kiyoshi Amamiya & Yuki Amamiya

Source: http://www.ufo.org.tw/?pn=view&id=059fp733ii6c

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯