
Military craft follows 3 UFOs spotted by hunter, night vision, Virgina, Jan 17, 2011 VIDEO.

Military craft follows 3 UFOs spotted by hunter, night vision, Virgina, Jan 17, 2011 VIDEO.

According to eyewitness testimonial "This is my first UFO sighting in the 30 years of living here. I noticed 3 faint red lights in front of a blinking craft. At first I thought it was a single object until they flew overhead. You can barely see the red lights half way through the clip when I take the night vision away."

Luckily I had just been out spotting deer with the night vision and camera. The red light in the middle is very dim at the start of the clip.Towards the end of the clip the middle light is much brighter. Sorry for the strong language but that was my natural reaction.

This happened near Powhatan. VA around 3:30 in the morning January 17th. The sky is very quite at that time. In the UFO videos I have seen, they are always flying so I thought I could provoke them to land or at least turn around, but no such Luck. I probably get that from watching Ghost Adventures since they seem to provoke the ghost to do anomalous things.

The blinking craft could be one of ours or one of them - the faint red lights were definitely not a craft of any sort - they were very faint with a see through appearance.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯

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