
Alien Technology Discovered On Mars by Spirit Rover in 13 photos! UFO Sighting News.

Strange Alien Technology Discovered On Mars by Spirit Rover in 13 photos! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2, 2011
Location of sighting: West Valley, Mars
NASA Source:

This photo is one that was taken by Mars Spirit Rover a few years back. Last night I found an unusual structure that looks like triangle in shape. The object is metal in appearance and looks to be part of a complex mechanism crated long ago. This is the closest and highest detail example of alien technology that I have ever seen. Check the link to confirm the discovery please.

The Rover took photos of the ground close up so if this is a alien building, the inhabitants would have to be insect size compared to us. After discovering the truth years ago that aliens are real I also realized…that anything is possible. Scott C. Waring- UFO Sightings Daily

The first 13 photos all have this alien object in it. Source Photos at:

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