Location of sighting: Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
The game was paused twice due to lightning strikes, one of which actually hit the building. The sports reporters began talking about the lightning, getting the cameramen too focus on it. As they looked at the lightning, other objects (whitish) were flying about in the clouds. One of these objects was recorded going straight then suddenly made a sharp curve disappearing into the same cloud that a few seconds earlier shot lightning out. These three questions come to mind.
1) Did the UFOs cause it by accident?
2) Did the UFOs cause it on purpose?
3) Were they just hiding in the clouds and had nothing to do with it?
Hard to tell, but very glad it was caught on video. This sighting is similar to the UFOs seen over the Dallas Cowboys football game back in 1979. The UFOs at that game were seen on live TV so close you could touch them, amazing video at http://scottcwaring.blogspot.com/2011/06/ufo-sighting-over-dallas-cowboys.html