
Notre Dame Stadium Evacuated Twice due to UFOs And Lightning Strikes - Sep. 3, 2011, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 3, 2011
Location of sighting: Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

The game was paused twice due to lightning strikes, one of which actually hit the building. The sports reporters began talking about the lightning, getting the cameramen too focus on it. As they looked at the lightning, other objects (whitish) were flying about in the clouds. One of these objects was recorded going straight then suddenly made a sharp curve disappearing into the same cloud that a few seconds earlier shot lightning out. These three questions come to mind. 

1) Did the UFOs cause it by accident?
2) Did the UFOs cause it on purpose?
3) Were they just hiding in the clouds and had nothing to do with it?

Hard to tell, but very glad it was caught on video. This sighting is similar to the UFOs seen over the Dallas Cowboys football game back in 1979. The UFOs at that game were seen on live TV so close you could touch them, amazing video at http://scottcwaring.blogspot.com/2011/06/ufo-sighting-over-dallas-cowboys.html

UFO Sightings Daily


  1. UFO don't exist. Aliens don't exist either. We are the only life forms in this Universe. If you're talking about other dimensions, then it's another story.

  2. could be paper and stuff like that caught in the wind,just saying.

  3. I agree the main one looks very UFOish but I think it should also be taken into consideration that it was a storm, very windy, and there was probably a lot of debris floating around. Garbage, fliers, tickets, souvenirs, and all other kinds of things were probably whisked away by the wind, so the other objects could very well have just been any of those things. The sharp turn that main object takes defies the direction the wind seems to be taking everything else though. The object that flies in that same direction just above the main object also seems UFOish. Same direction, both disappear into the cloud. Very nice :)

  4. Yeah guys, it's totally a UFO. The aliens were broadcasting the match back to their home planet and the LIGHTNING got them a little spooked.

  5. The aliens don't come because of the immigration laws.

  6. I looked at Google Earth as you said and the area of S4 has been completely updated. The circular object cannot be seen; there is now an extension on the hanger which is, get this, rounded on the end. The object that is straight up from there is another question. Since the map I looked at is newer than yours, I have to question it. The same object appears in the same spot and is identical to yours. These maps were photoed at a different time and the objects are the same; that says that the object in question is something else. I also looked for the triangular object and it does not appear on this map, so I do believe that your photo is correct in the main and the triangular objects. I have to conclude that they are real. Here is something funny. When I first got on Google Earth, I was able to zoom way in. A few minutes later, the zoom was less than it was when I first started looking. It also had a greyed appearance when the zoom changed. Thought that you might like to know all of this!

  7. This may prove that even aliens are into football. LOL

  8. Oh God, you're kidding me, right? I'm a paranormal investigator and I'm telling you that it is downright irresponsible to automatically label those as UFOs without taking into consideration any of the wind patterns that could be caused during severe weather in a stadium. More than likely you are getting all excited over debris....I'm all for paranormal occurences, but any investigator worth his salt will tell you to bend over backwards to debunk before you go screaming "UFO!" This is just embarrassing.

  9. This is the funniest thing i have read all day. Thanks for the comedy.

  10. UAO - Unidentifed Aerial Object?
    UOS - Unidentifed Object in Sky?

    Can't be UFOs, because it's not clear (to me) they were 'Flying'.

  11. it IS UFO. because the object is flying in the air but could not be identified. yet.interesting stuff u have here. wanna know more about this kinda thing

  12. shouldn't you be more focus in the football game not in the sky...FAIL

  13. I truly believe that we are not alone,
    there is something else out there, but we are not the ones that can say "OH thats a UFO" or an alien'. the day will come when we get to see the truth of everything.but we should let things be. not try to figure out what things are.

  14. Jazarah…sometimes I think the exact same way as you. Just let thing be, but why?

    Shakespeare once wrote, "Should I act upon the urgings that I feel, or be passive and thus cease to exist?"

    I chose to exist.

  15. Either we are alone in the vastness of the Universe, or we are not.

    Either position is scary.

    Most importantly, though, both positions have to be taken entirely on faith.


    George Wagner

  16. The Irish still suck...

  17. Well we don't know whats out there most people seem to be none believers of all of this but we never know, for us to think we are the only beings alive this would be insane thinking.

    We really don't know whats out there or what created this world, people are going all over the galaxy flying around who is to say we have no been visited before.. we don't know and the government don't know shit either I have seen a few situations about police officers coming forward put they don't even know what they saw.


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