
Alien Orb Fleet Over Paris, France In Daytime On Video, April 2012 News.

Date of sighting: April 2012
Location of sighting: Paris, France

Eyewitness states: "After eating, I was taking a nap in my garden. This time was impressive. I love watching the sky, clouds, meteo, in my garden, sometimes when it's sunny. I spotted several strange objects, white lights hovering over a huge cloud. I immediatly took my camcorder and filmed the objects. The sighting was not very long, but I could record them. The orbs were in all the clouds, invading the sky. I think those lights were there since longtime. The question is, what did they do?! I think they were spying us. So, as well, I tried to find what was it. First I thought about helicopters...but at this high? In this huge cloud, all up there, hundreds of kilometers? And if they were helicopters we should have seen the whole object, not to mention the powerful zoom of my camera. (78x) A man can't go with a helicopter at hundreds of kilometers in the sky. Notice that sometimes, the orbs disappear."