
Super Moon Caught With 4 UFO In 4 Minutes, May 5, 2012 Video.

Date of sighting: May 5, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Moon

Eyewitness states: "This is the 1st time I have ever taken a video of the moon with my new telescope. There are a few things that pass by and I'm not sure what they are. This video was shot from Ottawa,Canada. FULL SCREEN IS A MUST TO SEE THE OBJECTS. They are highly visible in full screen. Thanks for viewing."

Only at full screen (IN HD MODE!!!) you can see all the UFOs as they fly past the moon or over the moons surface. 
1st UFO: At 1:00 into video. Moves from bottom left to top right.
2nd UFO: At 1:40 into video. Moves from right to left.
3rd UFO: At 3:12 into video. Moves from top middle to bottom right.
4th UFO: At 3:39 in video. Moves from left to right.