
Two Glowing UFOs Seen Over Phoenix, Arizona On Sept 18, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: September 18, 2012
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Eyewitness states:
My neighbor came and knocked on my door and was freaking out saying something about UFO's, I walked out front and saw two orange orbs floating over the city, I didn't know what they were but they were unlike anything I had ever seen before, they definitely weren't planes. I ran inside to grab my camera but when I got back out they had disappeared, my neighbor said she saw them go out like someone switched out the light. After a few minutes she went back inside, I continued to look for them and saw them reappear in a different part of the sky and thats when I started filming. Around 3:30 they both disappear as a plane approaches and then one of them reappears in a different spot further east.


  1. That is crazy. On the 9/23/2012 i saw a total of 10 orange bright glowing flying objects all between 10pm-10:30pm. All were east coming from a western direction.

    1. We saw four of these from Surprise AZ on 9/23/2012

    2. What did you see? How many? Over any particular areas like mountains, lake, river, monument? How long did it last?

      Scott C. Waring

    3. Did their path ever change at all. Did they stop or slow down, or change positions, or go backwards?

    4. I'm located in Surprise as well.
      There were a total of 11, in four different sightings. All 11 were a big bright orange object that seemed to vanish off. All were seen from pretty much the same location in Surprise, with witness' for all objects except the first.
      1st sighting: 12:30AM was 1 bright orange object flying from north to south. Object just disappeared with no objects(trees, houses, etc) obstructing my view.
      2nd: ~10:00PM, carpooling home with my mom when I see 1 bright orange light going from west to east. My mom tells me that it is a plane.
      3rd: ~10:10PM, get home and go to backyard to smoke, and look up and see 3 orange lights flying in a triangular pattern going from west to east. Tell my mom to come and take a look, and she sees the 3.
      4th: ~10:30PM, I'm still outside, but now looking for somewhere to report to, and I look up and see a total of 6 orange objects coming from very westerly direction over the houses north of me. I yell for my mom to take a look again, and she tells me that she does not want to see them anymore, but she does make it out to see all 6. She then runs back inside and tells my brother to take a look, but by the time he comes out he only sees the last 4, as 2 had already vanished off into the eastern direction.

    5. I am located in Surprise as well

    6. April16 1230am 2013 in suprise az where I live I have been seeing a bright orb in the night sky for about a month now and has been happening every other week and stays for about 20minutes then disappears, also there's other strange things I'm seeing are this glowing lines that are in pairs of 5 and this is happening around 6pm when the clouds are pink. Someone please tell me others have seen these things so I don't feel so crazy.

  2. I saw one of these last night! Halloween night, I was trick or treating with my kids and my daughter actually noticed it first. Bright orange glow in the sky really high up it looked like. It appeared to be coming closer at a fast rate, and then suddenly the pace slowed down drastically and it just sort of lingered where it was. Then, slowly, the orange light faded (looked almost as if it was just getting further away from us and we couldn't see it anymore).

  3. I saw FIVE of these tonight... they were also lighting fireworks (near sighting) so it might have been a form of firework. Two floated up together and then a third. They seemed to disappear into the night but NOT before forming a triangle shape (could have been the wind if fireworks). Then as I was leaving two more floated up. They literally appeared to be coming out of someone's backyard... again maybe fireworks maybe not. but squinting they looked like candles in a light orange paper orb. Didn't zigzag or anything weird just floated. Looked similar to this vid. Heard some "oohs" and "aahs" from adults and excitement from kids so others saw them. That is all. bye

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  5. Last night april16 around 1230am in suprise az I keep seeing a strange glowing orb in the sky for about 20 minutes or so and then its gone, this has been happening for about a month now but happens every other week. Also in the last month I have been seeing strange glowing lines in the sky around 6pm. When the skys are pink which is really weird. If anybody else has seen something like this please leave me an email dschuster5138290@gmail.com.

    1. Very amazing sighting. Please try to record it on video if it ever happens again and put it on youtube with this in the title please. "UFO Sighting On DATE At City, Country." This way all UFO researchers can find it.

  6. April16 1230am 2013 I keep seeing a bright orb In the sky and stays for 20min then its gone this is also in suprise az this has been happening for a month now every other week also seeing strange glowing lines in the sky moving downwards around 6pm I cant explain what's going on if anybody else is seeing this it will make me feel less crazy u can reach me at dschuster5138290@gmail.com

  7. I have video of these same Orange Orbs over buckeye on 1/8/15 around 8:45pm. Something crazy is going on in the skies over the west valley! Check out my video! https://youtu.be/Pq8uDHyz5KY

  8. I have video of these same Orange Orbs over buckeye on 1/8/15 around 8:45pm. Something crazy is going on in the skies over the west valley! Check out my video! https://youtu.be/Pq8uDHyz5KY

  9. I saw them also....walking home from work 19th ave northern was walking west...I saw them plain as day....I saw prolly 15 flying one right behind another...I got off work at 7 pm so must have been round 7:30ish to 7:45...I NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT BEFORE...had no storage on phone or WOULD have recorded it.


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