Date of sighting: October 19, 2012
Location of sighting: Westhampton, New York, USA
Eyewitness states (email report):
"It was my mothers birthday roughly around 945 pm and my sister came running inside on her way out to tell us 5 ufos were flying over our home...when i ran out i saw 5 giant orange orbs slowly moving east across the sky!!! Completely in shock i took one still picture of the ufos and went to the video to record the event...the kicker was that the ufos only appeared as white dots on video...u can clearly see them but wow...they all started dissapearing..on camera too!! After they all dissapeared into thin air i reviewed the pictures and only one picture showed the white ufos and the rest showed orange orbs!!! I have an edited version of the video but i dont want you to think i messed with video so here is the full unedited version and u can hear my whole family in awww!!! I believe i caught a group of boomerang ufos!!! U tell me."