
Metallic Disk Over Military Base In Taiwan On Google Earth Map, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2014
Source: Reader of USD emailed me about it, but wishes to stay anonymous. 
Location of sighting: 4km South of Fangliao, Taiwan

A reader of UFO Sightings Daily wrote me and asked me to look into this. He is also living in Taiwan like myself. The UFO is over a building complex that has a tall brick fence with barbed wire. I did confirm, the buildings are for Taiwan military use, but usually only used a few months of each year for training. 

To find this UFO you must use google map which is free to download, but know this...almost all of the 20 or more UFOs that I reported found on Google map have been deleted by Google within 3-6 months time! So I found that it is important to create a video to document the sighting for the future. 

I, Scott C. Waring made this video and can guarantee 100% that it is there, but please visit the location on Google map to confirm this sighting. If you do find it please leave a comment below for others to see. Thanks so much to the person who emailed this in to me. Scott C. Waring