
Transforming UFO Seen Close Up On Video Over Los Angeles, California On March 26, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 26, 2015
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California

I like Robert Bingham, he's a guy from my home town of Los Angeles and he works hard at using meditation to call UFOs to him. He does it in front of crowds with telephoto lens cameras at nearby parks, and they are rarely disappointed. Last time I heard from him was over a year ago by email. He is an extraordinary person, with many confirmed close UFO catches, so follow him on Youtube. SCW
Eyewitness states:
3/26/15 Capture by Robert Bingham near Sony Studios in Culver City, Los Angeles, CA. The UFO is a captured facade that actually transforms in front of your eyes. This is a foundational video for those who are stuck with inductive reasoning. Just because it is colored like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, doesn't mean it is not a decoy. This 5:20 second video reveals a transformation beyond belief within 64 seconds of the tape. Most people would have intuitively reasoned and judged this object within 15 seconds and not wasted their time to view the object any further much less taped it. Robert Bingham noticed subtle indications of imitation prior to transformation and continued to videotape the object. As the tape progresses, you will find that this object transforms into the same pattern over and over again. Please note that towards the end of the tape, it reveals its interior (black) as it closes up, something you have to see in order to believe. Amazing footage by the masterful artist of Summoning UFOs, Robert Bingham.


  1. Scott, I believe these are Mylar balloons that are being some how manipulated. Google on Mylar balloons an you will see many of the shapes that appear in his videos. Especially the figure 8. I am not convinced.

    1. Very possible. Most UFOs will avoid downtown LA. They like less populated areas.

    2. Scott stop fillin peoples head full of shit

  2. A nice S shaped balloon and wow its right above a sony building does not take much to figure this one out does it? maybe its an alien craft changing shapes LOL give us a break.

  3. http://m.partycity.com/products/number+8+metallic+silver+balloon+34in

    1. Anon- Nonsense, a very weak try on your part. Unless you can tell us how a mylar balloon could rapidly change its shape into so many different forms as this object is clearly doing, in such a short time period.

    2. Even has tie down eyelets. Nice. Transforming into a popped balloon.

    3. The balloon burst as high altitude and is then falling back to earth giving the random shapes - if there were any intelligence involved surely the object would resume it's original shape!

  4. I'm kinda sad, a while back I thought he might be able to summon ufos. Now that I've watched numerous videos that he himself has published I am very let down, especially the star shaped mylar that he repeatedly states is not a mylar balloon, that it's an ufo of great technology that purposely changes to look like a balloon. Another one bites the dust.

  5. this guy is a total FOOL

  6. When it untwisted from the number 8, it looked like a snake or dragon. In Chinese culture they talk about the flying dragons who visited them in the past. Looks like one to me.

  7. I can see how this could be what he claims, but I see a mylar balloon. I'd like to see a UFO actually respond to a verbal request. sorry man but I don't see it.

  8. Today, we were celebrating the 8th birthday of my website. My assistant brought in some balloons, including a large, silver "8". I said, I've seen that before. I then remembered it was here.


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