
UFO Found On Second Moon Landing Photo, April 20, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 20, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
NASA Photo:  http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/images/print/AS12/46/6849.jpg
Mission: Apollo 12

This UFO was found on the second moon landing mission Apollo 12. Many people around the world believe the moon missions were faked by NASA to scare the other world powers into thinking America is all powerful. Even the elementary teachers here in Taiwan teach in class that the moon missions might be fake. I heard this from my students. Perhaps thats true, but there are a lot of UFOs in NASA photos that indicate that they were accidentally caught in the photo. Not placed there by NASA, so not all moon photos are faked by NASA, just the first moon which was Apollo 11. This UFO is in Apollo 12 photos. Discovered by Streetcap1 of Youtube. SCW


  1. They are Unidentified but may not be Flying Objects. They are light sources which opens the possibility of studio, theatre industrial type apparatus. If you blow the photo up by 500% and scan you will see other colored light sources as well some the similar blue and some with yellow.

  2. Scott, i allways thought there mode of travel to the moon were secretly accomplished by the utilization of Anti Grav Vehicals capable of space flight that the post nazi hidden wing of NASA did not want to expose to the world, & after all if everyone recalls NASA's huge milti million $ "Gulf Oil Contracts" to honor there bomb of a rocket Saturn Series Launching Rockets that after all runs on fuel, the visual moon landing staging was accomplished from the help of the likes of famous film maker "Stanly Kubrik" US intell collabaration via contacts from governmental agencie interest that needed a film maker & studio just for that reason, & its to show the world the "STAGEED VR OF THE APOLLO MOON LANDING" ext while the more extraordinary hidden research was secretly being done there by the astronauts & were relayed back to earth to secret research teams @ NASA & possibly NSA, CIA, ONI ext ext, whom im certain saw many diff things including various UFO & observation craft, base structures, monuments, ruins ext, tho this film senerio was tightly prohibited from public attention imo...

  3. constantly i used to read smaller articles which
    also clear their motive, and that is also happening with this article which I am
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