
UFO Observing Mercury Mission Capsule In NASA Archive Photos, April 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit
Source photos: http://tothemoon.ser.asu.edu/gallery/mercury/1#MR-1A-9186-266
Mission: Mercury Mission MR-1A
I found a disk in some photos of the Mercury mission. The mission took place in Dec of 1960, and why wouldn't aliens be interested in watching a historical moment in human history? Especially since the capsule was unmanned, there were no worries that they would be seen. Its actually the Earth in the background and the UFO is in space observing the Mercury capsule. The disk is hard to make out in the first photo, but three photos later its easy to see. It looks like a classic disk with a wedge cut out of it. We are living in a remarkably era, when certain deep truths about the universe come within reach of the human spirit. SCW


  1. I just can't see why the U.S. gov. does not speak of these incidents.what the he'll do they got to loose?The citizens are already free....right,are elected officials focusing on power? I've witnessed about 7 sightings from orbs to craft type objects,clear view!!! Its absolutely pathetic when given a question the response is always dodged...I'm a common man and I get it, certainly the US must...and for how many years?. Anyways nice pics...peace

  2. Pretty interesting

  3. I I have personally witnessed UFOs 2 times in my life once flying above March AFB, and once at long beach Naval Air station while I was in the service. Working for Naval intelligence for 30 years many of us knew that were in my position that UFOs are real and our stealth tech comes from recovered alien tech. The Aurora is also rumored to inherit alien tech even more so if anyone knows what I am talking about....sorry for the ramble folks lol

  4. Hi everybody, I've been here lots of time when I was in the UK, now I'm writing this new blog for fun, it's https://alienmlinzi.wordpress.com/
    I'd like to know if anybody likes it, so to go on or quit. Thanks

  5. Wow very cool. I cant wait until the public becomes enlightened of other world intelligent beings..

  6. how the hell did you manage to convince the daily mail to publish this story?

    1. I never spoke to them, but flattered that they like my site. My site has been on Dailymail several times over the years.

  7. The popular website: dailymail.co.uk show in their main page yesterday your news about this ufo.

    Keep with the good work.

    1. Wow, I didn't know about that. Thanks for telling me. Its nice the news takes this subject so seriously and England seems to be more open about it than other countries.

  8. Lloyd Pye sheds a lot of light on this situation...we are being grossly lied too and our world history and anthropological explanations as to our origins are a total crock! I have seen two ufo's and both sightings were group sightings where several people were with me and saw it together...one was so close and so big that we could not see the edges and the other was far away but just as real...it's been 35 years and I am now just coming out of shock to speak of it...

  9. I wonder why scw doesn't post replies that propose alternative explanations to these phenomena. Like the reflection of the hasselblad camera in the cockpit window, highly visible in many of the 420 frames of the slideshow. I'm not saying that thebyruth is not out there, just that it may not be what we hope it is.


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