
Mars: Dying Figures Found Caressing In Last Moments Of Life In NASA Photo, Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00036/mcam/0036MR0148001000E1_DXXX.jpg

This is an interesting and rare discovery made by MMSPZC of Youtube, and his UFAH group UFO researches. 

For a long time now, I have wondered what the future AI robots might be like? Would humans and robots become one species? This discovery confirms it. These alien beings were preserved for millions of years in this stance, the exact way they died so long ago. Look at the man holding the woman closely. Look at the delicate ornaments that adorn their body. Its the technology they have inside their body that kept their body so well preserved for so long. This doesn't look like a statue, but the last moments of a couples life. His head and body is wrapped with an intricate pattern of beads and jewelled clothing. 

Is it possible? Think about Pompeii and the last moments of their lives, preserved forever. Yeah, it is possible. But life didn't exist on Mars? We don't know that. You and I have only lived a few decades so far. 

For over 1,500 years the Pompeii was just a myth, a silly story told to children at bedtime, but it has been found, and is now fact. One day, Mars civilisations will be seen the same way...changing from fiction to fact, and we...the public UFO researchers, will be the ones to accomplish it.

It is also possible that this last moments was caused by a weapon that turns all organic life into stone. This would explain why we have found human-like figures sitting down, laying down and even running in place. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. It isn't nice to pick on the poor guys skin problems scott! Just cos he's trying to get to the shops! ;)

    1. Not a skin problem, and elaborate cultural outfit. Look at the Apollo 20 footage of the woman pilot that was recovered. Look at her clothing. The pattern, very similar.

    2. A very very awesome deduction youve stated Scott, & this pic well i i i just cant stop looking at it man WoW...

      A pic is worth a giga words oK OK...

      I just cant stop thk'ing that, "MAN WHAT A AWESOME & thought provoken capture", & i just cant stop looking & thk'ing about there last moments, tho one question comes to mind being mars "Harsh Outback Conditions" is it remotely possible everyone if these two or maybe three fiqures a a family perhaps may have encountered a more recent calimady then thousands even humdreds of yrs past but perhaps Scott a more recent event even if its just w/in a short 100yrs our time.

      Were they abandoned on purpose on the surface being well dressed as you discribes Scott, or did there personal vehical brake dwn or were they part of a stranded group, or even maybe possibly part of the homeless humaniod pop scattered on mars surface regions, & ill indicate there must have lung capacity to brearth, did they meet perhaps deadly martian bad weather cond's asside from a death ray type device of some type that you speculate on Scott, things are just flooding my mind the more i veiew this now, hell this is a awesome pic find imo, i i im beginning to see something now give me time.

    3. Even the female herself if looked @ closely looks almost simular to Apollo 20's discoverd Mona Lisa, her partner have a semitic look about himself imo, & some of those earlyer statues you had presented some time ago Scott has some statues that look like non hybrided humans of african origin tho ive seen some that looks cacasoid also, UC a mixed bag of races in mars past including "Other Worlders" that frequentid mars for various reasons...

  2. Srsly tho, the jewellery looks like shells, precious find. I wonder if they had there baby in the basket?

  3. This should shut those people up that keep hanging shit over faces in rocks!

  4. This lady is higher than eagle pussy

  5. A lot of people are looking close at this and majority are stating.... LOOK AT THE BASKET.. It looks organic now! If it was, you can see clearly it isn't coloured like the figures... They have a point that even if it was covered in "volcanic /meteor dust) the basket surely would have rotted inside out and broken.! Also a lot say that they're actually blending in like a gekko or butterfly or lizard or chameleon.. As we have many "blenders" on earth, the theorists might have a point! Look at the "jewels clothes" they aren't covered totally and get a close up of HIS FINGERS AND ARMSHIELD! There the freshest looking fingers I've seen for a dead being!

  6. Sory guys unrelated issue! Has anybody in the ufo community heard anything on 23 september 2015 comet strike and jade helm 15

    1. This is all I could find about what NASA says about it.

  7. I'm amused that people again and again seeing these things.our brain is fooling us!!
    If we're searching for human shapes we'll always find it in every stone that brings that shape.look at all these mars pictures with that in mind and you'll agree that it's just a stone!
    But i say there is ET and human life on Mars.but it's Underground!

    1. And I am amused that most people have trouble seeing what is really there. How many people walked over that diamond at Crater of the Diamonds, before one little child sat down and saw it next to him and picked it up? Probably thousand of people walked past it. What I'm saying is your life style dictates what your mind sees around you. Try a little harder, and you may be startled at what you find, or go check for yourself.

  8. Date of discovery: August 2015.
    Then how come the pic says it's from December 23, 2012....

  9. I've been combing through ancient Indian and artwork from the Vedic texts and even though the top of the heads are chopped off here, some of the pics are very close.
    And in the Vedic texts they did say there was a monumental war of the Gods that destroyed everything... Could it have been Mars?
    And remember the God of Wars name was Mars ... Unbelievable!!!

  10. Does no one notice the rock in the back ground that is mostly hovering off the ground?

    1. Hey good eyes. You should be doing this kind of work. Nice one.

  11. Are you serious seko? I've seen dozens of the mars pics and this is one of the best look at the faces and shadows that looks just like a face including the foot at the bottom left. You're ridiculous

  12. Kinda reminds me of the petrified bodies the found in Pompeii. Frozen in time forever. Crazy.

  13. They look like the Mayan sculptures I've seen in Copan, Honduras.

  14. Replies
    1. I actually felt for them. I mean, I really think its two people in their last moments of life. I have found a few others like this. I hope they died without pain.

  15. Hi Scott. Im actually the finder of these 2 wonderful tiny figures. I found them in 2012 and they have been on my desktop ever since. I have only just found the courage to put them up! I finally became tired of all the people saying there was no connection with humanoids on Mars. I say if these are not petrified being and are indeed just ornaments or statues...then who created them - if not humanoids? I have also found and enhanced other anomalies within the same area. You can see all our images in MMSPZC of Youtube, and our UFAH group (United Family of Anomaly Hunters) Like you, Scott, I felt a tremendous sadness whilst working on them. My sentiments are exactly the same as yours. - Martine Grainey.

  16. Hi Scott. Im actually the finder of these 2 wonderful tiny figures. I found them in 2012 and they have been on my desktop ever since. I have only just found the courage to put them up! I finally became tired of all the people saying there was no connection with humanoids on Mars. I say if these are not petrified being and are indeed just ornaments or statues...then who created them - if not humanoids? I have also found and enhanced other anomalies within the same area. You can see all our images in MMSPZC of Youtube, and our UFAH group (United Family of Anomaly Hunters) Like you, Scott, I felt a tremendous sadness whilst working on them. My sentiments are exactly the same as yours. - Martine Grainey.

    1. Never let fear hold you back. I remember a quote from Shakespeare that changed my life long ago in high school, "should I act upon the urgings I feel or be passive and thus cease to exist?" You Martine have chose to exist and the world will have to deal with it. Keep up the great work Martine. This find is beautiful, its what life is all about.

  17. Hi Scott. Im actually the finder of these 2 wonderful tiny figures. I found them in 2012 and they have been on my desktop ever since. I have only just found the courage to put them up! I finally became tired of all the people saying there was no connection with humanoids on Mars. I say if these are not petrified being and are indeed just ornaments or statues...then who created them - if not humanoids? I have also found and enhanced other anomalies within the same area. You can see all our images in MMSPZC of Youtube, and our UFAH group (United Family of Anomaly Hunters) Like you, Scott, I felt a tremendous sadness whilst working on them. My sentiments are exactly the same as yours. - Martine Grainey.

  18. Hey Scott. Thanks again for posting our work. And again i will ask you if you wanna be a guest at one of the next episodes of favorite images, together with Martine Grainey Neville Thompson Coach Billy Carson and hopefully a few more. ? Please contact me via facebook, you can find me on the admins list in Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club. Again Thanks a million times for sharing.. thumps up,

    1. Hey, good to hear from you. No sorry, I don't want to throw myself out there. Summer is already a killer work time for me teaching, blogging, and working out. Staying balanced right now. Thats why I haven't made any videos lately. Thanks for the offer.

  19. Hi Adam Fish - The 'elevated' figure in the background you spoke of... she is a young child in a tipped up carrier. She is still strapped into it. This is why her head appears to be levitated above the ground. She is wearing a bonnet over a long blonde fringe which comes down to her eyes.Ahe is wrapped up in a thick coat or shawl and you can just see the soles of her feet. I have also enhanced this image which for me, was yet another emotional experience. I posted the image to Thomas Jensens group MMSPZC and Rami bar Ilan's group Exclusive Mars Images including 3 other groups - all of which I am honoured to be an administrator.

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  21. So set yourself up to share sincerely with the dying individual, as you are straightforward to them in any case. They see into our souls. here


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