
UFO Follows The Donald Trump Helicopter, Tells US Trump Will Be Next President On Aug 15, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 15, 2015 at 1PM
Location of sighting: Des Moines, Illinois, USA
Source: MUFON
Case #: 69530

UFO following future presidents is nothing new. Carter saw one when he came out of the lions club. Ronald Reagan was followed twice when he was California governor and he even had the pilot try to follow it once. He was up front about it. UFOs were seen behind Obama on the campaign trail and during his Washington DC inauguration ..that UFO was seen on live CNN...and even CNN asked why the hell was it that shot past? So, you know what this means don't you? Aliens don't waste their time on little guys, but only on presidents. Trump is the next US president. The UFO accidentally told humanity the future. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Donald Trump was at the Iowa State Fair giving kids a ride in his helicopter. We were walking down the street to the fair. Donald Trump's helicopter was flying overhead so I got my phone out and snapped a picture. It was very hard to see the helicopter because of the glare on the screen. Later on that day when I was sitting in the shade I got my phone out to see how my picture had come out. That's when I noticed the object in the photo.


  1. Could be a drone....but the way Trump is leading in the polls I do believe you are getting clairvoyant. Lol

    1. Yes, it could be a drone, but aliens also have drones.

  2. Even Aliens like a good laugh

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I see bad news for the world if he becomes US President...

      BAD NEWS.


  4. No human can CHANGE what Jehovah Father God has planned for US OF WORLD , He sends His angels to follow Who He has sent to SAVE us from Obama&the Pope. Read it in your Bible&proof shows the UFO following Donald is an Angel of God. 2 KINGS 6:16-17 PSALMS 68:17 ZECHARIAH 6:5

    1. Indeed if anyone can change my world YOUR world, well my friends TRUMP can & will towards possible total global destruction the way he talks, & that is if you all as irresponsible american voting citizens let this moron get his hateful & foreign policy lack of knowledge hands on the Red Phone...

      We also understand that he D Trump like mostly all the american right wing it seems, secretly & in private admire Putin w/ his shirt off ridin a horse, hell maybe a sexual turn on perhaps to those type of awefull & disrespectful americans that attends Trump rallys that likes to beat up people they dont like, well in my mind quite possibly, & he Mr V Putin russian leader whom really would & possibly could play Trumps american presidential jerking hand like a Ah Hum fiddle knows this, UC everone he cant do this w/ present pres Obama or former sec of state H Clinton whom both could wheel & deal w/ the likes of Putin, but D Trump, mu ha ha ha ha ha, hell itll be childs play to that russian leader, now mark my word ya thought Bush the 2nd's rein was terrible just let this rich paid his way to president idoit become your so called Commander in Chief, then youll see...

      Shussssssh, dont tell anyone Scott & fellow crewmates, now ya know.

  5. That looks exactly like one of those black stealth military jets to me. But that fact that he is one of the finalists doesn't bode well in terms of disagreeing with the articles argument.

  6. It is possible to believe in aliens as well as normal humans. Thanks a lot for sharing with us. essay bay


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