
Alien Body Found Intact On Mars Near Walls, Feb 2016, @NASA Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Above and below, only difference is I added more light below so you can see the aliens chest and pelvis area. 

Date of discovery: February 20, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source URL: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00590/mcam/0590MR0024830570400529E01_DXXX.jpg

Jason Hunter of Youtube found this great discovery today. Its an alien body laying on its side. You can make out its hips, thin waist, legs, shoulders, neck and head. Its facial features are also easy to make out its eyes, nose, mouth, chin. Its hair is unique, or perhaps its a jagged edged crown, but above this crown is a hat that I made yellow to see it apart from the rest of the alien. Its arms are behind its back, which tells me it fell down, it did not chose to lay down. It fell from an accident that caused all this disaster on Mars. 

NASA did say that Mars lost its atmosphere from a solar explosion from our sun long ago. It appears that some of this solar material...melted material coated the things it hit on Mars...making a statue like outer layer on objects including bodies. Much like the Italy volcano creating physical impressions of the human bodies in the city of Pompeii here on Earth. 
Scott C. Waring

Below you see the walls and the body.