
Taxi Driver Takes Photo Of UFO During Sunset In Doncaster, UK On May 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2016
Location of sighting: Balby Road, Doncaster, UK
News source: http://www.doncasterfreepress.co.uk/news/i-photographed-a-ufo-over-doncaster-1-7912229

One thing I often say is that if you want to see a UFO, then watch a dozen sunsets. The light bending around the cloak can only go 180 degrees, but when it has to go an extra 90 degrees during sunset...the clock malfunctions and is semi visible for a few seconds to a few minutes. Look at the diagram below I made. 
Scott C. Waring


News states:
A Doncaster cabbie thought he was photographing a beautiful sunset - but now he thinks he caught a UFO. Jarnel Singh was walking home through Balby when he caught sight of the beautiful sunset. He took a number of pictures on his mobile phone to show to other people. But when he got home and showed his wife, he noticed a mysterious shape on the picture which he had not initially noticed - and now believes to be an unidentified flying object. He said: “I was just walking along Balby Road, and passing Westfield Park, when I thought how beautiful the sky looked. “It looked so nice that I thought I would take a photograph. I took one, took another a bit further along the road, and then took another one after that. “I went home, and I showed the pictures to my wife. She enlarged the photo, and she saw a dot there. I checked the other two, and it wasn’t on them. “It’s not a bird, it’s not a plane - I don’t know what it is. There was something there I just can’t explain, and that I don’t recognise. “It is something out of the ordinary - I think that it’s a UFO. “It was silent, whatever it was, as I didn’t hear anything. “There may be life on other planets, I don’t know. “I’m open minded about UFOs - I suppose there is always the possibility. “But I do think I have seen something out of the ordinary. It’s in the distance, so I don’t think it can be a fly, and I think it is too big and too far away for it to be a drone.” Jarnel took his picture on Sunday May 8, at 8.07pm, his camera shows. n Do you think Jarnel’s picture is a UFO? You can comment on our website or facebook page.


  1. it,s an amazing one. Great job done here by the driver.

  2. What is the beam of light in the left side of the full picture? Looks like it curves onto to the water? It stops right by the thin cloud but is still lower or low as the sun.

    1. Cause probably the picture has been taken from the inside of the cab, it could be just a reflection

  3. You're right. Look above the beam at cloaked mothership hiding in the only cirular cloud in the sky at the time. Looks like a standard abduction operation with scout probe to distract any gov't jets or choppers. Fun being on the other side of tag and release experiments isn't it. Remember, you can judge a society by how it treats pets and animals.

  4. Strange that a taxi driver was walking home due to this appearing to have been taken through a dirty windshield. The curvature is possible reflection.

  5. Strange that a taxi driver was walking home due to this appearing to have been taken through a dirty windshield. The curvature is possible reflection.

  6. Strange that a taxi driver was walking home due to this appearing to have been taken through a dirty windshield. The curvature is possible reflection.

  7. Hey Scott,sorry for the repeats,first time blogging,long time fan.Keep up the great work.


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