
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY, U.S. Senator Richard Russell Sees UFO in USSR, Oct 13, 1955 UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 13, 1955
Location of sighting: Russian Federation

On this day in history, Senator Richard Russell in 1955 personally witnessed a UFO in Russian territory, which could be a sign that Russian government and aliens have or had a working agreement to help one another. Russia knows about the secret Apollo 18, 19 and 20 missions...not because they stole the documents, but because Russia and the USA had a joint recovery mission to Deporte Crater where they found two spacecraft that they explored and brought back some technology and a living alien in a coma like state. (Click here to see the Apollo 20 mission). 
Scott C. Waring

Report states: 
A standout amongst the most capable U.S. representatives in present day history really eye-saw two UFO's while on a reality discovering trip through Russia in 1955, and the U.S. government kept the sightings a mystery for over three decades. The extraordinary experience is itemized in 12 TOP SECRET CIA, FBI, and Air Force reports, and declassified in 1985. Those startling reports uncover that Senator Richard B. Russell, Jr. (D-GA), then executive of the Armed Services Committee, was on a Soviet prepare when he detected a circle formed art taking off close to the tracks. He swiftly called his military assistant and mediator to the window and they saw the UFO, in addition to another that showed up a moment later. The astounded trio announced the sightings to the U.S. Aviation based armed forces when they were out of Russia. 

The Air Force Intelligence report says Russell and his two voyaging sidekicks recognized the UFOs on October 4, 1955, while bridging Russia's Transcaucasus district. "One plate climbed vertically, at a generally moderate speed, with its external surface rotating gradually to one side, to an elevation of around 6000 feet, where its speed then expanded strongly as it traveled north," the report states. "The second flying plate was seen playing out similar activities around one moment later. The take-off region was around 1-2 miles south of the rail line." 


"The three onlookers were immovably persuaded that they saw a bona fide flying plate," says an Air Force Intelligence report, dated October 14, 1955, and characterized TOP SECRET at the time. Congressperson Russell served 38 years in the Senate. He was its senior, and a standout amongst the most powerful, legislators at the season of his demise in 1971. He was administrator of the Armed Services Committee from 1951 to 1969, and unsuccessfully looked for the Democratic Presidential assignment in 1952. The brain boggling records specifying his UFO experience were made accessible by the Fund for UFO Research and its chaiman, Dr. Bruce Maccabee. A few key archives were acquired by the gathering through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). "These long mystery archives are of significant significance since they appear surprisingly that a standout amongst the most effective U.S. Legislators saw and announced a UFO," said Dr. Maccabee. 

Russell "saw the principal flying circle climb and disregard the prepare," and went "surging into get Mr Efron (Ruben Efron, his mediator) and Col. Hathaway (Col. E. U. Hathaway, his helper) to see it," the report said. "Col. Hathaway expressed that he got to the window with the Senator so as to see the primary (UFO), while Mr. Efron said that he got just a short look at the first. In any case, every one of the three saw the second plate and all concurred that they saw the same round, circle formed art as the main." The Air Force report was composed by Lieut. Col. Thomas Ryan, who talked with Senator Russell's colleagues in Prague, Czechoslovakia, on October 13, after they touched base there from Russia soon after the locating. 

In his report, Col. Ryan called the sightings "an onlooker record of the rising and flight of an eccentric art by three very solid United States spectators. He included that Col. Hathaway opened his record of the sightings by saying: "I question if will trust this, yet we as a whole observed it. Representative Russell was the first to see this flying circle we've been told for a considerable length of time that there isn't a wonder such as this, however every one of us saw it." 

CIA records demonstrate that the office later met the three observers in the Russell party, and furthermore a fourth individual, unidentified in the reports, who had seen the UFO's. An onlooker, whose name was passed out on the CIA answer preceding its declassification said one of the UFO's "had a slight arch on top" and furthermore a "white light on top." The edge of the circle was shining pinkish-white, he included. The UFO rose "vertically with the sparkle moving gradually around the border in a clockwise bearing, giving the presence of a pinwheel." 

Translator Ruben Efron told the CIA that perceivability was fantastic. As one UFO moved toward the prepare, he stated, "the question gave the impression of skimming. No clamor was heard and no fumes was listened, and no fumes gleam or trail was seen by me." After the experience, Senator Russell told the men with him: "We saw a flying circle. I needed you young men to see it with the goal that I would have witnesses," as indicated by the CIA reports. What's more, a FBI update, dated November 4, 1955, additionally examines the locating, and conceded Col. Hathaway's declaration "would bolster presence of a flying circle" Dr. Maccabee, of the Fund for UFO Research, trusts that Senator Russell and his gathering never freely uncovered their mind blowing sightings "since they were most likely prompted not to talk. These archives give startling new confirmation that UFOs exist." 

Mr. Tom Towers, in his January 20, 1957, segment, "Flying News," for the Los Angeles, CA, Examiner, printed the substance of a letter from Senator Russell, which was in light of a demand for data about the sightings in Russia. Mr. Towers had initially reached Senator Russell's office by letter with the demand that he be offered authorization to "break" the story. The Senator expressed: "Allow me to recognize your letters with respect to reports that have come to you in regards to airborne articles found in Europe a year ago. I got your letter, yet I have examined this matter with the influenced organizations of the administration, and they are of the conclusion that it is not savvy to broadcast this matter right now. I lament particularly that I can't be of help to you." The letter was dated 17 January, 1956.