
International UFO Congress Met In Phoenix, Arizona This Week, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

This is awesome. The International UFO Congress met in Phoenix, Arizona this week. I have never gone, but only because I live in Taiwan. At the conference, you get to hear some of the most famous eyewitnesses speak out about what they saw and experienced during their encounter. When you see the faces of the individuals and their body language on stage, you truly feel their confidence in the sighting and know that this is important for you to not just hear, but to keep inside you so you can mull it over later to help you better understand. 

Everyone everywhere eventually sees a UFO in their lifetime, some more so, because they look up more often than others. If you haven't, its because you have not spent a few hours this week looking at the sky. Try it sometime. You might be surprised, but record it so others can share your experience too. Just believe and it will happen. Belief translates into your effort to search the sky. If you believe you can...then you will try harder. Which increases the chance of success.

Belief=effort (hours, days, weeks, months searching)
Scott C. Waring