Above is the original, cropped. Below is added light to see it better.
Date of sighting: April 15. 2017
Location of sighting: Grimby, Ontario, Canada
Source: MUFON #83168
I added light to bring out the true color...orange and purple of the UFO. Is it a UFO? It could be, but without hands on this one is going to be difficult to tell. You see, we need video of it moving, which tells us how smoothly it moves, if its moving because of wind or not, is it stopping and going, or other things. UFOs do come in all shapes and sizes and this could be one. Its defiantly unidentified, flying and an object. Awesome looking isn't it?
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
The object floated in air looked like a two face object with sails and wasp like lower half with egg shaped items 3 on front and disk like same in back. Its looked like a ship crossed with a egg and a wasp. Very Odd. its was observed on a cloudy day south of grimsby ontario and in the Leamington area. Police were advised and no other sightings were called in on this item. Still waiting for radar contact information. I have speculations however lets see if it exists in the physical sense. If you have ever seen this item or something that looks like it let me know. Thank you.