
Life Recorded On Mars! Moving Rock, 1 meter tall! Alien Animal Found, UFO Sighting News.


Hey everyone. I made a post about this 6 years ago, but I wanted to make an updated post so I made this video to go along with it. Did you notice the other two smaller black animals that moved...in photo number 4? I made the video and didn't notice it till I was finished. They might actually have a black exoskeleton and be crab like creatures. Here on earth, crabs exist in the sea, lakes, rivers, mountains, forests and jungles. They are very strong. 

Another possibility is growing rocks. Rocks that are living creatures, but not like we know them to be. I remember many years ago (4-6) William Rutledge...an astronaut now living in Rwanda spoke about his experience during his Apollo 20 mission. He said he saw yellow living rocks on the abandoned cigar shaped UFO in Deporte crater on the moon. He said they grew in size and a useful liquid chemical came out of them. NASA urls below. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan