
Key Shaped UFO Over Texas May Be Portal, June 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 4, 2021
Location of sighting: Denton County, Texas, USA

Watching this raw video taken from Texas during a family outing is mind-blowing. This UFO is like no other I have ever seen. The craft is standing upright and has a huge rectangle in its center. The eyewitnesses kids continue blowing bubble...oblivious to the alien craft passing overheard. But the father keeps his cool and tries his best to ignore the bubbles and keep focussed on the unusual shaped craft flying over them. This looks like a ring UFO that is typically round and makes clouds around it, however it has collapsed itself to appear thinner and long like a key. Its very possible that the opening within the center is actually a portal for alien craft to jump from location to location instantly...faster than light transportation. For this UFO to be over Texas...there must be a huge incoming or outgoing of ships in the near future. This...sounds like a big event coming soon in Texas. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
It’s an unidentified flying object to me because I don’t know what it was. We were sitting by the fire little ones had the bubbles going. Any idea? Deflated balloon of some sort? Almost looked like a parachute. 6/4/2021 8:57pm Denton County, Texas.

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