
AI Focused, UFO Powers Up, Shoots Off! Taipei, Taiwan Aug 2006, UAP Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 2006
Location of sighting: Taipei, Taiwan

Now I was sent this by a friend of the eyewitness back in 2006 so I know the date, time and location is 100% correct. Also this was a decade before all the fakes started rolling out of the USA, so the chances of this being fake is very small. This is raw footage and you can hear the panic in the Taiwanese girls voice as she yells to her husband in the living room..."Fa dee a, can dow!" Meaning UFO, come see! Yes, I lived in Taiwan for 25 years and I recognize the languages and their accent. Raw video guys, what are we looking at here? Because it looks like it's the best UFO video ever recorded due to 1st it holding still so close to the top of the building. 2nd the eyewitness is very close, living in the penthouse (top floor) apartment. 3rd the UFO is seen powering up. 4th the UFO shoots away showing its incredible speed and power. 
Scott C. Waring 

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