Showing posts with label визирование. Show all posts
Showing posts with label визирование. Show all posts


Long UFO Over Asian Temple In Vietnam During Overcast Day On Jan 2019, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 1, 2019
Location of sighting: Hue, Vietnam
Source: MUFON #97520

A person in Vietnam this week was at a temple when they noticed something strange having over the building. A long cigar shaped UFO having long ways. When the UFO was noticed it moved off and seemed to become less and less visible as the photo evidence already shows. I enlarge the UFO and added contrast so that we can see it in more detail, so each photo from the eyewitness has a close up of the craft. 

UFOs are frequently seen over temples and old structures, because they too have a high interest in human history and what we prefer to preserve. 

As you can see the cigar UFO is thinner at its top and then the same width all the way down the craft until it reaches the bottom which is a half circle. This is absolutely a solid object that suddenly realised its been spotted and tried to cloak itself as it moved away. Proof that aliens do make mistakes, because they got caught. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Interesting find out. 


200 Meter UFO Hovers over Russia Village, Attacked by Russian Jets and leaves area, UFO Sighting News.

200 Meter UFO Hovers over Russia Village, Attacked by Russian Jets and leaves area, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2011
Location of sighting: Village of Lesopilniy, Khabarovsk, Russia

One eyewitness states: "It was 200 meters in size, much bigger than a large passenger plane. Most residents hid in fear in their homes, however they sent one brave local out to spy on the craft."

An important UFO event has taken place yet again in Russia, receiving massive media attention in that nation while being blacked out by the international UFO cover-up in the West.

Residents of the village Lesopilniy in the region of Khabarovsk noticed a huge revolving object descend on the settlement. The alien spacecraft was described as glowing and two lights were seen on its body. Dozens of stunned locals, young and old, gathered on the streets as the object silently hovered just above the rooftops.

The object was picked up by military radar and soon flares and shots were fired at the UFO from a nearby military base. The object changed direction at this point and eventually shot off into the sky. The event lasted over two hours. A number of residents filmed the event on their mobile phone cameras, however the object was not visible when they replayed their clips.

It is now believed international talks, behind closed-doors, will commence and an investigation as to why the military fired on a peaceful alien craft far more capable of doing damage than any human contraption. Political leaders will be hoping that this action will not jeopardise Humanity's galactic standing, and will be put down to our primitive nature.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.


UFO flies near ISS as Russian astronaut space walks on CNN news cast, UFO Sighting news.

Date of sighting: May 12, 2011
Location of sighting: International Space Station.

This is an amazing video of a UFO flying around the ISS (International Space Station) with CNN trying to cover the news, but I believe CNN cut out the UFO object when reporting it on TV. Thats censorship!

Listen carefully to the russian astronaut as he tries to tell NASA about the UFO while he is doing the space walk, but he does not want to scream out the words UFO. He codes the words as "an object."

Take a look at this video and see what you think.

Russian source:

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.


May 10, 2004 In UFO History, Alien seen walking across street in Santiago, Chile, UFO Sighting News.

May 10, 2004 In UFO History, Alien seen walking across street in Santiago, Chile, UFO Sighting News.

Note, this looks like the dead alien found dead in Russian snow last week.

Date of sighting: May 10, 2004
Location of sighting: Parque Forestal, Santiago, Chile

Source: Germán Pereira / Corporacion de Investigacion de Fenomenos Aereos (CIFAE), Chile

Report from the witness, Civil Engineer Germán Pereira:

I'm from Concepción and have been working in Santiago for little over a a year. On May 10 this year I decided to take some photos at Parque Forestal, taking some 10 shots which I downloaded to my PC the following day .

Click photo to enlarge.

I thought it would be interesting to photograph a group of Carabineros (state police) on horseback patrolling the sector. The photo was taken at 17:40 hrs approximately from the corner of JM de la Barra and Av. Cardenal José María Caro, in front of bellas Bellas Artes and looking east.

It was a cloudy day and the sun was hidden, for which reason my digital camera ( Kodak DX6490) adjusted to low speed (1/10 seg.).
This is the reason why the photo shows motion (those knowledegable about photography will know the reason why)Furthermore, the Carabineros were som 20 meters distant, and I employed the camera's optical zoom (10x) which added to the blurred result.

The fact is that I am very impressed by this image. I attest to the fact that it is not a fraud nor anything similar. For this reason I have made it public and I contacted the staff of CIFAE Chile. I would like to know the true nature of the image that appears in it and if anyone has ever caught anything similar in a photo. Nothing more.

Germán Pereira A. Ing. Civil Mecánico

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.