Showing posts with label Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada. Show all posts


UFO In Canada Lands In Field Then Buzzes Over Neighborhood, June 4, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 4, 2014
Location of sighting: St Polycarpe, Canada
Click to enlarge.

This is a unique video of a UFO that was recorded in Canada just three weeks ago. The eyewitness speaks only French, but tries hard to explain where he saw it, when he saw it and what it looked like. If you want to see the UFO  in the video then jump to the 3:25 mark. What I do understand is that he believes that this UFO was far back in the distance landed near a line of tall trees, but then recorded it close up a bit later. Really cool and this golden oval orb is amazing. SCW


UFO sighting reported in British Colombia, Canada On March 2014, Causing Fire Fighters To Worry, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2014
Location of sighting: Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia, Canada

Maple ridge fire department is freaking out believing these orbs may be Chinese lantern, however these glowing UFOs have been seen around the world and performing some extraordinary madders at speeds many times faster than any military jet. On eyewitness stated, "They were bright red and slightly moving." Then continued saying, "I don't think they were candle lanterns, as they were so bright." It is unlikely that these orbs are lanterns since BC law prohibits their sale and use. Its always best to stick with the eyewitnesses testimony over those who did not see the UFOs. SCW


UFO Sighting In Nantan, Alberta, Canada March 16, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 16, 2014
Location of sighting: Nantan, Alberta, Canada

CBC News states:
Martine says when they went out on the porch for a closer look the lights quickly flew towards them, spooking their cattle. "Then the light just started coming straight at us and it went straight over our house and headed to the northwest behind us," said Martine. "I've never seen anything like that before." Martine's 14-year-old daughter Baylie tried to take a picture of the objects with her cellphone, but said the camera was acting weird. "The picture went completely green and later on that night it ended up deleting itself." Sam Martine was able to get her DSLR camera working, but only got a few photos. They are still not sure what they saw but the story is getting plenty of attention on the internet. (Read full report at source).


Defense Minister of Canada Announces On TV News That Aliens Are Here To Help Humanity, Dec 30, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Video: December 30, 2013
Star Witness: Defense Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer

True, Paul has said this a lot and on many news shows, but this was aired this week and every time he says it, it make thousands of more people aware that aliens exist. Each time is a giant step forward toward disclosure. SCW

RT News States: 
He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer.


Canada's former Minister of Defence, Hellyer Announces That Aliens Are Real And Among Us Now! Video, UFO Sighting News.

News states: 
Paul Hellyer recently stirred up global controversy when he testified before a half-dozen former US representatives that aliens exist. As Canada's former Minister of Defence, Hellyer is the first and only cabinet-ranking official from a G8 nation to publicly state a belief in extraterrestrials.

MOTHERBOARD visits Paul Hellyer at his cottage in the sleepy and scenic woods of Ontario to find out more about his extraterrestrial claims. This is Paul Hellyer in real life.


Glowing Orbs Seen Over Whitby, Ontario, Canada On August 13, 2013. Email Report.

Email Report.
Date of sighting: August 13, 2013
Location of sighting: Whitby, Ontario, Canada

I believe these are actually glowing orbs, but because of the camera moving while taking the photo it appears longer like a disk. Cool report. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
On Tuesday August 13, 2013 at approximately 10:15pm, my wife and I witnessed four bright coloured lights in a square formation heading south east of our home in Whitby, Ontario.  The night was dark and there was low cloud cover.  With the windows open, we listened to silence and wondered what kind of object could be flying so low and not making any noise. I grabbed my camera to get a shot of these lights.  As I was doing this another light appeared overhead and followed the four.  The light appeared round with brilliant reflection above and below the object and slightly less to each side.  Again the fifth object made no noise and was moving in succession toward the others slowly.  The first four slowly disappeared into the clouds one at a time.  Moments after seeing the fifth object, a sixth object appeared moving in the same south east direction and this time appeared to be at a lower elevation that the first four and fifth object.  It's light was bright and appear as yellowish with a redish hue.  It proceeded SE until it also disappeared in the cloud cover overhead.  
I have never see such a thing and remain freaked out by what I saw as it is without explanation; the speed, formation, shape, colour and reflective properties of the objects, soundlessness.  I don't know but every horror movie I have seen stuck in my head (Sphere, Independence Day).  
The pictures taken from my phone from a second floor bedroom window facing the south east sky, just don't do it justice.  You have to see it with the naked eye to believe it. Still in shock! 


Bigfoot Discovered In Alberta, Canada After Flooding, July 2013, Possible Alien Species.

Date of discovery: July 2013
Location of discovery: Bow Valley, Alberta, Canada

Rather than being a missing link between man and the apes, Bigfoot may possibly be an alien entity. This intriguing possibility is derived from evidence in several solid UFO cases. The earliest clues date back to 1888, when a cattleman described an encounter with friendly Indians in Humboldt County, California. They led him to a cave where he saw a hefty humanoid creature covered in long, shiny black hair, with no neck, sitting cross-legged. One Indian told him three of these "Crazy Bears" had been cast out of a small moon that dropped from the sky and landed.The "moon" then ascended back into the air. So it's highly likely the "Crazy Bears" were really Bigfoots, and the "moon," a spacecraft. SCW

News states: 
(SNN) – The recent mass flooding in southern Alberta has exposed a rotting corpse of what is believed to be the legendary Sasquatch. Cryptozoologists worldwide are lining up to examine the remains, which were located by a hiker along the Bow River, northwest of Canmore, Alberta.
Eminent Paleontologist Wally Johnson has conducted a preliminary site examination of the remains, and has discovered that the carcass appears to be ancient. “I can report that from the bone structure, stature and a comparison of the mandibles and teeth, that I believe the remains are that of a Gigantopithecus.”
“We have always believed that the Sasquatch, Yeti, or even Bigfoot, if you will, was really a surviving clan of Hominids connected to the line of Gigantopithecus.” stated Cryptozoologist Coren Lowman, “The find near Canmore is extraordinary!”
With the massive rains of June which washed away ancient glaciers of the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies, scientists are speculating that the remains may have been frozen high in the rockies for many years.
This is the first report of a Gigantopithecus within North America. The first fossils of this creature were originally found in China.
One cryptid theory is that the creature “Sasquatch” migrated across the Bering sea bridge into North America and hides out in mountainous regions. No living Gigantopithecus has ever been found and the known fossil records indicate that the creature lived one hundred thousand years ago.
“This is the find of a lifetime,” stated Lowman, “Only a climate event such as what was witnessed in Southern Alberta this year could wash this beast's remains into the banks of the Bow River.”


UFOs Seen Using Night Vision In Vancouver, Canada On July 13, 2013.

Date of sighting: July 13, 2013
Location of sighting: Vancouver, Canada

Eyewitness states:
Watch all!!! Captured with my usual Yukon Night vision monocular . Tonight was just amazing, made up for the last 3 very slow nights. You know when "they" want to check out an area they come all at once. There were so many orbs(still can't get them to stop for a visit close up), UFOa I could not capture all., even this 7 mins or so was reduced dramatically, they wouldn't stop hovering and zipping by my balcony. Orbs started first and then the crafts...please be patient as some interesting surprises in this clip. Wish you all could experience the amount of action in just over an hour skies of Vancouver...sorry again for the quality, still learning the process!! 


UFOs Over Lindsay, Ontario, Canada On June 30, 2013.

Date of sighting: June 30, 2013
Location of sighting: Lindsay, Ontario, Canada

Eyewitness states:
This evening, June 30th, about 10:20 pm, in Lindsay, Ontario,Canada, my wife, myself, my 21 year old daughter and her     fiancé were outside at our patio table having a smoke, and    saw an orange-ish beige light in a cylinder shape cutting        across the sky much faster than a was quite low,    wierd thing, it seemed to be flying sideways, it took about 10  seconds to go from horizon to seemed low,  but    rose higher and higher and disappeared,,,,about 3 minutes     later we saw another on following a similar pattern.  About 5 minutes later we saw some else, blinking lights, one white,    one green, one red....traveling much slower in the same        direction. ( probably a plane.

The 1st 2 lights were quite bright, with no sound. I am curious if other locals saw this phenomenon....That's all I have.....    J.L.                   


Orbs Caught coming close to trees at Ski Resort In Canada, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 2-18-2013
Location of sighting: Sunshine Valley, Canada

This infrared cam footage caught more that it was designed for when it caught many orbs moving nearby.  This is footage taken from a ski resort at Sunshine Valley. The night footage reveals orbs because this is an ir camera and if it were a regular camera there probably would be nothing there at all. If NASA uses ir cameras in space...doesn't it make you wonder why?  SCW


UFO Sighting Of Three Orbs Over Toronto, Canada On March 2013.

Date of sighting: March 17, 2012
Location of sighting: Toronto, Canada

Eyewitness states: 
Starts with a chain of 5-6 orbs, separates and reforms throughout video. Top orb looks to be dark blue, with the middle ones a greenish color and the bottom an orangeish-white. Pause and play from around the 1:30 mark.


UFO Orb With Long Tail Seen Over Alberta, Canada, Sept 23, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: September 23, 2012
Location of sighting: Alberta, Canada

Its very rare to see these UFOs during the daytime. Few videos of this style of craft exist except of night video shots over the last few years. Below is the actual video of the event and I want you to compare it to a sighting that happened in Hong Kong last year that flew in a formation that created the mathematical symbol for INFINITY. Many similarities over all in flight pattern, shape, tail and how they just fade and disappear. SCW


Three UFO Orbs Glowing Over Niagara Falls, Canada Sept 11, 2012, Video.

Date of sighting: September 11, 2012
Location of sighting: Niagara Falls, Canada

This is a great capture of UFO orbs over Niagara Falls this week. The person that recorded the video said he was holding the night vision goggles in front of the camcorder to see the objects better. There appears to be three glowing orbs in this video but may be more and they assume the triangle formation several times. But we are left with a question...why are they there of all places? SCW

Sidenote: feel free to re-blog any of our sightings on your own site. Share the knowledge. 


UFO Buzzes Over Toronto, Canada During Lighting Storm, July 23, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: July 23, 2012
Location of sighting: Toronto, Canada

White UFO orbs and disks have been recorded many times during Cloudy lightning storms, this video is a great example but watch it in full screen and HD mode to see it well. This reminds me of the Nortre Dame Stadium UFO sighting when the stadium had to be evacuated twice and multiple white UFOs shot out of the clouds on national TV on Sep 3, 2011 (click here to view).


Canadian Farmer Says Aliens Are Killing His Cattle - June 15, 2012

Date of sighting: June 15, 2012
Location of sighting: Eastern New Brunswick, Canada

June 15, 2012 - A Canadian farmer has lost at least 250 cows in the past 10 years. While the government has charged him and says he failed to feed them, the farmer claims death rays are killing his cattle.

Werner Bock has posted plenty of YouTube videos in recent years detailing his cattle's malnourished appearance, sunken features and hair loss. He declares that his cows were the victims of "death rays," some form of alien weapon that's been covered up by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

"At least 250 head of cattle have died from what we call a death beam," Bock said on camera in May of last year. "Where the atmospheric air is manipulated into a death beam, focused on the noses of the animals."

The animals breath in the death beam and slowly die, the eastern New Brunswick farmer claims.



UFO In Daytime Over Montreal, Canada On June 6, 2012.

Date of sighting: June 6, 2012
Location of sighting: Montreal, Canada

Eyewitness states: 
I was hanging out on my back balcony garden when I noticed a red shape floating in the sky. The deep red colour of the object didn't come through very well on the video for some reason, but I could definitely see it. The object was floating back and forth in roughly a north-south trajectory over a 40 minute period. It was roughly 2000-3000 feet in the sky, approximately 10 feet in diameter. The object moved both with purpose and randomly, it changed shape from spherical to a square-ish shape and back a few times and changed colour from red to black once. It was flying both against and with a northerly wind (coming from the left in the video). It flew off to the north after about 45 minutes and disappeared.


Black UFO Seen Skimming The Clouds Over Vancouver BC, Canada June 4, 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: June 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Another video appeared today of a black disk like objects moving in the sky. This object seems to skim the edges of the cloud rather than go into the blue sky. The object does not look like a cloud orb, but is black and oval like. This is defiantly controlled by an intelligence the way it stays inside the cloud to hide it. SCW


2 UFOs flying over Stouffville, Ontario, Canada 20 May 2012

Date of sighting: May 20, 2012
Location of sighting: Stouffville, Ontario, Canada
Source: MUFON

Eyewitness states:  On May 20 2012 around 8:35pm five of us walked out of my house in Stouffville, Ontario, Canada (just NE of Toronto) It was around sunset - don't remember seeing the sun setting & think it was already below the horizon. The temperature was comfortable - probably at least 20 degrees Celsius. No wind. The West sky had a red-orange glow to it. The 5 of is witnessed what we feel was a UFO sighting. Two brilliant red round objects emerged from the North, flew towards us in unison, and then changed direction to the west. I first thought the sun was reflecting off the wings of an airplane, but did not see an airplane shape nor did I hear any airplane sounds. I started a process of elimination & felt strongly it was not an airplane, a helicopter, a comet, or a balloon. The five of us were trying to figure what this was, but only figured out what it was not. My wife wanted her glasses so she could get a clearer view so I RAN back inside the house, couldn't find her glasses and came out with a digital camera instead. I started filming at 8:36pm, but at that time there was a small penny sized white circle getting fainter - just like someone started to dim its light, and it disappeared. Two minutes later the 2 bright red lights appeared again in same place that I saw the 1st set of two - in the North. I was thinking that what I saw did an elliptical type track - from the north, headed south, turned towards the west, and then circled around to its original position. I also thought that as an alternative this 2nd set may be a completely new set of lights(and not the 1st). I started filming it at 8:38pm. The 2 objects appeared to take thesame path as the 1st set of objects. I only saw bright red as the dominant colour. Did not really notice the green until a replay of the video, and the white only when it started to fade in the west. I wasn't sure if the objects were fading because they were getting further away or the lights were dimming.


Jellyfish UFO Captured Over Toronto, Canada On Video/Photos April 2012 News.

Date of sighting: April 12, 2012 
Location of sighting: Toronto, Canada

This one although in April has just released the video recently. A very popular UFO shape that has been seen around the world is the JELLYFISH UFO. This is especially popular in Russia. 

Eyewitness states: "Pause at 0:52. This thing came down from above the clouds, slowly descending for about a minute before I began filming. Some sort of plastic bag? Then how can the "eyeballs" and "tentacles" be explained? Did it land and hop away? Who knows... quite odd."


UFO Over Street In Vancouver, Canada On May 9, 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: May 9, 2012
Location of sighting: Vancouver, Canada

Eyewitness states: "What we saw when we were walking home. Check out the 2nd. Half of the video, there is a slow motion sequence where you can see clearly it shape and movement. Enjoy!"

In this video the person fumbles with the camera because they were walking on a sidewalk when they noticed the UFO. You will notice them begin to run and the video gets jumpy because the UFO disappeared behind a tree and they are running to look on the other side.