Showing posts with label Ceres. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ceres. Show all posts


White Alien buildings Found On Earths Moon, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon, 

These white ceramic like buildings are very common on most moons and planets in our solar system. Here are some nice close ups of these buildings, very similar to that which is found also on dwarf planet Ceres...except that one is a white cube pyramid surround by tiny white structures. They look like normal structures like we might see on Google Earth map...I guess aliens are not so different from us after all.
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states: 
The thumbnail is of the Luna 17 lander which nasa released today. The linked photo I found by reading the text on where it landed and getting the very large original photo. I could not find the lander but found these instead. Streetcap1.


Martian Deity Found By NASA Rover, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 25, 2016
Location of sighting: Mars, Sol1450
Source photo:

This Mars face was discovered by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube and its fantastic! The face has on a crown, a symbol of power and authority over others. It also has a mustache which means is probably least in my neighbourhood. Its also has an indention on its forehead, which I believe to be a third eye. If you remember the Apollo 20 covert mission, the alien pilots body was received since it was in a status...coma-like state and she had a third eye in this location too. These faces we find are these most important alien artefacts that can ever be discovered, other than finding a living intelligent one. The faces reveal their personality, their past stress, and how similar or dissimilar they are from humanity. We are so very close. 
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states:
Another interesting anomaly found on mars, this time a weathered head, which in my opinion is an ancient statue, with a headdress. I originally rebuilt the artifact in profile but I decided to rebuild the whole face instead. I have processed and colorized the image but apart from that I have added nothing, which proves its half of a face, a mirrored image of a rock would look like a rock, colorized or not.

To answer a person in comments below, this is a screenshot of the object he was talking about in this photo. 



UFO Over Zapopan Jalisco Mexico Glows Like Holy Cross, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 2016
Location of sighting: Zapopan Jalisco, Mexico

Here is a sighting fresh in from Mexico. A UFO that resembles a glowing holy cross was seen and could be a sign of good things to come on this planet. A sign of hope. This UFO is remarkably beautiful and is like nothing I have ever seen in reports before. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states: 
A UFO captured in Zapopan Jalisco Mexico in November of this year, which remained static for a long time.

UFO Photographs From Himeji City Japan - Aug 1976, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  Aug 1976
Location of sighting:  Himeji, Japan

Here is a very interesting report from back in 1976 in Japan. This UFO is 100% identical to the one seen here in Taiwan about 10 years ago. Slow speed, dark, small. Click here to see that old 2010 sighting. Its the same UFO but more light so you can see its metallic surface. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Report states: 
In late August of 1976, 11-year-old Hiroshi Tsutsui of Himeji City, Japan, and two of his friends were playing near his home when they spotted a dark object moving towards them in the sky.

Hiroshi captured four color photos of the object as it silently flew overhead. 

This was the not the first time they witnessed this object. A month prior it was seen and photos were attempted, but they were unable to get the exposure correct.

The photos came to light when an employee in a photo shop noticed the strange pictures while going through processing and made a note to call the photographer. 

He also contacted a UFO research organization and advised them of the photos and the photographer. 

An examination of the photographs by photo experts failed to show any evidence of fraud. The object progression in the series of images is consistent and it grows in size as it approaches until a definite structured form is visible.


Alien Cities Found On Venus IS 100% Proof Venus Is Inhabited Now. Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 24, 2016
Location of sighting: Venus

This is a great video that shows structures on Venus. Theres structures were made into computer renderings to make them more clear. Recorded but he Magellan probe, few people care to look for structures in this map, but the fact is, its easy to find them here. Much easier than on moon maps. 
Scott C. Waring

Mondodesconocido of Youtube states: 
The Magellan probe sent to Venus that operated in the late 80s and 90s, collected an enormous amount of images that have finally been published by NASA in which huge cities, artificial structures and all kinds of elements that seem to obey constructions appear intelligent effected by some kind of alien race that inhabited or colonized the second planet in our solar system, in the following video, we show those buildings that we have found and their interpretations in 3 Dimensions of them. The Link where the maps is as follows, where you can check yourself the images shown in the video as well as find new locations with suspiciously artificial elements.

Giant UFO Passes Venus And Sun, Caught On SOHO Images, Nov 18, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 18, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

A very long UFO passed by the SOHO/NASA satellite on the 18th of Nov. It was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube and is clearly long rectangular shape. 

Certainly a ship like this looks boring, but anti gravity tech could make an elephant fly, so some alien species will focus on efficiency over aesthetic beauty. You could understand how one would be more useful than the other. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Fleet Easily Seen On Moons Horizon With Camera, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 13, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths moon

Its been known by a lot of astronomers that if the edge of the moon is observers well enough, you will see fleets of UFOs in orbit move around the moons horizon. These objects are clearly in orbit around the moon and may be there to protect the moon from humanity. 

We haven't been back to the moon since the Apollo missions, and there is no intention of going back. Many Apollo astronauts have stated that they saw UFOs near on and near the moon, so maybe these objects are a form of protection from future Apollo missions landing on the moon. It may be owned by a species thats not so friendly about sharing. 

The video was recorded by Geril Vigil of Youtube, but brought to my attention by Mister Enigma of Youtube
Scott C. Waring

White Structure On Dwarf Planet Ceres Comes Into Focus...Its A Giant Base! Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 21, 2016, photo taken Nov 15, 2016
Location of discovery: Dwarf Planet Ceres

This is the dwarf planet Ceres and this photo was released by NASA just this week, so its as fresh as it gets. I noticed they had a great shot of the white spots on Ceres, so I decided to have a go at it. 

I only added shadow to the photo to bring it into focus. The white ceramic-like surface of the building is difficult to see unless its I made it darker. 

As you can see, the largest of the white spots came into focus and is really a massive building complex. There is a tall main part of the building that is like a mountain at its center. Around that building, there are a lot of small vining out buildings surrounding it. 

This is what NASA didn't want you to see. 

As I have said before, there are three main types of buildings on planets, moons and asteroids. The black non-reflective chaotic structures...appear to be grown instead of made. The smaller white ceramic bright white structures, clearly not grown, but made. And then the smallest of all the buildings, the grey metal structures which are often seen surrounding the edges of the tall black buildings. 

Ceres is controlled by a species that only uses the white ceramic structures...which means one main species is in control of it. Its my guess that the Tall White alien species who were given a small part of Nellis AFB to live, also are the inventors of this white ceramic material used for many structures. It just makes sense. 
Scott C. Waring


Structures Found On Planet Ceres That Confirm Black Bases Miles Across, Sept 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 12, 2016
Location of discovery: Ceres
NASA Photo:

These buildings are on dwarf planet Ceres. NASA would like you to think that there is no life in our solar system. That Ceres and every other planet has no structures and alien have never laid claim to them...however the proof is in the pudding. You see a honeycomb structures along different parts of the buildings. You can see they were made to look like the native environmental color of the surround area. The structures are basically camouflaged for safety reasons. 
Scott C. Waring


The Bright Spots On Ceres Are Blinking! March 16, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

 Both upper and lower photos are the same object, but lower was told to public first, then later NASA showed the upper photo saying it was the same object...but apparently NASA changed objects.

Date of article: March 16, 2016
Location of sighting: Dwarf Planet Ceres
News source:

Astronomers on Earth decided to observe Ceres bright spots and noticed that they blink every 9 hours. Like a light house signal but instead of across the ocean, its across the solar system. Its a signal, but is it an early warning signal, a greeting, a radar tower or what? We may never know in our lifetime, but I am sure its there for a purpose.  Maybe we should signal back. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
All right, maybe not blinking like a flashlight (or a beacon on the tippity-top of a communication tower—don’t even start that speculation up) but the now-famous “bright spots” on the dwarf planet Ceres have been observed to detectably increase and decrease in brightness, if ever-so-slightly. And what’s particularly interesting is that these observations were made not by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, currently in orbit around Ceres, but from a telescope right here on Earth. Researchers using the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) instrument on ESO’s 3.6-meter telescope at La Silla detected “unexpected” changes in the brightness of Ceres during observations in July and August of 2015. Variations in line with Ceres’ 9-hour rotational period—specifically a Doppler effect in spectral wavelength created by the motion of the bright spots toward or away from Earth—were expected, but other fluctuations in brightness were also detected. “The result was a surprise,” said Antonino Lanza from the INAF–Catania Astrophysical Observatory, co-author of the study. “We did find the expected changes to the spectrum from the rotation of Ceres, but with considerable other variations from night to night.” (More at source).


Dwarf Planet Ceres Has Face Of Jesus On It, Dec 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

It the building above, there is a triangle entrance and a square entrance...did you see them both?

Updated: Dec 5 added color to photos at the request of readers to help them see what I describe. SCW

Date of discovery: December 3, 2015
Location of discovery: Dwarf Planet Ceres
Source photo:

I wanted to check out the latest Ceres photos and found this interesting polar views of the dwarf planet. On it I found not one, but literally thousands of tiny structures that are grouped together in different locations. There were also faces. One face even looks like the Mother Marry, the other looks like Jesus...and I'm not a religious guy in the least. The face is even more similar to the Shroud of Turin face. 

I also found about 50+ structures that were blurred out by photoshop at NASAs Johnson Space Center (they do that there). 

Take a look and see. Ceres is a lot more than NASA wants us to know. It has a large population of alien species currently living on it. 
Scott C. Waring

Above is a structure in yellow below a face. 

Above I had to add light so you can see it and added yellow to the buildings. Original below.

Above face is looking left, can you see his eye? The right side of his face is covered in hair.

Above looks like a face of Virgin Marry.