Host: George Noory
Guests: Kim Carlsberg, Brad Steiger, Robert D. Miles, Miriam Delicado, Travis Walton
Artist and photographer Kim Carlsberg discussed her first conscious alien abduction, the nature of the extraterrestrials who took her, the hybrid children resulting from the abductions, and the military bases where she was taken. Her experiences began in 1988 with a vivid UFO sighting in Malibu. Her first abduction followed, where she found herself paralyzed inside an elevator, and receiving telepathic information. She was taken into a huge room with hundreds of tables, with unconscious human beings on them. She described the aliens who were conducting tests as looking like "anorexic Pillsbury Doughboys,"-- about 3 and a half feet tall with big heads, and big eyes.
The aliens have been extracting human DNA to create hybrids, Carlsberg explained. "I believe some of them [the hybrids] are already here...I've met many of my hybrid children and they are exceptional beings. They are so superior to the greys and the humans in so many ways, because they've got the best of both worlds," she revealed. While some abductions can be brutal and frightening, she believes the ETs are here to help us evolve. She also described military involvement in some of her abductions, as well as experiencing disturbing military interrogations after some of her ET encounters.
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