Showing posts with label Cow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cow. Show all posts


Cow Being Abducted By UFO Over Montana, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 29, 2016
Location of sighting: Montana, USA

For a long time, farmers of cattle across the planet had to deal with animal mutilations and all the evidence points to most of the incidents having really happened and that the animals were surgically opened, with parts missing. I am currently looking for the person who posted these photo, till then, what do you think?
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
nbelievable Montana, USA 29/02/2016 Cattle mutilation (also known as bovine excision[1]) is the killing and mutilation of cattle under unusual, usually bloodless and anomalous circumstances. Worldwide sheep, horses, goats, pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, deer and elk have been reported mutilated with similar bloodless excisions, often an ear, eyeball, jaw flesh, tongue, genitals and rectum are removed. Since the time that reports of animal mutilations began, various explanations have been offered ranging from natural decomposition and normal predation, to cults and secretive governmental and military agencies, to a range of unscientific speculations including as cryptid predators (like the Chupacabra), and extraterrestrials. Mutilations have been the subject of two independent federal investigations in the United States.


Old Horse Found With Eyes And Anus Cut Out, Farm In Argentina July 2013.

Date of discovery: July 2013
Location of discovery: Fernandez, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Translated from Spanish

This horse was found this way by its owner in the town of Fernández, Santiago del Estero.

The peculiarity of the case is that the animal was aged, so it is presumed he died in those days, then late the next morning they discovered a sharp cut in the eye area and one in the anus area.

Given this information, we asked the farmer for photographs of wounds so we could share the pictures.

The photos we received, show a cut with the total eye organ missing. It also has a cut in the skin about the eye bowl (2 cm. Approximately), with flush cutting areas and areas with irregularities cuts, similar to the action of the knife.

Anal area, may be a flat, circular section of approximately 18 cm in diameter, with detachment of the bristles of the queue, a "kind" rising above the anus.

It is noteworthy that around the body, on the ground, we did see the typical kicking the dying animal, with many marks.

No residual blood is observed, or the eye socket, or around the anus. Also on the ground. Yes appreciated, fresh bleeding hinted in one of the nostrils.


Equine owner expressed surprise at the cut that appeared in the eye area, saying that he had never seen anything like it.
Moreover, during the night he did not hear any noise, nor any evidence of action of scavengers such as crows, common in the area.

He stated that they did not work on the body with knives, and if someone had, by the proximity of the animal to the house, they would have heard, because the farm has dogs that alert any them of any movement.


White house panics over cow abduction and mutilation by aliens, UFO Sighting News.

White house panics over cow abduction and mutilation by aliens, UFO Sighting News.

The FBI releases more declassified "The Vault" files, which have reveals how the White House was sent into a panic by suspected alien cows mutilation.

More than 8,000 cattle were snatched by mystery aircraft, mutilated, then dropped from the skies above the US south west in the late 1970s, special agents told their directors.

Terrified farmers in New Mexico, Nebraska and Colorado feared they would be ripped apart by extraterrestrials in flying saucers.

One investigator set out his theory: "These animals are picked up by aircraft, mutilated elsewhere and returned and dropped from aircraft.

"Identical mutilations have been taking place all over the south west. Whoever is responsible is well organised with boundless technology, financing and secrecy."

Source :

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel TaiwanSCW. Please follow me on Twitter, I'm @SCWbooks ☯